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I dug into several different places on my finger but found no stinger. I have ben taking lots of benadryl, and using benadryl cream as well. I have no insurance and the last time I went to the charity hospital in town they charged more than I am willing to pay
My finger apears to be getting bigger and worse.

2006-07-22 05:16:22 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health General Health Care First Aid

37 answers

I once got stung by a bee and sucked out the poison right away. It probably helped reduce the pain but it still hurt for about a week. I did not go to the hospital and after a week or so, the pain went away. It is natural that it swells. So if you just want to resolve this without having to go to the hospital, just endure the pain and put ice on it. If you feel pain for more than 8~10 days, then i advise you to go see a doctor and see if you're allergic to it.

2006-07-22 08:20:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am a beekeeper from 5 generations of beekeepers. 1st bees do not bite as some are reporting 2nd only the honey bee leaves it’s stinger because it’s lances have barbs and the stinger is pulled out when it stings. So if you see a stinker with a little sack pumping poison you were stung by a honey bee, scratch it out as fast as you can to stop the poison from being pumped in. Do not squeeze it, you will squeeze all the poison in and have a full sting. All the other stinging insects have no barbs on their lances and can sting more then once.
As for treating a sting it is too late to try and squeeze poison out do not do that!!! Some of the answers I have tried and if it is not too late Baking soda and vinegar does work but I think you said it was days ago it may be too late.
Take a pan put about 1 cup of baking soda and 2 cups of vinegar in it now take warm water and cover your hand, soak it until it wrinkles, or longer it won’t hurt. The warm water opens the pores to let the baking soda work. I have known people to use meat tenderizer on the stink and there is some help with that, but once again you need to get it sooner then days later, but you can try that. You will need to find the little red spot that is the stink spot usually surrounded by white puffiness. But I would think that is no longer visible.
Now my Question is this, are you sure it was sting and not a bite from a spider. If it was a sting you are through the danger period and stop rubbing it! Try not to move it much to let the swelling go down. You are have a reaction to the poison but if you would have had a life threatening reaction it would of happened soon after the sting. Now if it was a spider bit get to the hospital yesterday. It could be a Brown Recluse bite, nothing to fool with! People have lost more then fingers from that bite!

2006-07-22 09:55:06 · answer #2 · answered by lifeundersol 2 · 2 0

Bee Sting Swollen Finger

2016-11-15 04:48:41 · answer #3 · answered by olli 4 · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

What do I do for a bee sting? It happened days ago. My finger is swolen and numb.?
I dug into several different places on my finger but found no stinger. I have ben taking lots of benadryl, and using benadryl cream as well. I have no insurance and the last time I went to the charity hospital in town they charged more than I am willing to pay
My finger apears to be getting...

2015-08-16 17:48:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

At this point, the stinger is the least of your concerns. If it was a wasp or hornet that stung you, rather than a bee, it wouldn't have left a stinger, anyway. If a bee leaves a stinger in you, immediately removing it and the venom sac attached to it might lessen the severity of your reaction, but it's way too late for that now. So quit digging - you'll do more harm than good. The Benedryl is good for the histamine reaction, which is what causes the swelling, itching, etc., and elevating and icing the finger (15 minutes at a time) might help with the swelling. But it really sounds as if you might have to seek medical treatment. I now have a full-blown allergic reaction to insect stings and need to carry an EpiPen so I can inject myself after a sting to avoid going into shock. But my allergy worsened with subsequent stings, and the first bad reactions I had were like yours - excessive swelling and pain for days after the sting. If you are showing any signs of infection (fever, discolored spots in the swollen area, swollen lymph nodes in your armpit, etc.), get in to see the doctor. Whatever they charge, it's better than (and cheaper than) needing surgical intervention! Good luck.

2006-07-22 09:18:12 · answer #5 · answered by sonomanona 6 · 1 0

Umm, well, I'm only a pre-teen so this may not work. But I say if you can see the stinger, still try to get it out by mixing water and baking soda together to make a paste, then rub it against your finger and wait until it hardens. If there is a stinger, it should come out.
And, it is a risk that you should take. You need to go to the hospitol because you may be allergic or something. Because your finger can get worse, and may need to be amuptated! So you may want to take a chance.
And is it possible for you to get insurance?
Yes, and also, I know this is a wart cure, but hey, it's worth a shot. Try using Doctor Schols wart removing stuff. It will freeze it then come off. Maybe it will help! I'm not sure tho..
So, i still suggest to go see a doctor... It's your best chance.

2006-07-22 08:54:06 · answer #6 · answered by Livia 1 · 0 0

Don't dig at it anymore and apply some neosporine to any spots that are any other color but regular skin color. Try massaging the area below the finger and the finger itself gently to try to get the circulation going a little better. Drink lots of water to flush out the toxins and eat as healthy as possible. If your finger has any black spots or open sores that aren't healing or you have a fever or the swelling doesn't go down in the next two days then go to a doctor, clinic, hospital whatever immediately. Being in debt is a lot nicer than missing a finger. I hope that you get better quickly.

2006-07-22 05:27:06 · answer #7 · answered by Susan G 6 · 0 0

First off, QUIT DIGGING!!!! Second off, if it's only been a couple of days, I wouldn't be too worried. Thankfully, our bodies have a way of getting rid of foreign objects, so if the stinger is still in there, it will work it's way out. At the hospital that I work at, we have a lot of "hand patients" (our floor is the only floor equipped to take care of traumatic hand injuries, you know, like cutting a finger off or something!) that had a bug bite or a hangnail and probably would have been fine if it weren't for the fact that they dug around and made things a lot worse. You can probably continue the benadryl, but try soaking the finger, especially if it starts "oozing" from one of the spots that you dug around in. For a soak, take some fairly warm water and a gentle soap (we use Dreft infant laundry detergent on our floor and it works wonders!) and soak for about twenty minutes. Remove your hand and either let it air dry or pat gently with a clean towel. Keep the wound clean and dry until the skin has healed. ANY SPOT OF BROKEN SKIN CAN TURN INTO AN APPENDAGE THREATENING INFECTION!!!!!

2006-07-22 10:23:30 · answer #8 · answered by littlekoalie 1 · 1 0

To be stung by a bee is bad and usually swells up for a few hours but by the next day it should be going down and not hurt as much. However, I heard...have never tried but heard that putting your finger in a mixture of meat tenderizer and water (create a thick paste) will draw the poison out. I have not tried it though but my husband swears by it. Good luck and make sure there is no stinger in it!! THat alone will cause you major infection

2006-07-22 10:00:46 · answer #9 · answered by Sway B 1 · 0 0

What has worked for me is to make a small cut or hole in the top, then take a small piece of bread soaked in milk and cover the entire area (don't cover with bandages) this draws the poison out--leave on for about 15 min-30 min at a time and continue to do it till it is all gone--this is a homemade remedy--there is also a drawing salve called Smile's PRID--this salve can be covered with a bandage--both work great to draw out the poison--if you don't notice a difference in a day or two you may have a small allergy and will have to go to the doctor--i suggest emergency room as they bill you in the mail which allows some time for payments

2006-07-22 10:12:11 · answer #10 · answered by blckwidwbite 2 · 0 0

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