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I weigh about 230 and would love to loose weight so I will look better. I hate being fat.

2006-07-22 11:10:09 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

47 answers

It is mostly NOT your fault, if you need to lose weight. The way you have been taught to eat is responsible for making obesity the number one health problem in the world (according to Atlantic Monthly magazine) replacing hunger and infectious disease. You need to re-learn how to eat so you can become thin. Not a diet, but diet lifestyle.

Find out about fastest way to lose weight, gradual ways to lose weight, most effective exercise and anti-water. Lose bodyfat and retained water which also makes you a lot fatter (bloated). Plus click on "Pure Water" to make sure the water you drink doesn't hurt you. Most important-- make sure to read the last "fat loss tip", first before anything else, to see the number one food that causes Americans to be fat.


2006-07-22 11:21:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of write down everything you eat, for a day or 2 this seems like a lot, but people are really creatures of habit and eat a lot of the same things. Figure out how many calories that is. Then cut back to 1200-1600 calories a day and break those calories down into 5-6 small meals this helps to keep your blood sugar levels up so you don't binge eat.
Then what ever you are doing make it an exercise. If you are standing doing dishes do side kicks. Do push ups against the wall, as you are walking try lunge walking, do jumping jacks and run in place and then try and find some excerises you like and try and do a few minutes a day and try and add to what you do a little at a time.

I dropped 2 pant sizes doing this. I couldn't afford a gym or to going a diet group.
There is a website www.weightcommander.com and it has a lot of restaurants and what they serve and how many calories.
I like doing it this way because if I am craving a snickers I have a snickers I take it out of my calories. I try to stick to 1200 but if I go to 1600 I don't beat myself up.
Another thing that is good 2tbls of lemon juice 1 tbls pure maple syrup if you can use fresh lemons but I have also been using lemon juice it helps to flush out your system.

Good luck and remember any extra movement helps.
Another good tip is don't tell people what you are doing sometimes people try to sabatoge your efforts.

2006-07-22 11:23:32 · answer #2 · answered by T S 3 · 0 0

If you don't need to loose a lot than almost any modern diet will work. I lost 60 plus pounds on Atkins but was on it for nearly two years and got my system out of balance. If you love meat it is a good diet. If you have to stay on induction to loose, find something else. Don't neglect green veges.

There is fasting which takes off two pounds per day. Would not recommend for more than three days with four day breaks. You must drink plenty of water. Then there is Kekwick which is good for 1.5 lbs. per day but you only get 1,000 cal. and must stay high on fats. You can find Kekwick in Atkins books.

Another good diet is www.phmiracle.net a book by "Young" which covers alkaline foods and right water consumption.

Also check out www.ultimatelife.com. You can literally live on this product and nothing else. If you go total vegan without fruits you will drop weight. I use it as my green drink. You can pick up ultimate life at many health food stores. They do not advertise. You can cut out most if not all your vitamin pills if you use this product. I just am not ever going total vegan.

Both phmiracle and ultimatelife are probably good for a pound per day.

All I have told you is weight loss without exercise. If you have an exercise program you can get more than a pound per day. I don't know about fasting because I have never worked when I fasted.

I think in general the www.phmiracle.net diet might suit you best. You can get the book for about $15.00 plus. I got two copies for kids and was paying about $25.00 plus! Get the book, do a good cleanse with Yorba Linda products. You will love the results and the pictures.

2006-07-22 11:54:45 · answer #3 · answered by Tommy 6 · 0 0

If you truly want to lose weight and are not just kidding yourself there is no easy fix... you may lose weight quickly by some crash diet, but then you will put it all back on and then some... the ONLY way to lose weight permanently is to change your lifestyle. That means the E word (EXERCISE) at LEAST 3 times a week for at LEAST 30 minutes of get that heart rate up movement. I recommend some cardio and some weight training.... also you need to make a PERMANENT change of diet... by diet I mean a healthy intake of low fat foods that can be sustained for all your days (best is breaking up your (LOW FAT) food intake throughout the day.... small amounts often) Please note that a lot of fast food restaurants offer salads with more fat than their burgers! Choose carefully when eating out and lay off the dressings.
No one can wave the magic wand and make you skinny... it's all up to how much YOU want it and what YOU are prepared to do to get there. It will be hard at first, but after a while you will become accustomed to the change of lifestyle and embrace it. Remember to be sensible and not become anorexic or bulimic.

2006-07-22 11:29:55 · answer #4 · answered by Jill 3 · 0 0

Go on a vegetarian diet for a couple of months...

Take walks ...Walking is the best exercise and the least strenuous...
2 half hour walks a day are easy to handle and do you a world of good. They also help tighten up the thighs.

I lost 25 pounds last year in 2 months by following a fruit and vegetable diet... (Do it under medical supervision if you have any health problems).

There are certain fruits that should not be eaten...too many carbohydrates in them...(NO grapes, bananas, persimmons, cherries, figs) No dried fruit & nuts, coconut or avocado pears: too oily. Certain fruit should be eaten alone (don't mix with others)
such as all varieties of melon Watermelon, Muskmelon, canteloupes, honeydew. If you want to, make a meal of any one of these...but eat only ! kind and don't mix with any other type of fruit or veggie. Try eating only fruit for your supper...It is easy to digest. If you feel hungry before going to bed, make yourself a big cup of tea or decaf. The water they contain will give you a sensation of fullness.

For vegetables, if you can handle it eat as many raw as you can...
The more salads the better

The BEST veggies are: all varieties of lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, green beans.endives, leeks. and mushrooms.VERY lo-cal

In veggies avoid potatoes, peas, corn, beets, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, beans (white, kidney, pinto or black), lentils.

Don't eat flour foods...no pasta, bread, cookies, cakes or candies.

Avoid carbonated drinks.
Drink at most "light-diet" drinks and also at least a quart and a half of water every day...
There are NO CALORIES in water...and it helps "flush" your body clean.
Ice tea is a good drink for summer (with no sugar), but not to abuse of...there is caffeine in tea believe it or not!

If you can't handle living without meat...try only having it once a week... A chicken breast or turkey fillet is the lightest meat you can eat. And no fried foods!

After 2 months you should see a substantial loss

2006-07-22 12:15:28 · answer #5 · answered by abuela Nany 6 · 0 0

everyone wants to lose weight fast ....that's not possible , if you want to lose weight safely set up short term goals : Like losing 2 pounds a week by eating right and exercising . Good luck

2006-07-22 11:15:17 · answer #6 · answered by ?heartthrob? 3 · 0 0

bypass out and purchase smaller plates, then consume smaller parts. I lost 25 pounds in 2 months this variety. Drink a variety of of fluids and nicely balanced meal. attempt strolling 20 minutes 2 X an afternoon. sturdy success.

2016-10-08 05:14:14 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Stand up and walk atleast 5 mins after evry 2 hours while working

2016-03-15 01:04:42 · answer #8 · answered by Clarice 3 · 0 0

it's not easy and it's not gonna happen overnight. i lost weight by cutting down on bread, pasta and sweets. No soda or juice, too much sugar. having breakfast and walking everyday has helped. drinks lots of water too. good luck, you can do it, if you really try.

2006-07-22 11:25:01 · answer #9 · answered by curly 2 · 0 0

pack healthy snacks

2017-03-06 05:41:50 · answer #10 · answered by Alease 3 · 0 0

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