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Honestly you people are so ignorant to sit here all day and complaint about Illegal Mexicans coming to USA and taking all our jobs because you really believe that if they go back to mexico...employers will pay you more to do the job..ha..ha They will not run a business with out making money themself..That's why they hire illegals..Dough..You are frekin lucky they do this job because ..I shure am not going to do it and neither are you..So stop winning because if all those million get out of USA ..we will starve..You won't be able to buy s*** because who pack our product to get deliver to our stores are them..You think you are going to make the employers pay you more ..ha they will run out of business..you actually believe they will pay you $20 an hour to pick up fruits..ha.. Get over it we all need the mexicans..Plus That proves they are really here to better themselfs and are hardworking person that they will work for a little bit of money That is why i have much respect for them..unlike us... so freaking spoiled and greedy that wont work for $6.00 an hour..ha.. So cry about it..cry all you want..spend your day here frustated..scare about it..Get a grip ..Loosers Have you seen the news wars every were you should be worring about if a WWW3 starts soon instead of those hardworking Mexicans...I know is kind up scary ..Because mexico is so corrupt and to even think that america could get like that It is scary..but it is not the people is there goverment who is corrupt ..that is why they come over here to live a better life..So "GET OVER IT" There is nothing you could do to stop it..You will never be able to get Millions and Millions of illegal mexican out..That should had been done at the begining when they were like hundreds but not know..It's to late...If it din't happen then.. it will never happen know..so you have 2 choice ..Either accept it and be happy or don't accept it and be miserable because the racist in you is stronger that you can't see past it!!! But no matter what you choose Illegal Mexicans are here to stay..and no I am not Mexican I am American and come from the island of Puerto Rico..so you can't kick me out..Plus i support them they are latino too and deserve respect..Just because us american were lucky enough to be born here in USA does not makes us better then them..We are all humans and should be treated equally..So for all those racist that think you are better because you din't have to strugle to get here like they did you are so lucky because you would not survive with that attitude in another country ..only in America ...That is why i love America..but i respect everyone who is not from america..illegal or not and i live a wonderful life unlike you..and this does not include all americans only to the racist!! and don't give me that crap that im racist..I grew up here and get along fine with every one..and don't give me the illegal crap..I already know they are and who cares the goverment don't seem to worry so why should we ..That's because they know illegal mexicans are here to better them self not to scare your racist ***..Life is once have fun and stop worrying about what they do..Oh and the biggest crap "oh they are talking spanish in America "and I am Puerto Rican and Im bilingual and talk spanish too..What so your saying you are going to try to kick every one out that speaks spanish..ha..No why? your excuse is "only the illegals"yeah right because you know you can't get rid of the spanish "Legal ones" Keep all that crap because no matter what you say... Illegal Mexicans are here to stay and i say !!! Welcome to America!!! peace..

2006-07-22 15:09:49 · 32 answers · asked by Princess_1 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

Foxnews/aira :
Don't give me that crap..They don't have to apply for anything. come in when ever you want..They are hard working people
let them come and better themself legal or not..They are not doing harm to us..There goes #1 Racist let's count them..ha

princess 29_71 Racist #2 I am American to but not Racist..

2006-07-22 15:23:35 · update #1

Do not pretend you just want them to come legally because they deserve better..you just want to fool them into leaving and apply the legal way..Like they are so stupid to believe that ...Mexicans are very intelligent and they know how long it will take them to come legally..So they are not going to starve in mexico because you feel they should come legal..If you really want them to better them self ..Let them come with out papers..Who cares..They deserve to make money just like us Welcome to America!!and i hope you make all the money you want here.I don't care if you have papers or not..you are human like all of us and you deserve the same as us!! So i hope you like it here..and don't listen to does trying to fool you it will take years to come the legal way..You will lose money while waiting for your papers so don't wait...Come today the goverment wont mind!!!!

2006-07-22 15:49:19 · update #2

32 answers

I'm okay with that. Some of the jobs they do, I wouldn't do for twice the money. Plus I think Mexicans are really good people to have on our side.

2006-07-22 15:17:10 · answer #1 · answered by RON C 3 · 2 4

I have several points:
1- This was a question...or a rant in the form of one HUGE run on sentence?
2- Where the hell did you learn to spell?
3- No issues with speaking spanish along with english, just tired of living in a country that's rightful language is english but no one thinks it's important to learn it.
4- Support them just because they are latino too...that's logical...even though Hitler was white...I still don't much care for him.
5- If those illegals really respected this country and wanted to make a good life for themselves here, then they would follow legal channels and become citizens. Some of the best American I have ever met have been LEGAL immigrants. They have an appreciation for our rights that most born citizens don't even comprehend. They have my complete respect. But...people who sneak over here illigally, lie, cheat, and steal to make their lives, you must be kidding if you think sane people should support that.
6- You're right I don't want the jobs they are doing, but I do not want them taking the kind of abuse they do to hold on to any job they can get. If they were legal citizens they could do something about it, but this way they just have to put up with it, and some of the conditions these people are forced to work and live in are disgusting.
7- Guess that's bout it, but for future reference, when ya wanna get on hear and type a damn essay, at least get your facts straight. I am so sick of every minority screaming racism when white people don't like what they are doing. Guess what...there are white people I don't like too....does that make me racists against whites??? Here's what it comes down to...I don't give a damn what color or culture someone is period, I'm not racist because I truly don't care, but I do care if people are honest and responsible and illegal immigrants are neither. When did illegal immigrants become a race???????

Oh...and btw..HA!

2006-07-22 15:32:35 · answer #2 · answered by S J 2 · 1 0

I didn't read your whole question but what I did read made me want to tell you this...

Mexicans are fine and I don't care if they are here. AS LONG AS THEY DO IT LEGALLY!!!! I have a very good friend who is from India trying to get his citizenship. HE HAS BEEN WAITING 5 YEARS!!!! He is doing everything the right way and he can't get in. So why because someone spent 3 days walking across the desert to SNEAK in should they be allowed to stay. What would a country without laws be like? These illegals are breaking the law.

About speaking Spanish...

You say that you are Puerto Rican and you are bilingual. I say that's great! When you go to the store where you live do you expect the people there to speak Spanish? I would say no you don't. You speak to them in English. The problem most people have with speaking Spanish in America is when it's the only language someone knows. If you want to live in America you need to learn English. English is our language and what the majority speaks. It's fine if you would like to know more than one language actually I encourage that. However, you need to know English if you want to succeed in America.

2006-07-22 15:20:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

why do all u mexicans insist on saying we don't want u here, i have a lot of friends that r spanish no one is telling them to leave. The word illegal goes for every race not just yours. Every time i here someone talk about illegal mexicans i wonder if they know what the word illegal means. If u are legal god bless u if your not it's a crime and u should be punished that the American legal system. Like u said this is the way it is deal with it.

2006-07-22 15:26:25 · answer #4 · answered by uofsmike 4 · 1 0

The Illegals are making life miserable for those who live in
southern California and Arizona. Crime has risen dramatically
since they've arrived by the thousands, and all are "illegal"
We just want all who live and work here to be law-abiding and
not cost the taxpayers more because we have to shovel federal
funds and programs for them. Why won't they respect our laws
like all other citizens here have to do? If they come here the hard
way (legally), then they're more likely to want to make a go of it
and become nice wanted citizens who don't cry out for handouts
from our government.

2006-07-22 15:38:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think it's grate that expecting you to follow the law makes us racist. After living in California for 30 years I'm ok with being called a racist. But it's only Mexicans, that make me sick.

2014-07-03 10:50:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So what your saying is that it's ok for US employers to pay Mexicans slave wages??? Nice point of view.....
I can't wait to see how you act when you get a job and have a family to feed and bills to pay, and every time you get your check they keep on taking more and more out for taxes....lol lets see how long you support ILLEGAL aliens then little girl.
And FYI honey just because you want ILLEGALS deported does not make you racist......why don't you learn what a racist really is before you start throwing that around.

2006-07-22 15:20:07 · answer #7 · answered by Hold em Rox 6 · 1 0

Oh how nice and welcome to our country. It's so nice to have you. Will this include Asians, other latino groups, Indians, Native Americans, Iranians, Iraqis, white people from South Africa, other ethnic groups or just the three you named? Apparently all your friends and family are one of these three since you can't see out of your little box. Grow up and quit trying to break up the world and go befriend a white person, you might like us. I sure dont have a problem with you or mexicans, or arabs. Have a lovely day and enjoy your stay:)

2016-03-27 03:31:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I grew up in the 60s. We never heard of Mexicans. It was a far better place to live, no Chicano crime and plenty of jobs for all North Americans. Buy the way we ate vegetables picked by North Americans.

2006-07-22 15:27:28 · answer #9 · answered by JUNK MAN 3 · 0 0

ShrtCake66 racist #3. If being a racist means" people are sick of ILLEGAL MEXICANS stealing off the American government, stealing Americans ids, etc etc etc...could go on and on and on.

2006-07-22 19:22:26 · answer #10 · answered by ShrtCake66 2 · 0 0

Who said even if they do get to stay that we won't stop fighting to change that too? Having them stay would only put more pressure on Americans that don't know what's going on yet to the point where they can't even deny what has to be done.

How about we don't accept it and keep fighting?

Me thinks you are the loser here.

Are you going to deny that deportations are slowly starting already?

JD you never cease to amaze me!!

2006-07-22 15:31:06 · answer #11 · answered by yars232c 6 · 1 0

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