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... send the Archangel Michael to kill the first born egyptian... y'know, the Moises stuff with the 10 plagues that will fall upon the egyptians... so, why did God kill innocent children instead of appearing in front of the pharough and telling him "Let my people Go!"... is it bcz God works in misterious and breath-taking cruel ways?

2006-07-22 09:33:48 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

God killed innocent lives because Ramses was so frickin' stubborn. Moses told Ramses that God would kill all those children if he didn't let the Jews go, but Ramses refused. God didn't want to kill all those people, but He's a Man of His Word. God told the pharoah what would happen, and then had to do it. So, it's the pharoah's fault that all those children died. Besides, it not like God didn't warn the Pharoah many times before. That's what the other nine plagues were for, and they got worse each time.

2006-07-22 09:39:24 · answer #1 · answered by johnthelatinfreak 2 · 0 0

I think the root of your question is why would God kill the innocent children when they are not the ones that were responsible for disobeying him? Not all the firstborn were children but we'll stick with those.

We can not know a complete answer right now, but there are some things that we have learned. We know that there is an after life. We know that sin keeps us from heaven, but innocent children have no sin. So there is nothing that would keep them out of heaven. We also know that God make us to serve his purpose. He is not a genie that exist to serve us. With all the good that he has done, and all the times he has done things so different and yet better than the way we would have done, he deserves my trust. So I don't worry about those children. Not because I don't care, but because no one could care for them better than God.

2006-07-22 16:53:59 · answer #2 · answered by unicorn 4 · 0 0

Don't forget that God's only begotten son was killed too. Do not place the evils of men such as Pharoah on God. Pharoah let all the first born of egypt die. Pharoah was warned time and time again. Pharoah could have prevented it. God pleaded withPharoah tostop his evil ways numerous times. And obviously Pharoah didn't care that God warned him. So the burden falls on Pharoah. It'd be like seeing a vicious dog come running at your child, but you just stand there and let it happen, instead of doing something about it to save your child from harm's way. God warned Pharoah of the consequences and gavehim chance to change.

2006-07-22 16:45:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, it is because God is a very powerful and jealous God. The Jews are considered God's people and the pahroh belived that his God's and priests were more powerful than the God of Moses. Moses warned the pharoh to let his people go, and untill the all of the firstborn were destroyed then the pharoh let the jews go. So in short, no God is not cruel, he is very fair, but as it says in the Bible, "Do not test the Lord"

2006-07-22 16:39:49 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Each of the Ten Plagues was a proof of the powerlessness of each of Egypts false gods. Pharoah was shown without a doubt that his gods of the river, his gods of agriculture, even his gods who were supposed to protect children were useless against the true God, Jehovah. Even so, Pharoah had a haughty attitude towards Moses and his God, and claimed that his own priests could replicate many of the same miracles. It would have been pointless for God to stand in front of Pharoah in a form for him to even view Him and hear Him say to release the Israelites. Like many hardheaded folks today, I doubt Pharoah would have listened.

2006-07-22 16:40:41 · answer #5 · answered by da chet 3 · 0 0

Because the children weren't innocent(all are born as sinners)...and remember, Pharoah killed all the male infant Jews at the beginning of exodus(Exodus 1).
He caused all ten plagues to happen, He hardened pharoah's heart, all to the extent of displaying His glory. God killed the first born children to display His mercy to the Jewish people and to set up the passover(lamb's blood was put on the doorpost of all Jewish people, the firstborn in those households would not die) in order for the death of Christ to be understood as a passover fulfillment. It was mercy that the angel of death did not kill all of the firstborns, they were all guilty.

2006-07-22 16:39:19 · answer #6 · answered by mr. tolbert 1 · 0 0

lets say you had God's power... how would you do it? people always challenge what God does... its amazing because people are so stupid compared to God and God knows what's right...besides, think about today's world, if you were always meek and lowly, do you think that the world would follow your orders and do whatever you say.. sometimes you've gotta be a bit on the tough side, sometimes you have to show your power so people realize how wonderful you really hard... that was a really good question, and maybe it sounds cruel, but really, God knows exactly why he's done everything the way he's done it... God can't make mistakes, that's just who he is and his nature, just ask God, and in time, you will find the answer... its just hard for humans to understand... why do humans always find ways to make God look bad? they always try to find ways and throw them in Christian's faces so we won't believe... there are only a few negative, if anything, things about certain stuff... but there's always something positive from bad situations like that... and besides... why judge him on only what seems harsh... look at all the good he's done, don't you see that?... people always look on the bad side and always expect the goodness to keep coming... it shouldn't work like that, but it does...
next time, if something good happens, thank God... and realize how much more often good happens in your life than bad (and from every bad situation, something good can happen) well i hope i answered your question!! God bless!!!

2006-07-22 16:42:06 · answer #7 · answered by Whitney 2 · 0 0

yes, that's the reason

of course, if you believe in God, then you believe that he knew what was best for everyone, including the egyptians and they're children

if you believe in an all powerful God and that He has a heaven, then you would believe He could arrange it so that those who most needed to go to heaven right then, went

if you believe in God you can accept that He knew what the heck He was doing, and caused only the greater good

if you don't believe in God, or in that god, Jehova, you're asking about, then the question is meaningless

if you don't believe in the God of the Jews, who cares what somebody claimed He did

2006-07-22 16:39:48 · answer #8 · answered by enginerd 6 · 0 0

First of all this is part of my Wiccan beliefs and a little bit about Christian beliefs.

First God can not interfere with our free will. That means he/she can not do anything physical including the plagues. However he/she can talk to us if we listen to him/her. This is all that God did with Moses; God did not write down the 10 commandments on any tablets. God suggested to Moses to write them down.

As for the magic; we all have it. God showed Mosses how to harness it. Then Moses used this power to do the plagues. The last plague Moses gave the pharoah the ability to cause it.

2006-07-23 17:16:14 · answer #9 · answered by darksphyx 5 · 0 0

Pharaoh killed the innocent children by not obeying His command to let the children of Israel go.

The Egyptians had kept the Israelites in bondage for many years and mistreated them.

God doesn't appear in front of Pharaoh, he sends messengers and prophets to give His messages, if God were to go before Pharaoh he would have withered and died. No unrighteous man could stand in the presence of God and live.

Due to Pharaoh's unwillingness to let go of the Israelites he created his own problems.

2006-07-22 16:42:55 · answer #10 · answered by Angel 4 · 0 0

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