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My older sister always lies to harm me a sometimes for no apparent reason. it's confusing to me also. i haven't been talking to her for some days because she mafde up a lie about a guy in school not liking me she got caught lying and i was just angry because she tries to play i just can't it hurts so much that not even my family wants me to be happy. it led me to cut myself out of all the anger i had stored up inside...tell me what to do plz??

2006-07-22 06:46:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

11 answers

It may be that your sister is actually jealous of you and is trying to sabotage your happiness to make herself feel better. I understand how this would hurt you deeply. I don't think your entire family doesn't want you to be happy, just this petty jealous liar. Make her problems (lying, being bitter, etc) HER PROBLEMS, not yours. Your friends all have someone in their life that causes them heartache and they will understand. Don't take all her bullshit and put it in your head. I know that cutting releases some of the emotion bubbling up in you, but do what I did, start trying to release the emotions in other ways, writing in a journal, talking to a close friend, learn to play the guitar anything to express yourself without hurting the person she wants to hurt, you! I know you can come out on top here, if I can do it anyone can!

2006-07-22 06:56:58 · answer #1 · answered by Lisa 2 · 3 2

The very first thing, STOP cutting yourself, there is no reason and shows ignorance. Second make a mends with sister no matter how hard it is to say to her, you be the better person she will either stop doing what she is doing or see it doesn't bother you anymore and quit. You are your own person, be a better person and let this go, if she really doesn't like you then in time she will go her seperate way and you will have your own life to live your way. Keep yourself busy too, like school, don't be just good, be the best and before you know it you will be done with it and probably have a scholarship or something. Your life will get better, I know this because so many has done this very thing before you and have gone on to do great things. Siblings can be very mean and hateful. Ignore her and if that doesn't work be her very best friend and she will break eventually they all do. This is your life, live it. I hope I was able to help.

2006-07-22 13:59:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First, the self harm (your cutting yourself) needs to be addressed. Do you do that alot? If so then my first suggestion is to see a psychologist. The cutting is coping techiique used to help you through very stressful times. Th psychologist can teach you coping techniques that will work forever. The cutting leaves scars on more than than your arms. In addition, seeing a psychologist does not mean you are crazy, loony, or any of the other derogatry terms that may used out there today. It means you have a problem that is out of your control and you are taking steps to bring it back under your control.

Second, you need a REAL person to talk to that is not related to you (and this could be the psychologist). Is there an ADULT that you trust? A teacher, school counselor, friend's mom? This adult must be able to listen, make no judgements, and offer suggestions. However, do not ask them to keep all of your secrets. If you make statements that sound life threatening, because they care about you they might/will talk to someone else. That does not mean they broke confidence, it means they truly care about you and did not want you to come to harm.

Have you tried to talk with your sister about this problem? Have you talked with your parents. I mean really sat down, have notes if you want, NO anger, no tantrums, and really talk with your parents as an adult. Sometimes parents get so caught up in trying to ensure that their families have what they perceive as day-to-day needs, they forget about or don't see the emotional needs. In this case communication is going to be vital. Beating up your sister will not solve anything, However, being able to prove her stories are lies will. You must be able to keep your cool when having this conversation and going prepared (think of it as a speech for one of your classes) will help.

Check out the links in the source list. They talk about the self harm. It is very serious and could lead you to seeing me (or someone like me) in the emergency department of a hospital.

2006-07-22 14:43:59 · answer #3 · answered by msfyrebyrd 4 · 0 0

All right, heres what you do: -

1. Get some really dangerous insecticide (liquid) but keep it mind that you buy it with your own pocket money.

2. When the rest of your family is out or away, and only you and your witch of a sister is at home, Start acting nice to her.

3. Go to the kitchen and make a the favorite drink which your stupid sister likes.

4. Mix the chemical (liquid insecticide/pesticide) with that drink.
Make to cups or glasses (but, don't put the poison in your glass)

5. Go to her, and serve her the (you know what!!).

6. (Now comes the action) Your evil sister gets all kinds of yanky visions and gets dizzy and falls with a very bad stomach and head ache.

7. Then it's the R.I.P for her.

8. Celebrate your victory by inviting your boy-friend to your room for one night and enjoy the DING-DONG

2006-07-22 14:02:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So you've become a "cutter" because of your sister? Come on, now...you need to snap out of that before it gets out of control. Your sister is obviously jealous of you and knows how to push your buttons. Have you talked to your parents about this? If you don't think you can talk to them, have you written them a letter about it? When I was a teenager, my Mom and I couldn't stand each other, but if there was something serious going on, I would write her a letter. I could always say things exactly right in a letter, and it also gave my Mom a chance to really think about the letter before responding to me. Try that...not with your sister, but with your parents. Now, decide you RESPECT yourself and stop physically abusing yourself. COMMUNICATE your problem, don't hold it in.

2006-07-22 13:57:15 · answer #5 · answered by julesl68 5 · 0 0

This is a long shot.... ask your family to go to a psychiotrist. or sent your sister to get some help. usually when the entire family goes to she a "family Doctor" everyone can say what they want to each other. You will feel better afterwards. Most of the time thats all you need

2006-07-22 13:51:10 · answer #6 · answered by elmucki 2 · 0 0

First of all, don't cut yourself it doesnt solve a thing except for making u feel even more miserable. Second, your sister is being a *****, ignore her, dont try and confront it because thats probably what she wants. Just don't let it get to you if you can help it.

2006-07-22 13:51:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stop cutting yourself this is outrageous just try to get along with everyone. In a few years you will be grown up and then you will be on your own. Things will get better you will see. Talk to your mother about how you feel.

2006-07-22 13:52:04 · answer #8 · answered by Busy Lady 2010 7 · 0 0

...throw yourself into your scholastic studies and ignore her...try to concentrate more on English (especially grammar and spelling.)
Your sister is a HATER...

2006-07-22 13:59:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

beat the sh*T out of the littls bit*h or have it done .next time cut her .never alow anywon as much power as you have given to this turd

2006-07-22 13:50:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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