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and what age is acceptable to have a "boyfriend"?

2006-07-22 09:35:03 · 13 answers · asked by bigmammarush 3 in Family & Relationships Family

13 answers

let her dance, anything we start young we will be good in it.
but as in boyfriend, u be in charge, and may allow or disallow until she is 18 where then she can decide for herself. but anything less than 18, u decide for her.
children have tough,crazy and uncontrolled wild mind, its our job as parents to keep this under check.
this has been absent in many homes, thats why we have all these vices and atrocities on our streets

2006-07-22 09:46:53 · answer #1 · answered by ay. 3 · 3 1

ok looke, i may not be the age you wanted to answer this question, but i will let you see the view from a view your daughter would have too. So your wondering if its ok for a teenager to go to a school dance? ofcourse, Ive been to lots, im goin into eighth grade, but they have teachers and chaperones there, too. nothing can happen that you wouldnt want, so you can trust her and other people at the dance to let her go. and about the boyfriend thing, i say yes, when your in 7th or 8th grade(sometimes 9th) the most you ever do with a boyfriend is hug and talk on the fone and be around each other alot. your daughter isnt going to do anything you wouldnt want her to, she might kiss, but she wont make out, most middle-schoolers are both self-concious of that or just dont feel ready. you should give her a chance at both!

2006-07-22 09:47:31 · answer #2 · answered by Mandi 1 · 0 0

7th grade dances are no big thing. As for a boyfriend sure she can have a "school" boyfriend but I think 12 is to young to date. Both of my daughters couldn't date until 16 (one still has 2 more yrs to go)

2006-07-22 09:46:37 · answer #3 · answered by daydreambeliever0000 4 · 0 0

If the dance is for only her age group, that is fine, but no dating. She is too young to date. Group activities that are school or church oriented are fine, but not out of control parties at private homes. If I had my way the age to have a boyfriend would be over 21! However, she should be at least 16 and preferably older than that.

2006-07-22 12:12:45 · answer #4 · answered by Rosie 2 · 0 0

Sure, as long as she doesn't pair off with a boy.
Dancing with them is fine.
Boys and Girls shouldn't pair off (be boy/girlfriends) until they are out of high school and ready to face life and the reality of marriage.
Statistically boys and girls who do pair off to date other girls and boys instead of being in group dates before they are 16 are far more likely to have sex, get pregnant and get an STD.
Of course I don't know how effective these ideas would be to your daughter if she dresses in such a way as to attract sexual attention from boys and if you haven't taught her to be chaste an virtuous and to save herself for her wedding night.
Also if you haven't raised her with a good dad in the home to tell her she's beautiful, good, important and all that other stuff she will probably have a low self esteem or will think little of her chastity and her value as a young woman and whether you like it or not, if it is the case there was no good daddy in the home to help raise her to puberty and through teenagehood she will probably end up having sex long before she ever marries and will be suffering some kind of bad consequence for doing so. Another consequence of premarital sex is she will value herself far less than she ever did before she had sex and if she does find a good guy to marry the honeymoon night will be far less special than it ever would be if she didn't have premarital sex.
I know this is a lot to think about but you really have to think about the future of your daughter. Will she truly be happy 5, 10, 30 years from now because she chose to do the right and good things mommy and daddy taught her by example and precept?

2006-07-22 11:26:58 · answer #5 · answered by duhanlorian 3 · 0 0

That's why they have school dances, so the kids can go. Of course let her go. It depends on how you define boyfriend. To go to the movies or a dance I think 12 or 13 is a good age. I wouldn't let it go much farther than that.

2006-07-22 09:56:18 · answer #6 · answered by doglady 5 · 0 0

Look I think it would be ok if your daughter goes to a school dances as long as you drop her off and pick her up. My parents were very strict with me but now-a-days it is really different. As far as a boyfriend I think 16 is a good age as long as you sit her down and talk about "the facts of life". Let her know that she does not need to identify herself by the boy she is with. Allow her to be her own person, and help her grow to be dependent,strong and to love herself.

2006-07-22 09:42:33 · answer #7 · answered by trouble comes a knockin 5 · 0 0

i'm not sure about the boyfriend question but to the question about the dances yeah she should go i had gone to all my middle school dances (grades 6-8) and had a great time your daughter should be able to have a good time with her friends as well.

2006-07-22 10:13:41 · answer #8 · answered by dar_luver 2 · 1 0

Holding her back will just make her rebel and sneak around behind your back. Let her date the right guy and she can go to the school dances. Middle school dances aren't that bad and they have teachers to look out for the students. Let your daughter have fun! Good luck.

2006-07-22 10:11:45 · answer #9 · answered by gwen 4 · 1 0

I think it's good for her to go to school related activities. They have good supervision. It's an essential time to make new friends and be better aquainted with the opposite sex. I'm thirteen (I'll turn fourteen in Oct.), and I already have a boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, it's a long distance relationship that my parents approved of.

2006-07-22 09:45:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wouldn't try to hold her back too much from anything she wants to do. it will make the prize look that much sweeter. (think forbidden fruit)

Talk things over with her and make sure "she" is making the right decision. At 12 I let my daughters date, but told them they were too young for serious boyfriends. that's time to figure out how to interact with the opposite sex.

I always like to threaten new boys with death too. It can't hurt.

2006-07-22 09:40:33 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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