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Why are the ones here who disagree with illegal aliens living in America considered Racist? This is a issue that will never be agreed upon, as we each have our own ideals on how it should be done. And if your a white person and you dont agree then Good God we are actomactily a bigot, racist. Is it so wrong to think anyone living in our Country should have to pay taxes? I mean not everyone uses them to cut their lawns or clean their homes, so it wouldnt be a great loss to me. Plus the crime that is in the neibhorhoods they live in. They live two and three families to a house to save money to send back to their country. They come here and make the money and then go back and live like kings I have known some who did that. Most of the men will have wives back there and come here and shack with women here and they are known beaters and cheaters. So are we really Racist to want what is best for our country?

2006-07-22 10:01:25 · 22 answers · asked by Texas_at_its_best 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

So right Brendan but we are legal arent we. The brits are sooooooo , well thats another story, But I love your country lived there for five years lol

2006-07-22 10:09:10 · update #1

This question was asked just to show my daughter that everyone has their own opionion on immigration and no one will ever agree on it. We are by no means a Racist family as my daughter will tell you. But Close borders the white people do get a bad shake and I have heard our race knocked down by bieng racist. I like the fact that here we can state our opionions and have the freedom of speech.

2006-07-22 10:55:39 · update #2

22 answers

Illegals/supporters use that word entirely too much. Anytime they don't agree with your viewpoint, you are a "racist" to them. I could care less if they think that of me or not. I still want all of our laws enforced, not just some of the laws. That happens to include immigration laws too.

2006-07-22 17:43:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Your whole post smacks of racism. The illegals would gladly pay taxes and health care fees if they were paid a decent wage. as for the beaters and cheaters thing, actually, the percentage per population of spousal abuse is higher in legal immigrants from the middle east than the illegals from Mexico, and the Mexican stats are at par with the white population. but nice try. oh, and you can't live like a king anywhere on less than $12000 a year.
what is best for your country is for you to stop being so greedy, and learn to share what you have with others who have not. And I'll bet you belong to one of those evangelical religions, too.

2006-07-22 17:10:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Bird is the word, because I want a secure border system, definitive, enforcable, immigration laws, whether they be current or upcoming legislation. Also proper ,verifiable ,documentation of all illegals currently within the borders of America or immediate deportation upon discovery. Along with stiff fines and incarceration of any employer of said illegals upon the very first offense, along the lines of the drug war property confiscation laws, take the employers assets and use the revenue generated to sustain the immigration/ deportation programs. Because I want to see a secure America for my children & grandchildren, I am a racist. O.K., I accept that, Now lets be law abiding racists and vote in or out the politicians who will do this great land the most good in light of the current immigration problem.

2006-07-23 06:54:57 · answer #3 · answered by renegadesho_ban 3 · 0 1

you know it is pathetic that even in a situation like illegal immigration you make it a white person non white person issue. it is an american issue..vs illegal immigration. how darn hard is that. black... hispanic..chinese..japanese.. german... and every other united states citizen..should not want illegal immigration. fair is fair. if i am born here.. or if i come here the proper way.. learn english.. test.. and gain my citizenship... why should others just waltz over the damn border. i dont know why eveyone makes this sooooooooooooooooooo difficult. it is not racist.. even though you may just happen to be a racist.. to want people to come in to this country the legal way. this subject is getting on my NERVES.

2006-07-22 17:08:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It has become a popular practice, especially in the U.S., for minorities to play the 'race card' whenever a bill or law which affects minorities in a negative manner is addressed.

No matter how much these acts will benefit society 'as a whole', the ill-affected minorities will always label the intent as 'racist'. And they will do this whether they actually see it that way, or not.

The reason? Quite simply, it's not the 'best' card for them to play but, thanks to several years of our society-degrading approach to 'political correctness', it is the 'easiest' card for them to play, as it panders to reactionist sympathizers who would rather 'play cards' than give any serious thought to 'trivial' things, --- you know,... like Immigration Laws and National Security.

So, when some bleeding-heart knee-jerker calls you a racist because you believe in upholding laws which protect the U.S., just ignore them; it forces them to play Solitaire...

2006-07-22 18:09:52 · answer #5 · answered by Saint Christopher Walken 7 · 0 0

i don't think the one who disagree with people living here illegally are racists i think people who name call or generalize and stereo type people who are here illegally have a racist nature and GUESS WHAT NOT ALL OF PEOPLE WHO LIVE HERE ILLEGALLY
p.s about the beaters and cheaters you are way off- "some" MEN FROM ALL CULTURES (beat & cheat) not only MEN who are here illegally


2006-07-22 17:32:00 · answer #6 · answered by CLOSE*BORDERS 1 · 0 0

If keeping the border where it is for Mexicans, Whites, Blacks, Chicano, Japanese, Chinese, etc., is racist, then I am the biggest racist you will ever meet. Being called a racist means NOTHING to me.

Of all people living and dead, 14% were immigrants and 84% were CITIZENS. WE ARE NOT A COUNTRY OF IMMIGRANTS.

2006-07-22 17:23:53 · answer #7 · answered by yars232c 6 · 0 0

The original Americans gave the parents of the current lot of misplaced immigrants a place to stay and to kill a few of their animals for food. They stayed, brought over all their relatives without invitations, killed the people's buffaloes, killed their hosts and then fenced the original people into segments called reservations. The United Nations never brought up those issues.
I wonder why people call them those horrible names?

2006-07-22 17:08:50 · answer #8 · answered by Boaz 4 · 0 0

If you stereotype illegal immigrants as being lazy, criminals, etc. then it is racist. It isn't racist to want them to come to our country legally and to pay taxes (which the illegals that are here want to do by the ways since it would mean they were legal!).

2006-07-22 17:07:48 · answer #9 · answered by hedgeman 3 · 0 0

Look at your own rhetoric. Most of what you said is basicly untrue, you have used the msot offensive terms and concepts you are comfortable with(feel you can get away with). If some one decribed you in such a manner what would you think? racist, no you are just a proper little church lady aren't you.

2006-07-22 17:07:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its close-minded to think it's best for your country...but it's not racist to refuse immigrators...it's called being unfriendly....after-all the TRUE americans got half their race wiped out and the spanish language is taking over...and there aren't asmany americans as other foreign people in the US anymore...

2006-07-22 17:06:33 · answer #11 · answered by Diablous 4 · 0 0

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