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is this anyway a christian should talk to me??
even if I am gay?

Now your a sinner so shut up!
U ain't even on my level
Also I go to church sinner don't go to church they won't allow gay people like u. Just go to your little gay march so I can destroy the celebration.
Of course it's like your going through your period again. So shut up that's why Jesus is with me
And Jesus ain't on Earth fool so you'd betta say your prayers.
Now everyone sins if you did your homework in 1st grade you would've known that. But what do you know? What do you know of sin? If you knew anything about sin you would have known that homosexuality is a sin and no being angry is not a sin if it was God would have sin. I'm not tellin' you about Heaven cause I won't see u there because your a homo. And they hate on me because I have a betta life, I have money they don't and they are not going to Heaven that's why they hate me.
One more thing before I'm off this question pride isn't a sin if it was there wouldn't be a "gay pride" would there?

2006-07-22 09:52:43 · 59 answers · asked by hot chicky 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

59 answers

No it's not. it's not a Christians place to judge anybody! That is kind of scary....

2006-07-22 09:57:01 · answer #1 · answered by A J 2 · 0 1

No one should talk to you that way, especially one who wears Christ's name. Hopefully they will read this also. Since they think they know a lot please allow me to tear it to shreds so to speak.

I read this 3 times now and I am amazed that this person got just about everything wrong.
Were all sinners, we can't all shut up.
There are no levels and if there were, none of us have reached Christ level. Even if we concieved of some type of ranking, the difference between one person and another woulf be so miniscule when compared to Christ's perfection.
You should still be welcomed at church. A church without sinners is called an empty building.
period--no clue. i'm a guy
Jesus is God, so he has all the attributes of God including omnipresence.
homosexuality is a sin- Well on that one I have to agree. but it is also a sin when I cuss or do any of the million other things that I seem to do wrong everyday. God still loves us both EQUALLY.
Anger is not a sin, but it can cause us to sin, This person is a good example of that.
I hope to meet you in heaven someday. I hope you will learn about Christ.
Betta life/ mo money-- these things are not connected. the fact that this writer thinks they are is more evidence that he is not being directed by the Holy Spirit.
Pride certainly is a sin. We can be proud of what we accomplish if we acknowledge that it is only because of God that we were able to do anything. We should not act as if we did it all by ourselves.

I thank you for writing this. I pray that you will be shown an extra measure of God's love and that you will not thing this is a reflection of his word. The hard part here is to say that this person who is full of hate is also loved by God. You and I probably find this difficult. But God's love is perfect so he can forgive all things. If you ever question his love for you, remember the letter of a hateful fool. In that way maybe God will turn hate to love. You never know.

2006-07-22 10:37:14 · answer #2 · answered by unicorn 4 · 0 0

Well there are a lot of really dumb people in this world and I think you got hold of one. Whoever sent this to you has no concept of what Christianity is.

There are many things he or she says that have no bases of fact. Yes the bible refers to homosexuality as a sin but it is most indirect.

There are many homosexuals that do believe in the lord and there is no reason to believe they will not see heaven.

Whoever wrote this is so full of hate and miss information and clearly very young that you can discount every thing he/she said as they are anything but a christen.

Oh they may go to church and they may hang out with other people who claim to be saved and they may even think they are saved.

But they are in for a very rude awakening come their judgment day. The reason Jesus came to earth was because there was so much hate on the earth. He came to point the way to salvation and it was through peace, love and understanding.

If this person truly had been saved and did believe in the lord you can believe you would not hear the hate you are getting here.

Ignore whoever sent this as nothing they say is based on fact at all and most is simply hate for something they don't understand.

2006-07-22 10:23:33 · answer #3 · answered by John B 5 · 0 0

I am SO sorry that you were spoken to like that by some one who says they are a follower of Jesus. That person has a warped sense of how our Lord is. He loves the sinner, yet hates the sin. That is why He came to earth to die, to release us from that. Not that we will ever be sinless, but we have a CHOICE thanks to Him whether or not to commit any particular sin. Both the old and new testament talks about the homosexual lifestyle. God bless you as you search for truth. Again, remember there are false people out there who claim to know the truth, but they are deceived. And yes, pride is one of the biggest sins before God..that is what keeps alot of people from seeing their need for Him! ( we all struggle with this daily, even if we may not admit it ;-)) Hugs....

2006-07-22 10:27:22 · answer #4 · answered by neic'e 3 · 0 0

I don't know who said that to you, but they are no lover of the God I read about. Yes, everyone sins, and it is the struggle against sin that defines our place as humans rather than perfect beings. If we had no struggle how could we be worthy of love? This person should be asking themselves why God would put a desire for the same sex in you so that they could re-evaluate her own world view rather than criticising and abusing people who have a burden to bear.
And just as a little side note: pride can be a sin. It is the sin that leads to the kind of narrow minded ignorance, and arrogant judgement that this person has expressed. There isn't an argument in that whole rant that isn't flawed, not a single statement that doesn't reek of hypocrisy and a hatred of a fellow human, one of the rankest crimes any person can commit in the eyes of God.

I can't answer any questions about where your sexuality stands with God, because I don't know myself. But if you are seeking his face, I will tell you now that he will not deny you.

2006-07-22 10:06:32 · answer #5 · answered by Jon W 1 · 0 0

Anyone can label themselves "Christian". But obviously actions speak louder than words. Use some sense, he's obviously not a Christian. God warns to beware of the wolves in sheep's clothing who pose as christians on the outside, but inside they're full of evil and wickedness. Ignore the one that you talked to. You don't see any of Jesus' disciples in the Bible acting like that person did. Whatever your sins are, is between you and God, and no one else. Even though we're all sinners, we can still talk to God. And you're no different, you can still talk to God, and he'll listen to you. That's the beauty of being a Christian.

2006-07-22 10:02:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No christian should have talked to you that way. That's not christian like and a lot of christian's like that. I'm sorry but God created us to be equal, not better then another. In a DC Talk (christian group) says at the beginning of the song that christian's are the biggest athesist because we go into church listen to what the preacher has to say and walk out not living by it. I do agree with that, I hate to think of myself of that kind of christian. I want to say I'm sorry for that christian.

2006-07-22 09:58:48 · answer #7 · answered by morganfam42000 2 · 0 0

No hon its not a way anyone should talk to you. I'm not sure what has set this person off like this. But you will find that you are welcome to go to any church anywhere. Though you know yourself that there will be noses looked down on you for being gay and they will want to teach you their beliefs. Just don't judge Christians to harshly they are only human to. Hopefully you will find it in your heart to forgive us when we tend to be a bit over bearing and rude. Jesus does love you very much just as much as I or anyone else, that's why he died on the cross for us.

2006-07-22 10:03:39 · answer #8 · answered by auntkarendjjb 6 · 0 0

Misdirected and not answered in love.

First, we are all sinnners...I am a Christian and realize that my sins pile up every day, though I struggle against them. Many outside of Christianity would call us hippocrites, but it is simply that we remain sinful until the day we die and will not attain perfection in this life.

I do believe the Bible stands in opposition to the sin of homosexuality and lesbianism. But, we must follow the example of Christ. This is best illustrated when Christ spoke with the women at the well. This is long, but if you are not acquainted with the story please read it for context. Here's the link so this reply is not so long.


First, this woman is a Samaritan, despised by Jews second she has had 5 husbands and is living with another man. Christ does not hammer her with her sin and past sins, but tells here to believe in Him and sin no more.

So, I say....Believe in Christ, walk in his love and grace, and sin no more.

In Christ,
VoX Deus

2006-07-22 10:11:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nope, that's no way for a Christian to talk to you.

You're already aware that Christians disapprove of homosexuality, so there's no need for anyone to keep rubbing it in.

You probably already know about Christianity (accept the gift of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus; pray directly to God asking forgiveness of your sins in the name of Jesus), so there's no need for anyone to keep rubbing that in either.

Anyway, a Christian should never ever be mean and nasty to someone. He should instead try to live his life in a way that will make others want to be Christian.

2006-07-22 10:05:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no, that's not a Christian... he says he's a Christian... that doesn't show he believes... because we are ALL sinners... and we all live here on earth.... i have no idea why he talks like that... because he does not represent the majority of Christians... Christians are humble and serve others... he doesn't sound like that, but don't dis him, because he doesn't realize what he's doing, and he's not even Christian, because Christians have accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts and want to live a holy, Christian life.... doesn't sound correct..... and don't stereotype christians just because you hear someone say that... maybe he says he's a christian, but remember, actions speak louder than words... and to me, he's not really a christian (maybe he was in a bad mood...) well i hope you realize what christian is being about.. and not being all arrogant, because Jesus doesn't like arrogance.. well good luck and GOd bless!!

2006-07-22 10:01:00 · answer #11 · answered by Whitney 2 · 0 0

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