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I've heard people say that all you have to do to be saved is believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life, died for your sins on the cross, and rose from the grave after three days. It's much more complex than just that, isn't it? Or has everyone just complicated everything? I got saved once, but have lost interest in the things of God, and about the only thing I have left in my life(as far as spiritual things are concerned), is my church attendance. Am I lost now? I mean what does God expect from us? If I don't do everything he says, am I doomed to hell? Is our obedience to Christ supposed to be motivated by the fear of an eternal hell, or by faith that Jesus Christ has already saved me? And at what point do you know you're lost?

2006-07-22 04:38:47 · 32 answers · asked by Road Trip 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

At 1st I taught this will b an easy one to answer, but when i saw all the details i've noticed that u actually have more than just one question.

Q:It's much more complex than just that, isn't it? Or has everyone just complicated everything?

A: Jesus resumed all the laws 2 two: love God and ur neighbour. That may sound simple but in this troubled world and having in view that we're descendents of an imperfect man, being all sinners, that is not that easy. Jesus himself said that actually few will find the narrow path that leads to life. Jesus said there about a "path" and we find in the Bible that in order to b his disciples we have make efforts in following his way of life.

Q:Am I lost now? I mean what does God expect from us? If I don't do everything he says, am I doomed to hell?

A:John 17:3, God expects u to get to know him more and more. That u can do in more ways but one is studying the Bible. Even if u don't do everything he says u r not doomed cause he knows that ur a sinner like the rest of us. More, the sheol is not a place of torture (Eccl 9:5,10), but is the common grave of mankind. Quite diffrent than what most churches teach but as i've mentioned narrow is the path and few find it.

Q:Is our obedience to Christ supposed to be motivated by the fear of an eternal hell, or by faith that Jesus Christ has already saved me? And at what point do you know you're lost?

A:As i've previously mentioned, there is no place of eternal torture according to the Bible. God is just and will not toruture u forever cause, being an imperfect person, u've seen some 70-80 yrs. Neither obedience should b motivated by faith that Jesus Christ has already saved u, cause actually who keeps on walking to the end gets saved, says the Bible. Ur obedience has to b motivated by love towards God and the love he's shown towards us 1st. And to answer ur last question, "at what point do you know you're lost", there is no such point. Some ppl die thinking they've done the right thing ("Lord, haven't we done that and that in ur name?"). God gave Christ the authority to judge us and it should b our concern to judge one another in terms like "u r doomed, u can't ever change".

Now i know i might b wrong concerning some aspects, that's y i suggest u to read the Bible and study it. Pray to God that he shows u his ways and the people he accepted.

John 13:35, KJV: By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

2006-07-22 04:40:02 · answer #1 · answered by James Blond 4 · 0 0

Yes All you have to do is read John 3:16-21 Understand what it saying to you and either you believe it and accept it or you don't.
You don't have to do chants, dances, confess to a priest and things like that. You just have to understand that GOD is loving and understanding and forgiving. People say that we are suppose to be perfect. Without sin that is insane we are human first. We are to strive to do good to everyone and that should be common seance. I will tell you that we have guide lines and that's found in Exodus 20:1-20
Do we fall? All the time just as in everyday life. The difference is we get right back up again and pray to over come the things that
tempts us to fall. What is soooo hard about that? The world blows it out of proportion making it seem something different then what it really is.
To your point When you become a christian you are always a christiana as long as you believe in GOD. Will you fall almost all the time but you have to get back up and keep rolling like when you first started riding a bike you fell alott but once you got the hang of it you didn't fall as much. No one ever said it would be easy. Just understand that you will fall and thats ok some times you may feel like your all alone or that you can't get it right, sometimes you might look at other people and think why can't i be like that. Don't fall for any of that. You do you and eventually you will find you way. Don't let other people make you think that because you have some bad habits there is no way you could be a christian. Work on whatever problems you maybe exprienceing and pray about it move on. THERE ISN'T A SUPER CHRISTIAN. You would have to be perfect and we are far from it

2006-07-22 05:13:34 · answer #2 · answered by toughgirl 1 · 0 0

If you have excepted Christ as your Lord and Savior then you are saved and that can never be taken away from you. God expects us to live a life that respects Him and tell others of your faith. If you don't do everything He says you are not doomed to hell. You are to pray to God and ask Him to forgive you for sinning against Him, but you still need to try and follow His rules (Exodus 20).
Your obedience to Christ should be motivated by your faith in Him. If you are stil troubled, talk to your preacher. It will help.

2006-07-22 04:50:08 · answer #3 · answered by Kimberly S 2 · 0 0

If you have been saved once, then you are still saved. Nothing can separate you from Christ. Romans 8: 35-39 is a great refrence for that. And yes it is that simple. Sometimes christians do have a tendancy to complicate things. And sometimes we do loose interest in God. But God (THANKFULLY) never looses interest in us. God wants our full dedication & devotion. HE wants our love. We wittness to people because He gives us the privilage to be a part in furthering His kingdom. He doesn't want a single person to have to go to Hell. Sometimes it is hard to keep"alive" in the faith cause our church, & other christians around us are so "dead" . I would suggest finding a church that is very "alive", full of Fired-up christians whp know what it is like to "live" for God. That would help a lot. But try not to be discouraged. God is a loving, forgiving, passionate, personal God. You just need to get to know Him better. Some christians, & many people don't bother to really get to know Him, so they just think He's some judgmental almighty who will throw us in Hell if we don't follow all these rules, and be a dull boring bible thumper who has to go to church to stay away from the world. NOT TRUE! Being a christian is the coolest thing I have ever experienced. Its loads of fun, exciting, adventurous, scary at times, and very moving. Try finding a good church to go to. Get a good Study Bible, and study it, & try to find more good christain friends. That will make a big difference. We are not supposed to go thru this alone. We are supposed to help each other, 7 lift each other up. Being a christain takes alot of strength, courage, & time to grow. But becoming one is as simple as asking forgiveness of your sins, & asking Jesus to come into your heart be the Savior of your life. My prayers are with you. any more Q.'s, you can contact me. Be happy to help.

2006-07-22 05:01:22 · answer #4 · answered by BlueSpider 3 · 0 0

I feel bad for you. It is actually quite easy to be saved. Yes you have to believ that Jesus lives a perfect life died an innocent man , on the cross, to save us all from our sins. Yiu also have to seek forgiveness from Christ, accept His forgiveness , and try to not sin again,It helps to live your life for the Lord , for I when I live like this feel I have a purpose. There is nothing you can do to earn salvation, it is a free gift for the taking and the cost is true belief. It is not very complicated but does require faith.. Good luck to you and may you find the truth abd true salvation.

2006-07-22 04:47:06 · answer #5 · answered by wolfy1 4 · 0 0

So you are going to church? Are you involved? How old are you? Do you belong to a youth group? How long have you been saved? You know if you lost your interest for the "things" of God, Could be that you have fallen into sin? It sounds like you are on a wall. You know, if you straddle a wall, one leg is on one side and one leg is on the other. So you have one leg in the world and one leg in Christianity. You don't loose your salvation, if you truly believed, but you are grieving the Holy Spirit and you have turned your spiritual back on God. Do you have any friends in your church? What about your Pastor? could you talk to him? There are alot of things that make us turn from God in this world. A prayer partner could help you. All bet you haven't opened your Bible in months. Try reading the Bible for about 5 minutes a day, and pray.

2006-07-22 04:53:55 · answer #6 · answered by sunny 3 · 0 0

well by the sound of this question it sound like you're lost but you still have a chance. maybe you need to go to another church because obviously the one you are attending is not really answering your questions. I don't think it should be out of fear that you obey the 10 commandments I think you should do it out of gratitude since it seems that do believe that he died for you. and plus the 10 commandments are not that hard to follow unless you like killing, stealing, disrespecting your parents or sleeping with your neighbor's wife. if you find it hard not to do any of those things than you may have some issues in your life. I could go on and on about different things but I don't know if you have the time to read it. just e-mail me if you have more questions. just to let you now I grew up in a church and kind of drifted off for awhile and I'm recently coming back to church. I tried a lot of things some I regret some I don't but none of them gave me complete happiness. don't seek the church or people for an answer because they might let you down seek god he wont fail you. pray........ it works.

2006-07-22 04:51:58 · answer #7 · answered by Tommy vercetti 2 · 0 0

The Holy Spirit has to call you, but if you believe that Jesus us the Son of God and died for your sins, are repentant of your sins and ask God to forgive you and for Jesus to come live in your heart, you are saved. It is highly recommended to read the bible and pray to God in Jesus name every day and attend a good bible believing church regularly after you get saved. It will strengthen you and build up your faith to do these things. Salvation is a free gift.

2006-07-22 04:49:15 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

You are to be driven to do God's will out of Love for Jesus Christ.

It's not a "Do as I say or I shall SMITE thee" thing... it's a "I am greatful that Jesus gave his life for me, in return I will live for him"

If you are loosing interest, be sure to read the word and pray.

As for the churhc attendance.... that won't save you... even the devil goes to church... he's there to disrupt and interfere... but he goes...

As for "whynotaskdon"'s statement "once you're saved always saved"... what if Adolf Hitler had accepted Christ at the aga of 17.... then started doing everything he's done as an adult... WWII and all... is he still going to Heaven?

2006-07-22 04:42:34 · answer #9 · answered by Peter M 3 · 0 0

no you are not lost but suffer as many Christians do from knowledge off grace.I am a believer and a born again christian for about 20 years but It wasnt untill I found out about the true grace of God that I was free from Guilt and Condemnation.
eph 2:8 For by grace you are saved through faith;and that not of yourselves:It Is the gift of God.

You Are saved remember thatdont forget that get yourself In a church that preaches this and not by works you are saved but by grace.

Romans 8:1 there Is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but the Spirit

Romans 8:15 For you have not recieved the Spirit of bondage again to fear;But ye have recieved the Spirit of adotion,wherby we cry ,aba Father.

I pray that this answers you Question and that this will also minister to your heart.

Read 2Cor 1:2 Ga 5:4,6:5 and Eph 2:5 and 2:8
In Jesu Name I pray for you and hope that you recieve the freedom that Is In Christ Jesus

2006-07-22 06:44:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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