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anther man!

2006-07-22 15:40:12 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

21 answers

if he is in love with you there is no way to "dump him" without hurting him

2006-07-22 15:42:18 · answer #1 · answered by Mopar Muscle Gal 7 · 0 1

Be honest and be nice and don't offer to still be friends. Unfortunately when you end a relationship there will be hurt by the one being left behind. The good thing is that the hurt will no last forever and he'll be able to get on with life. If you longer care for him and having another man is sufficient evidence of that thean you're doing him a favor by letting him go. Perhaps ,considering you weren't true or honest in the relationship for how else would you have another man while still in this relationship his hurt won't be so bad when he fins he was bamboozled by you and probably better off to get on with life and perhaps find someone with higher morals and principles than those you showed. No one can be blamed when one finds that the person were involved with isn't the one but the honorable thing to do and the moral thing to do is to end the relationship before having someone else.

2006-07-22 22:50:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Tough one. Really depends on what kind of relationship you have with him. Are you living together? If so, it makes it very difficult. The best thing I'd suggest is to be up front and honest. Most men hate playing games in relationships and would react better to that. However, it will not spare the hurt. But you have to think about yourself. If you're unhappy then why make yourself miserable and drag out the entire thing?Do not delay the inevitable because it ALWAYS comes back to bite you...and not in the good way, lol.

2006-07-22 22:48:30 · answer #3 · answered by Slipshade 3 · 0 0

It depends on who this man is you are dumping and if they know about the other man. There is no way to walk away from a relationship without hurting the other person. It will be worse if that person truly cares for you and it will be harder if another man is in the picture. Be honest....he probably isn't stupid.

2006-07-22 22:43:39 · answer #4 · answered by rltouhe 6 · 0 0

The longer you keep him hanging the more hurt he is going to be. If you have another man then you need to be honest. Face the facts that he will be hurt at first but when he realizes that you had another man while you were with him he will probably feel relieved that he doesn't have to deal with someone who would cheat on him.

2006-07-22 22:49:04 · answer #5 · answered by angelsforanimals 3 · 0 0

uhhh, ya can't. It doesn't matter what you say or do you cannot accomplish this. Also, do not use the "We can still be friends" or the "It's not you, It's me" lines. Although they sound like an easy let down they are not and the guy will end up hating you and wanting to make you drink draino.

2006-07-22 22:47:47 · answer #6 · answered by kip_digler 1 · 0 0

If he likes you he will be hurt no matter what. The best policy is to be honest with him, this will cause the least pain in the long run.

2006-07-22 22:50:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just don't say, "It's not you, it's me." Try to include remarks that indicate you respect him and appreciate him for his, ah, commitment. And forget not hurting him - it will come as a surprise to him, and being dumped hurts, regardless.

2006-07-22 22:46:56 · answer #8 · answered by sonyack 6 · 0 0

hurt feelings come with the choices that we make in our lives, however to drag the relationship on and both of you really not happy, in the long run would be worse> don't you think?

2006-07-22 22:46:06 · answer #9 · answered by darkangel1111 5 · 0 0

Is he a big guy? Be honest and tell him face to face. It will hurt him of course, but if that is the way it is your openness and honesty will soften the blow.

2006-07-22 22:48:21 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

Tell him! Don't disappear, ignore or avoid them. Give the relationship the dignity of an ending even if you can't explain your change of heart. Breaking up is hard but leaving someone wondering what happened or if it is really over is unforgivable!

There is no easy way to break up with someone. Be blunt, but not rude. No matter how you do it, it will still hurt the other person.

* How to Decide if You Should Dump Your Live in Long Term Boyfriend *

How to decide to dump your long term boyfriend.

Think about your feelings. Do you really care for him anymore? Do you still treat him the way you did when your love was "hot"? Do you still remind him how cute he is, and that you love him?
Check him out. Does he treat you differently then he ever did? Is this good or bad? Does he still talk to you earnestly, compliment you, or remember your birthday or Valentine's Day?
Remember, relationships are a two-person group effort. If you honestly can answer these questions against your liking, ask for advice from your friends, your mother, even another personal adult you trust.
If you are doing all the work to make it work, honestly think about dumping him. Even though your friends may give great advice, you are an individual, as is he. Think about it long and hard before you do anything.
Talk to him. Sometimes, it's not all what you see on TV. If he feels the same way you do, you guys maybe can end it peacefully.

Really think about it. Don't do something rash that might ruin a perfectly good relationship. Talk to him.

* How to Dump a Nice Guy *

The accuracy of these instructions has been questioned by some users on the discussion page. You can help wikiHow by improving this page.

Okay so you have beenn dating this guy-- he seems very nice, but also he is not as nice as he used to be! Just be warned You are doing something incredibly mean, but you guess some things just need to come to an end...

1. Try not to be mean but dont beat around the bush

2. Say what you want.

3. Make sure to break up in person so you can see each other face to face.

4. It is OK to chicken out-- that must mean you still want him!

5. Don't cry

6. Let you be friends. Don't do a harsh breakup. This is the kiss of death. Do NOT use this line.

7. Make sure you have GOOD REASONS for breaking up.

8. Do it before he pours his heart, soul and guts out to you... because he will. if you don't, he'll probably end up giving lackadaisical advise to everyone else. it leaves a person hollow.

Make sure you are not dumping out of pressure.
Ideally break up in person.

If you dump someone you need a reason (at least two!)
Do not break up over instant messenger or through a text message or email.
If you break up with him, you might not be able to get him back later, so do this if you really, REALLY need to.

Things You'll Need
a heart
a boyfriend (duh)

* How to Break up With Someone Using Style and Sensitivity *

We all know breaking up is hard to do. But unless you're Ross and Rachel, or some teen romance turned happily-ever-after, breakups are an unavoidable part of our lives. And while it's up to you to decide what your individual breakup style is, if you want to avoid future bad relationship karma, you'll adopt a few breakup basics.

Pick an appropriate place. The less public, the better. Remember, ending a relationship is a humbling experience. Don't do it in a place where the person on the receiving end is going to feel more vulnerable than necessary.
Choose the right time. Avoid holidays and special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries at all costs. Do you really want your ex remembering your insensitivity every time that day rolls around?
Do it in person. If the relationship is relatively new, maybe you can get away breaking up over the phone. But come on, if you've been out on more than a handful of dates, isn't that kind of harsh?
Be honest but sensitive. No one likes to get dumped. But we at least appreciate the truth when it's over. Unless, of course, the truth is you've stopped finding us attractive, you've met someone better, or that you're just plain bored with us.
Keep your emotions in check. Don't seem too happy about the breakup: you'll come off as mean-spirited. Just be kind, caring, and considerate. You can high five your friends later.
Don't react. Some people don't handle rejection well. Some people yell, scream, cry. Yes, that sucks. But it doesn't mean you should react to their meltdown. Remember, rejection is tough. You've already got the upper hand by being the dumper. Let the dumpee behave ridiculously if they choose to. And if their tantrum escalates, get the heck out of there.

If you handle yourself well during the breakup, chances are you'll avoid any hard feelings with your ex. And while that may not seem so important at the time, it's vital to your future relationship karma!
The term "break-up" implies a hard stop. But, often, a break-up is really a change in the nature of a relationship, where friendship remains, but a closer physical connection, and a desire to build a life together, is taken away. Try to look at breaking up in a more positive way, and see how it can transform your relationship.
Think about why you want to break up with them (i.e. you may suspect/hear rumors that they are cheating on you). Ask them FIRST. Everybody hates when you break up with them for a reason that isn't even true.
Think about how maybe if you want out, they might too. Ask them where they think it's going. If something is making being together painful tell them that being together is hurting you. (i.e long distances)

Weigh in carefully on your decision to break up, without analyzing it to death. Is this really what your heart wants? You may not be able to reverse your decision once it's made, and may burn bridges in the process. Could you forgive yourself if you broke up with the man/woman of your dreams?
Avoid cliches. If the person has heard it before it may come off as insensitive.

2006-07-22 22:56:44 · answer #11 · answered by @ngёL♥PÏήK 5 · 0 0

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