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I mean after all a church is a place where you go to find the so called god right and hope and all that crap well EVERY church is stupied and hateful because they all say i have the devil in me but i thought church was a nice place and ment for love LOL its ok I HATE church anyways because i believe in the devil LOL

2006-07-22 12:37:22 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

OK dont tell me what church to go to and im not saying ive been to every church out there k i dont care to and im not F***ing crazy im just like anyone else and im not trying to make ppl mad i for real
i dont get it ok
everyone say how good there church is but if that church wont let me in it because of my so called ways of god then how good are they really so stop being stupied

2006-07-22 12:48:31 · update #1

OK this is just stupied ok
i have not only been raped ive had to have my arms sowed shut 3 times i have been through hell
and i believe in what i do because if there was a god he wouldnt have let me almost be killed and the only thing that saved me was my devil worshiping FRIENDS!!!! so i went to the devil in my way of believeing there is no god just the devil and if you think that i am going to be sooooo diffrent and so evil because of what i worship i hope to see you in hell then !!!

2006-07-22 13:02:43 · update #2

OH and for the people who are asking about my arms yes i do cut and you know why if you read all of this
and well not only because i was raped is why i am a devil worshiper
its also because of what ive seen and what i had to deal with all these years
but if you where to see me in real life you wouldnt even know i believed ion the devil

2006-07-22 13:38:50 · update #3

33 answers

I am wiccan and I find that churches are just plain ignorant.

2006-07-22 14:54:26 · answer #1 · answered by tgail152 1 · 0 0

Lol. Churches are a work of evil. People place power in the hands of the one man at the front and believe all he says. If you don't dress properly, have the right kind of money, and don't act like a pious little angle people will judge you and be extremely rude and make you wish you'd never been to any church in the first place. Look to the Catholics of old and you'll see all you need to realize church is evil and produces more bad than good in this life. I've been to only 12 and found but 2 that didn't get in my face for coming in all dirty straight from work and that didn't get all bent out of shape when I would argue points of the bible from a different view. Oh, and everyone believes in the Devil, its just that the average person doesn't worship him and attempt to do things to get in the favor of evil.

2006-07-22 12:43:53 · answer #2 · answered by elliecow 3 · 0 0

Let me see if I have this all straight.
You've been to church, and you were told that you have the devil in you.
You believe in the devil.
You have devil worshipping friends.
You've been raped, and had to have your arms sewed shut.

So, I have to wonder...why did you go to church? Were you looking for love? If you were, could that be because you haven't found it with the devil?
Do you think you have the devil in you? If you do, does that idea bother you?
Do your devil worshipping friends approve of your going to church?
You were raped, could that have anything to do with why you hate church and cling to the devil?
Are you cutting yourself?

Hun, please don't get mad at me...but have you thought that maybe you might need to get some professional help?

Your story touches my heart, because my son had a brush with some devil worshippers when he was young. One of his friends died in a fire, and he was mad at God...but he soon decided that the devil wasn't his friend. I am so thankful that today, he is a strong Christian man. It was an uphill struggle for him, but he has been able to help a great many young people, since he's "been there done that", and he's even given his poor old Mom a bit of insight.

For what it's worth, Hun, this Christian does not hate you. I love you, and I will be praying to my God for you.

2006-07-22 13:20:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know this is hard to understand, but when i read your story, I see God. You said the only thing that saved you were your friends, satanists or not. Knowing what I know about you (which is pretty limited), you look at that as a sign that God had no part in it. However, I think God put those people in your life so that you WOULD have someone.

I understand what you mean when you say that you hate church. However, I don't understand what your point is. You rant about church and then basically excuse yourself, saying what all us "church-defenders" are liable to say. I'm not certain what you mean, but if you want to chat and tell me, I'd love to hear it.

No, really.

Church can be a nice place, but that's not it's number one purpose. The reason we have churches is to grow close to God, and sometimes to do that you have to get hurt a little.

I can't change your mind for you, and I'm not going to try. I know this sounds annoying and Christian-y to you, but I can only pray you'll keep an open mind about this. Or rather, get one.

2006-07-22 15:10:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honey only the devil would feel that way. All churches are not hateful, but you see the devil has a way of munipulating people and that is what happened to you. It is ashame to live all this time in HELL only to reside there permantly. You should want some type of peace and some type of rest. You never defined what they exactly did to you to make them not nice. God's word is firm and his love is genuine. Satan is a slick cat and if you let him control you, you will experience complete damnation. It is not worth it. Go to church even when the urges tell you otherwise. Press through the lies the devil will feed you. Soak in what the pastor has to say, Sometimes the truth hurts and that may be your problem, maybe you were told the truth about yourself and itt inferiated you. God os Truth. Don't give up now, God has things in store for you but you have to submit yourself and believe in him whole-heartedly. God Bless you and I will pray for you.

2006-07-22 12:56:14 · answer #5 · answered by lashenica j 2 · 0 0

I believe in the devil too, but i love church. If you believe in the devil, then you obviuosly know that the devil believes in God, and fears Him. So, in a sense, if the devil believes in God, why dont you? or are you making up your own religion where only the devil exists, and not god. Then did the devil create all of us? Feel free to email me with your statement of faith, because i am just drawing conclusions, but i would really like to know and get a better understanding on what you believe.

2006-07-22 12:43:10 · answer #6 · answered by Your hero until you meet Jesus 3 · 0 0

You say why is church hateful.
Jesus Christ loves you unconditionally John3:16 tells you that..
We are here to have harmonious rapor with God not man .
If we get our eyes on people we will be disillusioned.
You are right the devil is real he is the reason the angelic conflict
is taking place , but he is not someone who we need to be concerned about .
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all of our heart, Mind and lean not unto our own understanding, in all of our ways know Him and He shall direct our paths.
Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm139 God knows your heart where man cannot see He knows all about you and He loves you!
Jeremiah17:10 The Lord searches the heart .
So relax and enjoy your relationship with Him.
Take care!

2006-07-22 13:29:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you follow the devil no wonder you are confused. He is the Father of all lies and will present anything he thinks you will buy.
Churches are sharing the truth, if it is not what you agree with don't call it hateful.
Try going to a church. It is apparently not what you think.(or have you had a bad experience, which does happen). Every person is separated from God because of our choices - selfishness, anger, greed, want of power, beauty, etc. These are all lies given by Satan to divert us from the truth. The truth is not going to conform to us or be neccessarily comfortable - but we cannot change it.
Look at God, not at people. People are imperfect and will fail. God will not - ever.
You have to make the choice - God will heal you and bring you peace if you trust him. And he greatly loves you - more than you can imagine. I feel it in my heart and I know he wants to bless you.

2006-07-22 12:47:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hah. i dont really understand your problem since you believe in the devil and so you shouldnt be bothered if the church says the devil is in you right?

But I dont think churches should be going around saying that people have the devil in them. Even if its because they are concerned/ love for man. I guess maybe they are just overly concerned.

Of course, not every church is like that...

2006-07-22 12:43:39 · answer #9 · answered by fkjswlhe 2 · 0 0

Churches were never the place to find God, they are there for the self serving purposes. If you believe in the devil then you believe in God. I am here to tell you faith in God is all you need,not the teachings of religion or the dogmas of same.
All the prophets in history have said the same. It's no wonder these people are refered to as sheep.

2006-07-22 12:52:38 · answer #10 · answered by ostrom57 4 · 0 0

It is certain your church is hateful. And I need not write a thousand words to tell of the good works of many brethren in the Lord upon the earth. But I shall say that in every group of people gathered, there are those there which are not of that group, but are false: whether false brethren, or spies come to espy the liberty, or to ensure that the way of truth is evil spoken of by presenting themselves to be of goodness, yet doing evil to such as might visit in an honesty. Perhaps, you, loving the devil are such a one which spreads lies and hatreds and accusations. But I see you laugh in your pride. So I say to you that God shall laugh you to derision. Repent, for the lambs of Christ are not as you say. Do not judge the hearts of the lambs by the deeds of the wolves, which to this day are yet among us. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

PS: The devil was a murderer from the beginning. Seeing you believe in the devil, it follows that you are a child of a murderer in your heart. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Or would you rather hate for his sake? No one is fooled by your words.

2006-07-22 12:49:34 · answer #11 · answered by Rodger G 2 · 0 0

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