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But my depression is getting the best of me today. I am really down in the dumps right now. Can you cheer me up? If you can, I will be forever greatful. Thank you in advance!

2006-07-22 10:00:48 · 12 answers · asked by jam961 5 in Health Mental Health

12 answers

Please don't fret no more. I had the same condition earlier today. Here is something that can help.

Pete and Repeat were on the fence. Pete fell off. Who remained on the fence?


Pete and Repeat were on the fence. Pete fell off. Who remained on the fence?


Pete and Repeat were on the fence. Pete fell off. Who remained on the fence?


I was riding in a taxicab this morning and there was a female dispatcher on the two-way radio. She was dispatching the cabs to various addresses and the usual dispatch chatter was going on. Suddenly, the dispatcher asked? ... Michael Hunt, are you out there... Mike? Do you read me? ... Mike Hunt, Mike Hunt... Come in.... Come In... Come in Mike Hunt.

I don't know why this is so funny to me- it was just a cab ride.

I couldn't stop laughing. I think something shot out of my nose!

2006-07-22 10:05:25 · answer #1 · answered by ••Mott•• 6 · 1 0

Well, the weather here is beautiful, so you must not be in Ohio! (lucky you!) It's the first pleasant day we've had in what seems like weeks.

I'm sorry you're feeling so down. And since I don't know you, I don't know what in particular would cheer you up. Maybe calling a friend, watching a favorite movie, or having some peanut butter cookies would help. At any rate, you should know that there are people out here rooting for you, and I'm one of them. I hope you're feeling more like yourself soon. Hang in there, when the sun comes out you'll feel a bit better. Best of luck to you.

2006-07-22 17:06:53 · answer #2 · answered by oh kate! 6 · 0 0

Depression loves company... and i was tempted to type about how down in the dumps im feeling as well.. but thats not what you asked for is it? lol. Nothing anyone here is really going to cheer you up i don't think, I just like going on here sometimes because it helps me get my mind off my troubles and feelings. Maybe you should try the jokes and riddles section? Some of the jokes can really make me laugh:) Goodluck to you

2006-07-22 17:04:53 · answer #3 · answered by bickeo 4 · 0 0

first --go get cleaned up really good-- I mean when you look in the mirror-- you think "man I really look nice" -- then call or go get someone that (you) know has a positive attitude--- then go out to eat and/or do something that (you) haven't done in a while that will like to do--- take the time today to laugh-- I mean really laugh --do this until you are so exhausted from laughing that you have forgot about everything around you! Good Luck :)

2006-07-22 17:10:02 · answer #4 · answered by kids 2 · 0 0

Watch some comedy movies with friends, or do some other activities with them, play some online games on yahoo like spades, or chat on online chat server. That will cheer you up.

2006-07-22 17:25:16 · answer #5 · answered by blue_luck_no_1 2 · 0 0

well if you havent talked to any one in a long time call some one up and chat. It seems odd but if you talk to a friend it might cheer you up. plus if something happend in the past that upset you that might be the problem

2006-07-22 17:03:27 · answer #6 · answered by angela :D ! 2 · 0 0

A short story which might help to cheer you up:


It was a hot day in the Gulf of Saiporn and I was tired and emotional after a heavy session the previous night on the local beer, which like most of its kind is generously laced with formaldehyde. About two crates of this stuff had travelled rapidly through my system and were, by now, no doubt wending its poisonous way into the clear waters of the Gulf. I decided on a walk on the beach. Despite the tropical heat, there was a cool breeze wafting gently through the fronds of the coconut trees, which marked the edge of the white sands. Slowly, my head began to clear a little. After walking for about half an hour along the deserted beach, I came across an assortment of huts built on stilts that had probably once been a fishing village where, in recent times, local sea gypsies had cast their nets into the golden sea every evening at sunset. Now the huts were mostly run down and unoccupied. I wandered past without interest, my mind preoccupied in a vain attempt to recall the events of the previous night in the Horny Toad beach bar. I was just deciding that this was a pointless exercise when a voice called out from the direction of the settlement. The voice, which spoke in broken English, was clear and resonant with the lilting accent of a local lady. ‘Hey you handsome man’ she called out. I looked around and realising that I was the only person on the beach, reluctantly decided that the poor girl was either optically challenged or very prone to flattery. Nevertheless, my curiosity got the better of me and I peered into the shade of the nearest veranda. As my eyes became accustomed to the change of light, I saw a startlingly attractive young lady lounging in a wickerwork chair, her long shiny hair cascading over the soft olive skin of her bare shoulders. Her eyes laughed as she called to me again. ‘Hey handsome man, you want to come see me’. I decided that I did and walked up the steps of the veranda to where she was sitting. Close-up, she was even more beautiful that my first impression. ‘You like some drink’ she lilted. I said I would and she handed me a coconut, then deftly sliced the top off with a rusty machete. This was a somewhat frightening operation as I was holding the coconut on my lap at the time. She smiled sweetly and asked ‘Would you like anything else’. Always prone to naiveté, I wondered if she might have a bottle of Panadol with which I could ease my thumping head, but I thought it unlikely and dismissed the idea. ‘You like me’ she whispered softly. My mind suddenly cleared as I realised that this unexpected hospitality had transformed into a strictly business transaction. I attempted to appear worldly. ‘How much’ I asked. ‘For a handsome man, only 500 dosh’ she asked. I reached into my pocket but could only muster a single 100 note, the result of the previous night in the Horny Toad. ‘I’m sorry but this is all I’ve got’ I replied apologetically. She looked me up and down. ‘Sorry’ she said with what I wanted to think was genuine regret. ‘No money - no honey’. I had heard that many times before and the decision was always final. Oh well, probably for the best. I got up to leave. Suddenly her eyes flashed. ‘You very nice man, I do good deal for you’. She looked down at my trainers, an expensive pair that I had bought in London prior to my travels. ‘100 dosh and the trainers’ she suggested. I thought about the long walk back barefooted on the scorching sands, but being of a weak and slightly adventurous disposition, I agreed. ‘OK come inside, but don’t expect too much for a 100 dosh and a pair of trainers’ she warned. I felt somewhat slighted but having gone this far, I decided to continue. The hut, although sparsely furnished, was surprisingly comfortable inside and spotlessly clean. There was a bamboo framed bed, a small dressing table and a refrigerator of American manufacture, attached to the front of which was a faded picture of the Manchester United football team. After this initial look around, I decided it was time to enter the troes of passion.
It all started rather slowly and I got the impression that Sumalee was counting the numerous lizards as they darted across the coconut palm ceiling. Suddenly things took a turn for the better as I felt her arms wrap around my back, followed shortly by her long brown legs. This sudden change in her affections gave a considerable boost to my confidence. ‘I know you said not to expect too much’ I fished ‘but I suppose you just couldn’t resist’. ‘No such luck cookie boy’ she replied breezily ‘ I was just trying on the trainers while I was waiting’.
Suddenly, I wished I was a million miles away but took consolation in the fact that at least she hadn’t tried to tie the laces as well.


2006-07-22 17:07:18 · answer #7 · answered by thomasrobinsonantonio 7 · 0 0

Turn on a sprinkler and run thru it. That's soooo fun and it'll remind you of when you were a child. The heat tends to make me grumpy and frumpy I'm 28 and a run thru the cold water lifts my spirits. ( I also like to drink out of the water hose, remember making a fountain and drinking it just to spit it out? How 'bout spraying it as high as you can to make it rain? Please try it!!! You'll feel better I promise:)

2006-07-22 17:08:54 · answer #8 · answered by skhoury28nails 3 · 0 0

If u r depressed, try something u used to love to do. go skating or play basketball. or if u have kids, ask to draw with them or push them on the swings, or even take them to the park.

2006-07-22 17:07:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wanna cyber!!!!!!!!!!! That'll cheer you up! Nothing like getting off to clear your depression blues!!!

(BTW, jk....I don't cyber) But throw in a porn or something and go to town. LOL....jerk off twice and call me in the morning! :)

2006-07-22 17:04:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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