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A lady came to my house beating on my door a few hours ago and she was crying. Her husband beat her up then he came over to my yard demanding to see his wife. I told him to leave because I had already called the Police. He decided to be a bad boy and step up on my porch yelling so I did a Tai Kwon Do kick to his Jaw and broke it. Now the Police may charge me with assault. This sucks!! I was protecting his wife and he's on my property.

2006-07-22 11:42:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

I just got a call from the Police Station and there will be no charges filed, but the guy may take me to Civil Court. He is still in the hospital. I don't like to see Men hitting on women . I feel bad I should of took another angle of the matter, but I reacted because his wife was screaming behind me "Dont; let him touch me". Oh well Que Sera Sera

2006-07-22 11:52:16 · update #1

Update!! The wife is going to press charges against him so he will be going to jail when he gets out of the Hospital and will have to wait till the Judge sets bond. I just talk with her and her Mother and they are grateful that I was home. He has been beating on her for quite sometime now. So I don't feel so bad now, but in the future I wont' do that again. I failed to assert all my angles before responding;However, he did approach cussing me out and I responded quickly so that I would not have to tackle this guy manually. I dissolved the situation as quickly as possible, but I have never ever in my life had to use what I know till now and I am shook up about it and feel it, but time will heal. Violence is never the solution, but when one is at risk you must act quickly...there's no time to think about this and that..you act and I did just that! His wife is pulling up now in my yard now with the Police....Sheesh this has been a bad day for me. so I will bid this goodbye till later.

2006-07-22 13:15:16 · update #2

Last note for the night. I had to give a another statement and his wife supported me on my statement. She is afraid right now and I don't blame her it has been one wild evening.
The last thing I want to say is thank you everyone for your reponses it is much appreciated. I had a wake up call today and I have been getting restless lately answering questions and my attitude was starting to show so I apologize to anyone I may have offended in my answers. I learned something today and I will never forget it. Always remember when in doubt leave it out! Peace and Thank You!!

2006-07-22 13:44:29 · update #3

The State of Georgia recognizes family violence act very serious and since she doesn't want to press charges, the State has taken over and she can't do anything right now. He will be charged by the DA. There is always two sides to a story. There was more that happened yesterday before she come running to my place. The Moral here, is that family violence is a no no anywhere not just Georgia. Even if the spouse refuses to press charges the State will prosecute him. Bottom line it is better to resolve indifference in a mild manner and not by physical abuse. I too was wrong yesterday, but I acted on impluse and hope that this never happens again on my property. This story will close today and I hope that yahoo members got a true taste of what can happen to anybody when your put in a situation like that. There is alot to learn from this. No more violence and spouse abuse is wrong in all aspects.

2006-07-23 01:26:11 · update #4

15 answers

This is tough but I have seen some of your answers and I think
you are a descent guy.

1) The oath I took years ago (Tae Kwon Do) states That I will come
To The Defense Of Those Less Able To Defend Them Selves,
"Regardless Of The Odds" (this was 33 years ago,I live by it !)

2) For this guy to explain in court that he was trying to beat his wife and you interfered in his business,This won't sound right.

************************WELL DONE*******************************

2006-07-22 12:36:44 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 4 2

You have every right to kick people in the head on your own front porch. Be certain the police (or judge) understand that you felt threatened and feared for your safety. Search your memory until you can clearly recall him shoving you, or at the very least, cocking his fist to take a swing at you. This is crucial. Do not go into court until this painful detail is secure in your mind.

I doubt it will go to court, but if it does, the judge will dismiss it. Wear clothes that make you look small, say "Yes, your honour" and "No, your honour". Don't be ashamed to tell him how very, very frightened you were. You were afraid. He attacked you. Thank goodness you had some training. When you got involved in martial arts, it was only a way to overcome shyness.

It will come up again when you kick the next guy in the head. Be very careful there, but remember: You were afraid. He shoved you. These are important.

Good luck.

UPDATE: Friend Urbancoyote makes some excellent points, as well. Take every one to heart.

2006-07-22 11:53:27 · answer #2 · answered by Happy 4 · 0 0

Sorry to hear about the situation all the way around. But I think you did the right thing. Sometimes we have to choose between the lesser of two evils, no? The karate-loving part of me says, You go, boy! Good job! Did you tell your sensei? What did s/he say?

You defended yourself and the wife. I've been abused before and can see why she ran to you for help. But that put you in a tough position and she shouldn't have involved anyone else. Really, she should have made arrangements to leave him when he wasn't home.

But also think on this: Give a man a fish; you feed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you feed him for a lifetime”

In other words, you protected her once and even if her husband goes to jail, he'll get out at some point. (Hopefully he won't mess with you again!) But she needs to learn to defend herself. Encourage her to get to a shelter, into a good church, into counseling, OUT of her house and INTO a good karate school. That way, he'll never mess with HER again either.

I'll pray for you all.



2006-07-22 14:13:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the eyes of the law I suppose you did wrong, but I think you did right. People need to understand that when a person encroaches on your personal space that it's serious business. People need to be proactive in these situations especially if someone has had a history of violence... as you witnessed from the abused wife.

2006-07-22 12:49:59 · answer #4 · answered by leufiger 2 · 0 0

Get an attorney if you are written up by the police.

Don't say anything to this guy and don't mumble about him to his wife. They are still married and, odds are, if this goes to court, by that time she will be on his side.

If you are charged with a crime, say nothing to the police unless your lawyer is present.

The amount of hassle or danger you are in depends on state law specifically for the state you live in.

2006-07-22 11:47:56 · answer #5 · answered by urbancoyote 7 · 0 0

You did the right thing by calling the police, but you did the wrong thing by kicking the guy. You could have just gone in your house and locked the doors, but you resorted to violence, just like the lady's husband.

2006-07-22 11:48:16 · answer #6 · answered by blondjason1221 3 · 0 0

Bro........he was on your property lol. You have every right to protect yourself. As for the ***** that would be a bad *** and then a fricking rat and tell the cops what you did. Yeah hes a real bad ***. pffffft. Next time i recomend you don't open the door for women like that. Because he might have had a gun. But if worse comes to worse you kill that mother(beeper) if you have to. Men who beat their wives I tend to snap on and have snapped on a few. Trust me its in your best nature to mind your own business. I was stabbed 3 times and have been jumped by his buddies after i clobbered one guy. It is truely not worth it lol. But chivalry has to be somewhere in this world.

2006-07-22 11:54:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not being there, it is hard to determine fault, although you know in your heart...what I mean by this, is that in your most early training, you would(should) have been given the speach on how and when you should use this talent.....you know if you over-reacted....if you think about it...Like I said...I wasn't there and I am sure there was a lot going down in that situation....I do wish you luck with the authorities...I would have hated to be in your situation...LOL

2006-07-22 11:56:09 · answer #8 · answered by eddytheedge 1 · 0 0

don't matter your life was not in any danger and you attacked him you should have just left him alone and let the cops handle the situation
now you might go to jail and you also will probably get sued also

2006-07-22 11:49:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

legally no but my point of view yes this guy needed a beating you know its pretty screwed up though because you were defending yourself and someone else

2006-07-22 11:50:31 · answer #10 · answered by janet 3 · 0 0

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