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Acual scientists (you know, the ones with REAL credentials, unlike "Dr. Ken Hovind) do not debate ID. That's because it's not Science, it's mythology.
REAL scientists deal with reality, not mythology. One pathetic school board voted to include it. Making Kansas the first state to board the short bus, helmets and drool bibs firmly in place. Thankfully the Dover decision stopped that wave of ignorance in it's tracks. That is why there has been NO more talk about including ID in the classroom. Keep that kind of thing in sunday school with the rest of the magic sky-pixies and leprechauns.
Religion will be allowed in the classroom when thinking and ideas are allowed in church.
How's that for a deal?

2006-07-22 04:25:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Well Don, we know YOU are done with thiking, but the rest of us have an IQ slightly higher than our shoe size. So, unlike yourself, we will keep our critical thoughts first and foremost in importance.

2006-07-22 04:32:14 · update #1

LOL Rastus!
I'm talking about "intelligent" design. I thought that mentioning Kansas and Dover were a dead giveaway. But I guess I should spell it out so as to not confuse anyone.

2006-07-22 04:34:19 · update #2

15 answers

For every argument that presents scientists or other science professionals that are in favor of the existence of God or ID, one can present an argument with an equal number of scientists and science professionals who will refute every word.

My biggest issue with these arguments against evolution is calling it "just a theory" and that we should present the "other side" of that coin to students. First, the word "theory" in general use means "conjecture; guess", as in Creationism Theory, that is not based on facts and cannot be or has not been tested. When science uses the word "Theory," it is defined as "A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena." BIG difference in how the word is used by Creationists ("well, evolution is just a theory, afterall") and how science uses it ("theory of evolution is based on facts that have been repeatedly tested and found to be true").

Second, you cannot teach religion (and that's what ID is... creationism dressed up in fancy new words) to children in public schools. Period. When the book "Of Pandas and People" first was released, it had the word "Creationism" in it. Those who wanted to use it were told it violated the constitution by trying to teach religion. When it was next released, there were few changes to the entire book... but one major change: wherever "creationism" had been, it now said, "intelligent design." Same book, same lessons, same ideas... different words for the overall concept. Still creationism, just called something different.

As it is, America is sadly failing in the world science lab. We are not producing enough trained science people to keep up with the rest of the world. China and Japan are passing us up technologically... wonder why? ID will not help us in that arena.

I have a good friend who INSISTED to me that the world is only 6000 years old, that every word of the bible is the word for word historical truth, and that dinosaurs and people walked the earth at the same time (in fact, she insists that Noah had dinosaurs--babies so they'd fit--on the ark). What's scary about that? She has 5 children and she has homeschooled each and every one of them, using this information to send them out into the world. Her oldest son got a Regent's grant at age 16 to a university in SoCal and he was astonished at what he had missed in his education... that he never knew he'd missed, thanks to mom.

If my son's school EVER introduces anything even remotely similar to ID in his science class, I will request it be removed and if it's not, there is a group of us who will file a lawsuit. I don't care if ID is taught in a sociology class or literature class in conjunction with the bible. BUT NOT IN SCIENCE CLASS!

2006-07-23 12:33:59 · answer #1 · answered by Rogue Scrapbooker 6 · 1 2

Would you say that the following are "REAL" scientists?

1. Stephens Hawking (Cambridge University Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, 1993);
2. George Smooth (University of California at Berkeley, astronomer and project leader for COBE satellite, 1993);
3. Michael Turner, Astrophysicists at the University of Chicago in Fermilab, 1993);
4. Carlos Frenk (of Britain's Durham University);
5. Robert Jastrow : "Astronomers now find that they have painted themselves into a corner because they have proven, by their own methods, that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to which you can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth. And they have found that all this happened as a product of forces they cannot hope to discover"

I could go on with numerous other examples of REAL scientists who support ID.

2006-07-22 11:47:50 · answer #2 · answered by flandargo 5 · 0 0

Okay, I'll tell you right now I'm a fan of ID.

Okay, so why do they teach creationism?

Okay, so why do they teach evolutionism?

They're all theories. They all deserve weight until any of them are proven wrong. What's to say that ID is any less of a possibility? And what makes it so much more mythological than either creationism, or evolutionism? There is no undisputable explanation behind evolutionism or creationism either.

I will stand by the right of a teacher to teach ID and creationism in a school setting right along with evolutionism, so long as no one explanation is being taught as the "right" theory. There's a big difference between teaching and preaching.

2006-07-22 11:32:11 · answer #3 · answered by Glenn S 2 · 0 0

whoa buddy, calm it down there. im not saying i believe in ID, but it sounds like you're a little threatened by the concept. On top of that, not all people who believe in God don't use logic and reason. I believe in God, but have somewhat detached from Christianity because of all the bs. i admit there's a lot of crap, and igorance, and people generally not using their brains. but, don't do the same thing they do and lump it all together. If you are so mad at christians for not being intelligent, make sure that you are not doing the same thing. dont lump god, christianity, and half the retarted religious people you've talked to all together in one thing. they are all seperate. I think probably more than anything else that i do in life, and im not afraid to explore new concepts and theories. I just also happen to believe there is a God. If you can connect with the deeper part of you, you may realize that there is something out there, and that you don't have to be afraid of it. but, please, don't associate it with the religious bullcrap that is out there. that would be an ignorant mistake.

2006-07-22 11:39:40 · answer #4 · answered by lavatsunami 2 · 0 0

You are a perfectionist to a fault-you are trying to hard to dazzle us with your brilliance while many of us are baffled by your BS-you take an idea and develop it in your mind and take the results that satisfy your ego and then crucify those of us that have developed our own conclusions but because they don't concur with yours we are hammered by your lil ruler-I was corrected by you for typos and misspellings-which might have been something that you dwell upon but I look past-many creative genius minds were illiterate and so I must tell you to STOP JUDGING PEOPLE based on your ideas of what is right and wrong-You are on a simple Q&A site that offers me nothing in the way of your credential and your Dr's degree isn't hanging on the walls of cyber space anywhere I can see to admire your intellect and hard work and respect the antedotes you deliver-nor is mine-however I deliver a message for what I believe in but ASK anothers perspective because I have not always found my conclusions to be concrete-If there is no debate-your conclusion-then why offer the opportunity for those of us that believe there is-your LAW supported by-scientists-credentials-thats like Freud stating that all women have penis envy when I know a lot of guys that do too-(but thats just me getting in touch with my femine side) I am a considerably intelligent person and you could learn from my perspective-but why would I want to share it with a self-serving self-righteous know-it-all-the church has been a stong point for many to have a faith in something other than their simple life-and to have hope when their life is complicated-it serves a purpose but it also needs to be checked and balanced when its conglomerate holds majority control as is the case with the US presently-Iraq and Iran were once persia-will remain hostile-they were checked by the US-BUT I WOULDN"T GO KILL THEIR PEOPLE because I don't see the world the way they do-everyday Yahoo offers perspective and points of view-Have you seen one Christian say U CONVINCED ME I RENOUNCE GOD! I despies God but I do not despies those that believe in something that is reater than themselves-so you had better start believing in something greater than you-LIKE ME!

2006-07-22 17:22:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So is Madalyn Murray O'Hair one of your Heroes? We all know where she ended up right? I guess we can call that too much thinking and not enough paying attention to what's going on around you...We can only pray she called out to God during the last moments of her life...God Bless You Sir!!

2006-07-22 11:35:04 · answer #6 · answered by GrandmaW 3 · 0 0

GrandmaW, that is a thoroughly hateful response, and the tragedy is that you won't understand what I mean by that.

O'Hair may have been an unpleasant person, she may have committed many crimes, but she died because one of her former employees murdered her and NOT because she held no belief in your imaginary friend.

2006-07-22 11:38:50 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

I do not want ot seem stupid but what is ID. It sounds like I really donot know what.With your example of when religion will be allowed in the classroom you know when thinkning and ideas are allowed in church, my church already qualifies.

2006-07-22 11:32:25 · answer #8 · answered by wolfy1 4 · 0 0

What does ID have to do with religion? I was under the impression that ID came from Frued.

2006-07-22 11:31:48 · answer #9 · answered by rastus7742 4 · 0 0

While I do not agree with your assessment I defend your right to hold that line of thinking.
Wouldn't it be nice if those that felt like you extended to the Christian community the same courtesy?

2006-07-22 11:30:18 · answer #10 · answered by drg5609 6 · 0 0

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