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I know a guy that was brought here illegally when he was 3 years old. His parents came with a tourist visa they stayed and let it expired. Now hes 25 but the last thing you would think is that that guy is illegal, I was shock, he is white (from uruguay, south america, next to Argentina) and he does everything a young american would do. Now if inmigration catch that guy and deport him, dont you think it will be frustrating for him? this country is all he knows since he was little. Hes been through a lot though, he finished high school with very good grades, but he could not go to college because he was illegal, so hes now working. Now tell me what do you think about this case. I mean to me he is american because he behave and act like it, he was raised here and this is everything he knows. I think the US. should give people like that a break, what do you think ?

2006-07-22 15:42:56 · 11 answers · asked by Jordan 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

11 answers

Well the problem is we have done that and now everywhere we go we see more latinos than whites in some places. Don't get me wrong. I am not anti-immigration but I do have a problem with ppl going around the system.

Part of my ancestors came here legally and built a new life. And trust me, if you think INS is hard now, you should have seen it after WW2. You had to be in perfect health, have a certain amount of money, and already know someone.

I think a lot of Americans are feeling threatened because we have lost our job security which is not the illegals fault; but, they are here working so ppl are focusing on them.

2006-07-22 15:46:27 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 0

It would be nice if America could do that for his particular case, but how should all of the legal immigrants who have been living here in American, going through all of the necessary steps with which to acquire citizenship, feel about it? Why should they have gone through all of the bureaucracy and tests when they could have just lived here unnoticed and then became citizens without having to bother themselves? I think the policy that the illegal immigrants must wait their turn behind all of the people currently going through the legal process. They cut the line by coming here illegally, and it is not fair to those who have been standing on line for years.

My best friend grew up here from 5 years old, and she finally became a citizen at 11 years old. I remember when she had to take her test and get her necessary papers, it was quite an ordeal, but now she is a US citizen. The illegal immigrants shouldn't complain about things that they did, a position in life that they put themselves into. By illegally immigrating to another country, you take on the burden of maybe being arrested and deported. And if people are willing to take that risk for their kids and then their children have to pay the price down the line, like your friend, then that is a shame, and he should gripe about it to his parents, or just be grateful for the education and resources he recieved here before they were found out. They shouldn't expect the US government to give them a free pass when they cheated the system in the first place.

2006-07-22 22:52:37 · answer #2 · answered by Stephanie S 6 · 0 0

America is a country, American is a person that comes from that country, not exactly born in that country. Also it doesn't matter if he is white. Color has nothing to do with countries. There is a diversity of colors in all countries, different shades of white, black or whatever.
This case you present is exactly the issue. you can't send people back to what would be a foreign country for them. It is totally against human rights.
We cannot take a generalized position for the 12 million or so illegal immigrants.
The government's failure on past immigration laws cannot be a punishment for these people.
It should be what is going to be done now. You are supposed to fix mistakes, not dwell on them and blame everyone except the one in charge.

2006-07-22 23:50:57 · answer #3 · answered by diehard0603 4 · 0 0

Hes been through a lot
it will be frustrating for him
this country is all he knows

My Response Is This

If We Allow Exceptions For SOME
When Do The Exceptions Stop??
After All 20 Million Have Been Excepted??

Your Friend Had MANY YEARS To Become A Citizen
And Chose NOT To
Till The $HIT Starts Hittin The Fan


Citizenship Comes With RESPONSIBILITY
And Those Desiring Citizenship
Should Make That A PRIORITY


2006-07-22 23:17:15 · answer #4 · answered by JD 2 · 0 0

Hello. There was a similiar case to this, but it was about a Mexican who 'sneaked' into Canada. When the INS (Canadian vesion) caught up to this fellow they said "get out". However- in this case, this fellow had many Canadian Citizen friends who were willing to testify to his good behavior as a citizen. This group petitioned the government, and the illegal was officialy given Canadian Citizenship by the government. It did take some time, but he won out. My point- perhaps something similiar could be done in USA? I am from Legal Immigrant ancestors. They fought in the revolution and had gotten citizenship. I do not approve of those who sneak across my border, pay no taxes, make a small fortune (USA currency Vs 'Other Country' ), then hightail it right back where they came from, never offering anything to the country they wanted to work in. I don't get a Free Lunch-why should anyone else? I have relatives that are Latin, in a nearby country.I even have a relative from an Asian country. They went through all the "Fuss" of legalization- It was THAT important to them. It took a few years, yes, but no one can say they never put in the time to get something that was worth waiting for. If you are going to put in the time to work here, you can extend that time by Applying, can't you? If you get turned down-think of how much more money you did make in that time?Seems like many foreign people to USA feel we are "The Land Of The Free", made of Immigrants planetwide,so anyone should just be able to c'mon in, and do whatever yall want, with no penalty and all reward. It dosen't work like that. Their Loyalty to a nation never enters into the picture.

2006-07-22 23:14:13 · answer #5 · answered by matenmoe 3 · 0 0

I don't feel sorry for him he's been here long enough to have become an American citizen.. No joke why in the world did he not become an American by now ... Its not like he could not have known .. some of these people are going to have to take a little responsibility for their own actions...

2006-07-22 22:54:25 · answer #6 · answered by ralphtheartist 3 · 0 0

I say if he cared he should have become a LEGAL citizen instead of using our country and not respect it.
I don't care what he has done or does with his life,if he can't do it the right way at this age he SHOULD be deported.

2006-07-23 00:01:36 · answer #7 · answered by cmeand3 3 · 0 0

What does he think? Does he want to be an American citizen? Why doesn't he go thru the process to gain citizenship?

2006-07-22 22:48:29 · answer #8 · answered by blocheredna 2 · 0 0

Yes, absolutely.
Anybody that doesn't think so, imagine, that in one hour someone comes to YOU, and tells you that you aren't really American, and gives you the story that asker told above, applied to YOU.
Now What?
What would you think? What would you do?

2006-07-22 22:48:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is his parents fault/ problem....why would they do that to him?? No breaks cause then you would have everyone screaming for a break too.....you can't just say ok you get a break, but hey you over there no break for you. The laws have to be consistent.

2006-07-22 22:49:26 · answer #10 · answered by Hold em Rox 6 · 0 0

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