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Please no Bible quoting. I will not read it anyways. I want peoples' heart felt opinions here.

2006-07-22 06:01:31 · 43 answers · asked by bc_munkee 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

43 answers

Abortion is a woman's choice and nobody has any right to tell her different. I don't care when life starts, it's not my body, it's hers.

Humans have been using abortion for practically their entire history. When a woman in a more primitive culture has more mouths than she can feed, she takes steps to stop the pregnancy, or she might even have the baby in a hole in the ground and leave it there. Sure that'd be tough to stand by and do nothing, but the fact is it happens all over the world every day and it is none of my business.

My only concern that is a little diff from pro-choice stance is that the father should (ethically, not legally) have some say. If the couple messes up and she gets pregnant, it doesn't seem fair that she gets to decide unilaterally that he has to pay up for the next 18 years. Again, I wouldn't legislate this, but it just doesn't seem fair.

2006-07-22 06:03:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I have 2 ways to answer this, my own personal opion, and the medical opion.

I'll start with the medical side. Abortion is horrible to watch and to participate in. The sounds the machines make are horrible, the whole thing just makes my stomach crawl. When I had to do one, it was the most horrible thing I have ever had to do, I cried for a long time after it. I vowed I wouldn't do it in my practice and I haven't. Women who want abortions have to go elsewhere to have it done. It's not only the fact that, at times, there is a lot of blood, and tissue that is sucked out, but just the thought that more then likely, the baby already had a heartbeat, and a rudamentary brain.

Then there is my own personal opion. I don't think that abortion is the answer to any pregnancy. It is murder, whether you want to believe it or not. A baby has a heartbeat at 4 weeks gestation. Most women don't know they are pregnant until after that. People will say it isn't murder because the baby wasn't "alive" yet. Well, there is cell division from the moment of conception. Isn't that life? Each cell already knows what it is going to be, and is in the stages of doing what it is supposed to do. I don't think we have the right to end a life. Give the baby up for adoption if you don't want it, but don't deny it the chance to be born.

No matter the situation, even rape or incest, abortion will not help those feelings go away. I know. I have dealt with many women who have been in this situation. They feel hopeless and like there is no other option, but after talking to women who have had an abortion due to these circumstances, they wish they hadn't have had one. They wish they could go back and have the baby, give it to someone who would love it, and take care of it, without judging the baby for how they came to be here.

2006-07-22 06:20:05 · answer #2 · answered by odd duck 6 · 0 0

I think that nowadays going for an abortion is unnecessary unless the pregnancy is a consequence of a rape, the embryo is severely incapacitated following strict scientifically tests or in the case that the pregnancy puts the life of the mother on risk.
If any irresponsible act we make has to be paid with somebody's life, then the human race would be extinguished.

Women have the wonderful chance to nourish and protect an embryo/ fetus to bring them to the life on earth. But women are not the ones who give life. Therefore is not in their hands to take it away.
Being responsible is the consequence of the beautiful gift that women have being able to give birth.

Contraceptives of all kinds are available to prevent an “inconvenient" pregnancy. Condoms are there to be used as contraceptives and prevent diseases. Day after pill is already the radical solution for the ones who had "an accident" or unprotected sex without contraceptives.
When I see how hard some couples are trying to conceive going through any painful method because of their wish to have their kids, I think about the women that are going repeatedly to abort in 2006 and I still can not understand why...

In certain case of extreme poverty happening in developed or third world countries, I would say that a woman going for abortions is sometimes a matter of surviving. It is always easy to judge being outside the real misery, but my heart says that these women are putting their lives into risk when inducing an abortion trying to keep the little that they can earn for the Childs they already have. I have seen that in many countries with such a problem the donation of oral contraceptives was a very useful and accepted measure.
Once more, considering that women in different situations have more or less choices is that I justify what I consider is no matter what already a crime.
This comes out of my deep belief that life is a miracle in itself and no one has the right to take it away... legal, no legal, is the same. The morality must go beyond the social rules created to harmonize people from different ways of thinking.

2006-07-22 06:33:56 · answer #3 · answered by Expat Froggy 3 · 0 0

Man Who Cares If Abortion Is A Woman's Choice, If You Don't Want To Be Pregnant Why Have Unprotected Sex, That Is So Stupid Killing A Living That Don't Even Know What's Is Going On I'd Give Them The Death Penalty If It Was My Choice Cause They Doing It To Someone Else. I Think It Needs To Be A Life Or Death Situation For The Mother And The Child Or If Something Was Going To Be Terribly Wrong With The Child. Otha Then That I'm Not Down.

2006-07-22 06:11:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a) Consider this - what quality of life does an unloved, unwanted child have, most likely in a home that will not be able to afford its health, education, college, maybe even food? Is it more humane to inflict such a life on a person, rather than stop that life from ever having to happen? What right has another person to force that onto someone?

b) We are not an emerging species. We have overrun this planet, and its resources are struggling to support us. WE DO NOT NEED MORE PEOPLE. Parenting is not a right, it is a privilege.

c) Bearing children can dangerous to the mother - not all pregnancies have a happy ending. Some did not have a happy start. What right have you got to say to that woman "No, it does not matter that you might suffer, maybe even die - you have to have that child, it deserves life more than you do. It does not matter what you might have accomplished, we'd rather have the child that we have no idea if it will accomplish or not". "No, we insist that you have the child that you did not ask for, that someone forced on you. You must give up your livelihood to care for it for the next 20 years - even though it was a mistake, or even though you were raped".

What makes you think you have the right to decide for that woman? She is the only one that knows her own circumstances, that knows "this is not the right environment to bring up a child", "this is no life for a child, for a human being". Next you'll be saying that a terminal illness patient does not have the right to decide when they should die...

2006-07-22 06:55:45 · answer #5 · answered by cuddles_gb 6 · 0 0

ok i'm fairly sorry you hate toddlers yet imagine about it you've been once a baby your self. all of us were. toddlers aren't from now on issues to be hated! they're little those who a minimum of deserve a probability at existence! convinced I agree human beings come right here for solutions yet right here's the capture, in case you lay down, as a consenting man or woman (convinced I suggested man or woman in case you imagine you're sufficiently old to be having sex you're sufficiently old to take duty and be an man or woman!) than you comprehend the hazards of having pregnant. if you're will ing to play you should be keen to pay! Abortion isn't a form of birth control. the purely way abortion must be huge-spread is that if the mummy changed into raped or the being pregnant has a poor health possibility otherwise, there must be no determination. i'm sorry yet do no longer come to a parenting talk board and ask about abortion! we are specially moms or fathers on right here who curiously love their toddlers! i imagine the more effective question is why you may want to positioned a question which incorporates abortion to moms who curiously don't think in killing there toddlers, this man or woman must have established what they were inquiring for!

2016-11-25 01:47:17 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

im not against abortion i think its up to the individual person an the situation they are in i could never do it myself an i think it takes a lot to be able to go through something like that. people dont realise how hard it is even though it is through choice its not something someone chooses easily my best friend had one an she felt so guilty she went an got pregnant again, infact two of my friends have done that because they are guilt ridden but cannot afford to have the baby or not with the man. people are too quick to judge with stuff like abortion

2006-07-22 06:22:43 · answer #7 · answered by pinkncheeky 2 · 0 0

I believe a human being is made at the onset of conception...the moment the sperm penetrates the egg. So...abortion is the murder of an unborn child, a human being. There are few cases where I could see abortion being acceptable. Cases of incest, rape, and where the lives of the mother and child are at risk. Even in rape, I would rather see the child carried to term and given up for adoption...but I'm not sure I could even do that if I were in that position.

2006-07-22 06:06:02 · answer #8 · answered by schaianne 5 · 0 0

I belive it is the woman's choice.That said however I also belive the only time that should be a chosen path is when the woman was raped,her or the childs health or life was at stake.I don't not think they should use it as a form of birth control, or as a "cure" for a mistake, in that case I think they owe it to the child to give it a chance at the life they created and either try and raise it themselves or find somebody else in this world to adopt and love the child

2006-07-22 06:08:38 · answer #9 · answered by Wish 6 · 0 0

It's a good thing, I had one at 19, if I'd have kept the baby I would have been unable to independently support it emotionally and financially as well as having to quit uni. I do feel v bad sometimes and it did affect me more then I thought it would (but think that's because it took 3 weeks to do and I bled for a month after) but my boyfriend was v supportive.

I think that during the procedure (scans, pills and all) the hospital staff should try and talk to the boyfriend / husband as well as they ignored my boyfriend for most of the time and he wasn't allowed on the ward with me when I had to wait for the foetus to pass which upset me a bit. But if I had to make the decision again I know I did the right thing.

2006-07-22 06:08:31 · answer #10 · answered by Emma 2 · 0 0

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