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36 answers

Christians are flawed sinners, just like anyone else. However the duty of Christians is to spread the love of the gospels. Christ summarized it in this way: Love God with all that you have and love your neighbor as yourself. If we spread things counter to that, then you are right to criticize.
Putting Christianity into practice is difficult and sometimes we fail miserably. I hope that when we do, we get back up again and ask for forgiveness from God and go forward again. I would hope that when we fall short of this mark, also, you might see fit to forgive us too.

2006-07-22 08:16:24 · answer #1 · answered by Bentley 4 · 0 0

I'm not quite sure where you are going with this but if you want to ask a question like this you should at least give a reason for the question? I understand some people can get very confused by everything they hear. And yes, there are some people out there that do spread lies and say it is the gospel but they are not christians and it really isn't the gospel. People are entitled to believe what they want but just be careful how you approach those of us that really believe in the real thing, with an attitude like that, we may actually try to spread the real gospel to YOU!!!!!

2006-07-22 08:09:31 · answer #2 · answered by kittykat 2 · 0 0

I decided not to report your abuse, although there is a category, "incites violence or hatred" that would qualify you. Instead, I decided to use your question to make an important point about our approach to religious questions here. Or rather what it is attempting to be.

The idea is that you can ask any question, present any point of view, so long as you do it with good manners. Now, you are apparently not a Christian, and you want to make that point. Fine, but that is not a question. So you want to frame what you have to say in the form of a question. Also fine. The problem is the use of the term "lies and ignorance" to describe what the Christians call gospel. You may think that's exactly what it is, but there is clearly a better way to put this. How about something like this: "Do Christians feel it is their duty to spread their gospel throughout the world, even though there are many contradictory and inconsistent elements to it? If so, why?" See, "contradictory and inconsistent" is nowhere near as insulting as "lies and ignorance," even if you privately believe that it is just plain ignorant to try to believe something which is contradictory and inconsistent. It may be, but it is also what fundamentalist Christians do indeed consider to be their duty, and it makes them touchy. Try to be sympathetic for their dilemma.

Can you see the difference?

2006-07-22 08:11:34 · answer #3 · answered by auntb93again 7 · 0 0

It is not a Christian's job to spread lies and ignorance through the world and call it the gospel and good news. It is a Christian's job to spread the truth throughout the world and call it the gospel/good news.

2006-07-22 08:03:27 · answer #4 · answered by ld 3 · 0 0

Lies and ignorance? Where did you find that? In the Christian bible? Excuse me, if you don’t believe the Christian bible, then according to the bible, you are a nonbeliever.

I will present the core (there is much more, but I believe that every Christian can agree on this core): God kept his promise in Jesus (Jesus means God helps/saves/delivers); Jesus was executed and God raised him from the dead (this is the Christian hope for eternal life); and that Jesus will return.

Are these the lies you talked about and the ignorance Christians are spreading? Because this is the good news (gospel).

OK I have answer your question in simple terms the core of the Christian message. Where did I get it? From the Christian bible. For Christians, Christian bible is God's word as spoken through the prophets. It is a tool for the believer; it is not a conversion manual. Jesus asked his followers (Christians) to witness the good news to every nation. Are these the lies and the ignorance you speak?

At this point, let me give you reference: Heaven is where God is; Hell is where he is not; and Earth is where man is. The Christian message is to move you to where God is when you are eventually no longer on Earth. Again, are these lies and ignorance you speak?

Everything I have presented comes from the Christian bible that actually defined (better reveals) truth. I have presented the Christian message (I have done my job). You either accepted or rejected it. If you really do not know, I suggest you contact those ignorant liars for more information.

2006-07-22 08:35:31 · answer #5 · answered by J. 7 · 0 0

Most assuredly not. None of the Gospel or Good News is a lie or intended to spread ignorance. I am a Christian and extremely proud of it. I know that there are "christians" out there who wear the title and drag the name through the mud. Our job is to inform you of the truth, not hide it from you. Please, if you have an other questions about what us true Christians are to do, let me know and I will do my best to get you the answer.

2006-07-22 08:05:37 · answer #6 · answered by mobob 1 · 0 0

Satan has a counterfeit for most of what God offers us and one of those counterfeits is the false Christian. The Bible calls them "tares (or weeds) in the wheat. They resemble a Christian in some ways, like their terminology and such, but don't really have the Holy spirit living in them. If you read the Bible you will find that it was "religious" people that crucified Christ. What better way to turn people against Christ than to say you are one and then act like the devil? Do you think he is stupid? Not by any stretch of the imagination. He is sly as a fox. The problem is, these people don't know they are not real Christians and need our prayers that they not be deceived. Also we also need to realize that God didn't come to save the perfect, but the sinner. We are a work in progress not someone who has achieved perfection. We all make mistakes.

2006-07-22 08:15:12 · answer #7 · answered by Red Rider 1 · 0 0

No of course not,it's just one of the many downsides to religion in general.
Most of them mean very well,they believe they are saving people and that we otherwise will burn in Hell for eternity.They wish to prevent our misery.I know it's annoying but their intentions are good.
That's why I think and feel we should have patience with them and as atheist should also spread our peace loving message.
We should prevent them however from misleading more primitive countries.
It's wrong to teach people in third world countries that condoms are bad for example.
Burt like I said we have also the responsibility.If we know so well that life without God can be so much richer why don't we actively share that with our fellow man?
We might be right on the facts but maybe need a few lessons of Christean's on caring for others.

2006-07-22 08:14:34 · answer #8 · answered by justgoodfolk 7 · 0 0

It is a Christian's job to spread the Gospel and Good news of Christ. It is your choice whether or not to believe it.

2006-07-22 08:11:12 · answer #9 · answered by cj_justme 4 · 0 0

It's no different than your parents telling you something because they BELIEVED it was true, they gave you the information with the right intention, believing they were telling you the truth. Every christian knows that the Bible is not 100% accurate, it was after-all written by that fallible creature called "man", passed down over thousands of years and re-translated into different languages. Just as what we are taught growing up may be wrong, but our parents and teachers THOUGHT it was right when they taught it to us - that doesn't make them bad people. So there is really no reason you should attack those people that don't believe as you do, anymore than there is a reason for them to attack you for thinking differently than them (now is there?)

2006-07-22 08:12:54 · answer #10 · answered by arvecar 4 · 0 0

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