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Iraqis have every right to resist the liar & brutal US occupation.

Unlike American sheep, they are not fool. They know that the WMDs claims and its substitute reason the 'liberation' are lies.

They only see destruction, death, torture, humiliation, violence, occupation, lies, puppet govt... just like with Saddam!

God bless the patriot Iraqi resistance figthers who stand firm against the coward & murderer US occupier!

Drive them out from YOUR land!

Give Iraq back to Iraqis!

2006-07-22 10:00:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

12 answers

NO they are not... They are pig scum cowards who can't fight face to face cause they know our troops would spank their butts.
But if you call someone who wears a rag on their head and plant bombs and hides and films young men getting blowed up brave then there is something wrong with you.
I'm a middle age woman and I have more guts to fight face to face.

I bet if you took a hand full of grandmothers over there they would still plant bombs and hid like the cowards they are.

2006-07-23 11:34:08 · answer #1 · answered by joonam_21 3 · 1 1

Ok...assuming that a lot of Iraqis really dont want the Yanks around their land...then why arent we seeing more and more Iraqis fighting the USA soldiers like what you probably saw in Vietnam (assuming you were in that conflict)? Yes the Yanks are suffering losses...but go check the figures yourself. More Iraqis are dying than Yanks (1 Yank for every 52 or so Iraqis)...and by the way the majority of Iraqi deaths have been caused by the IED bombs and suicide bombers of the "freedom fighters" themselves. Again there are differences between freedom fighters and terrorists...and these insurgents (a significant percentage of which aint even Iraqi judging by the way they kill the ordinary Iraqis) definitely fall in the latter category.

And by the way the current elected government of Iraq (which also has elements which arent completely friendly to the USA negating your puppet govt theory) has asked the USA presence to stay at least until the Iraqi Army that is being built up can handle them terrorists.

Maybe the true question you should ask is "Are the Iraqis who strive for their nation despite the insurgents brave people?"
These Iraqis (the ordinary citizens who work in schools, in offices, hospitals, cafes and restaurants and the thousands who enlist in their army and police forces) who work despite the death threats from the "freedom fighters", despite the bombs and RPGs are the ones who really want a free and secure Iraq. These are the ones you should support and ask God to bless...not the terrorist scumbags who kill the civilians with cowardice and hate.

Of all the people you could praise...why these guys? I mean you have every right to be against the actions of your own nation but going so far as to support their enemies...whose side are you really on?

2006-07-23 01:28:14 · answer #2 · answered by betterdeadthansorry 5 · 0 0

Iraq has a freely elected government. Every Coalition soldier is there at the request of that elected government. A Government that was elected by the people of Iraq.

The Insurgents are mostly people not from Iraq. As in, they are not Iraqi. As in they are not sponsored by the Iraqi Government. As in they are not supported by the Iraqi people.

Insurgents mostly kill defenseless women and children in markets, schools and in the streets. They are not killing US soldiers anywhere close to the level of Iraqi civilians that are being killed.

If they actually fought for something other than their misguided cause, Yes, I would consider them brave. (Most insurgents are fighting to kill US soldiers, and they are doing a very poor job of that, so they kill innocent people instead) But they are not fighting for anything larger than themselves. They are not trying to free the Iraqi people from anything other than their new found freedoms. They are fighting the freely elected government of Iraq and killing the Iraqi people. Unarmed Iraqi People. Iraqi Women and Children. There are a few countries surrounding Iraq that do not want to see a Free Democratic Government as their neighbor. It might give the people ideas that they too could be free, and that might just topple their regimes. (Iran & Syria just to name two)

Coward fighters, that would be the insurgents. Cowards that murder women and children every day. The US is only one of many nations that are rebuilding Iraq. Where is the outcry for those nations to leave? Pick 10 different countries on-line newspapers and read up for yourself. Try getting educated on the subject.

I see from your other questions that you are bitter from your service in the US military. Did you get kicked out? Couldn't cut the work load? Not good enough yourself? Why don't you go to Iraq and fight for Iraqi Freedom? I'm sure the insurgents would help you... Oh wait, your prior US Military and they think everything US is scum except of course the freedom they enjoy when and if they are in our country enjoying it. So I guess you're just out of luck with that idea.

I wouldn't be suprised to see a mass exodus from Iraq of all the insurgents as they head their way towards Lebanon and Syria to fight Israel. They just want someone to kill, and they are not too particular about who it is.

Brave, No. Cowards and murderers, very much so.

2006-07-22 12:09:44 · answer #3 · answered by Michael 3 · 0 0

If we give Iraq back to the people of Iraq they will just cower to another murdering, lying, arrogant dictator like Saddam. You are a very misinformed and ignorant person. I think most of the military, their families, and the U.S. citizens would gladly give the Iraqis back their country and walk away. Let them kill as many innocents as they would like. The insurgents are not brave people. They are cowards! They do not fight with honor and bravery like our military does. They hide their faces, set their I.E.D.'s, and hide. If they are as brave as you say then they should be open about who they are and not hide. Cowards. Oh, and if the U.S. is such a murderer than how come there are so many innocents being killed at the hands of the insurgents and in the name of Allah?

2006-07-22 11:29:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No they are Cowards. They should all die because they are not ressistance fighters they are terrorists ok. They kill people for fun. All right whoever wrote this "God bless the patriot Iraqi resistance figthers who stand firm against the coward & murderer US occupier!" should probably be investigated by the FBI and you are a coward. Shame on you SCUM

2006-07-22 10:12:48 · answer #5 · answered by stick to my guns 2 · 0 0

ok you know your question, (though you've really just made a statement) is not really worth an answer but i'll give you one anyways. FIRST OFF, the insurgents in iraq are not iraqi, they are syrian, iranian, egyption, etc etc. they are terrorist from OTHER nations, so they are not fighting for their country they are fighting to keep power over the iraqi people through violence and terror. obviously you've not BEEN to iraq to know what you are talking about so this is as good of an answer as you deserve, you misinformed moron.

2006-07-22 12:51:48 · answer #6 · answered by thirteen_fox 3 · 0 0

If you constitute putting ones life on the line as brave than yes, they are brave. That said I am still rooting for the US and Brits to get a stable government in the region and God bless the US and British troops and whoever else is there supporting them.

2006-07-22 10:21:06 · answer #7 · answered by bumpocooper 5 · 0 0

You should broad the next plain,train,bus or whatever n help ur brave freedom fighters, who by the way are fighting to end freedom an go back to the oppressive regime of Saddam
(Whata jackass)

2006-07-23 03:16:03 · answer #8 · answered by techsan06 2 · 0 0

i'd have a tendency to believe that Ms. Carroll is sympathizing with the terrorists because she lived of their midst for some days and collected a experience of their desperation and convoluted techniques about promulgating fundamentalist ideals. i imagine that it truly is effortless human nature to favor to sympathize with ones captors even as in captivity. often times, this sense would not go away after one is released. keep in mind, a similar aspect occurred to Patty Hearst. BTW, i did not study Ms. Carroll's article.

2016-11-25 02:04:15 · answer #9 · answered by tormey 4 · 0 0

No they're not brave! They are killing their own people. What is wrong with you?

If killing fellow Iraqis...woman and children I might add, makes you brave, then for sure the insurgents are brave.

2006-07-22 10:10:35 · answer #10 · answered by Taffi 5 · 0 0

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