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15 answers

There's a chance that it could work out but its not likely. If he's 18, he has more freedoms than you have. He's not in high school anymore (or he'll be graduating soon). You two will have a different crowd of friends, diferent responsibilities, etc. Life is changing for him-big time. He's an adult now. He has the freedom to get his own place, vote, not obey his parents, and so on. You, on the other hand still have to live at home, wake up and get to school on time, focus on your grades, work on graduating and all of that good stuff. The point is, you two are in two different worlds and that will cause you to grow apart. When you're in high school and you're dating, you can see each other ALL the time. When he's not in school with you anymore and you're stuck in class while he's out doing who knows what, it will start to form doubt in your mind. You will have major trust issues because he's an adult (and can do whatever he wants) and youre a minor and you have to obey some rules. He will start to feel restricted by the fact that if he had a girl that was his age, they could do more together. And I hate to say it but what is an 18 year old guy doing with a 15 year old girl. When you're 3 years apart in your 20's 30's and so on, its not a big deal but when you're in your teens, thats a HUGE difference. You need a guy that you can grow up with. Part of teen relationships is experiencing teen issues together. When you date someone with your same age and experience you can say "you know, I've never done this before" and he can say "me neither!" and its a shared moment. When you're 15 and he's 18 and you say "you know, Ive never done this before" he can say "yea, I did that once when I was 15". Anyways, I hate to say it but what does an 18 year old guy want from a 15 year old girl? Everyone is thinking it.....including you! Listen to yourself on this one!

2006-07-22 04:08:47 · answer #1 · answered by katie-bug 5 · 1 0

No not now going into the future- when you both are mentally ready together because unfortunately you are both on two mental levels, he is maybe a little more advance then you are. But trust me that is not a big deal you know women mature faster than guys once the reach at least 18 years old. Trust me when you hit that age you know where, what, and who you want o be with and goals in life. Guys sometimes never figure that out and sometime they figure it out alot later than us.

2006-07-22 11:03:54 · answer #2 · answered by neeci_2002 1 · 0 0

I hate to tell you, but chances are against a long term relationship between the 2 of you.

But, life is strange and very hard predict. Be patient. There is so much more waiting for you out there, and you may never discover all that life can offer you if you commit to someone now.

Again, try to be patient. Rushing never helps anything, especially with people.

2006-07-22 11:08:39 · answer #3 · answered by jdshep 2 · 0 0

NOO, you haven't even LIVED yet at 15. Trust me, I dated someone from 14-19 I thought I would spend the rest of my life with him, I knew nothing else but him and his family. He was older than me, by 4 years. What did I get? NOTHING. We broke-up, like we always did and would get back together, but the last time was different, he met someone, fatter, OLDER & uglier with 2 kids. It has been 10 years since we broke-up, he is still with her and they have 2 more kids, but has never married her. He lives with his parents at 35yrs old...STILL and I have accomplished everything I ever told him I would at 14yrs. old. And I have met up with him a yr ago, I was having trouble in my marriage so it was easy to think the whole "it is meant to be" but let me tell you honey, fairytales are for books.

2006-07-22 11:07:57 · answer #4 · answered by daisy 2 · 0 0

I met my wife when she was 15 and i was 21. We have been together for 13 years now and celebrating our 3 wedding anniversary next month. We are very much in love and always will be.

2006-07-22 11:02:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

for now be careful of legal issues..

I married my first boyfriend ( I was 14 and him 19) 11 years later believe it or not. we didnt date all that time though..stayed great friends. we even lived cross country from each other. been married almost 12 yrs. I reccomend finish college..dont rush. You need an education if u want a good job. if its meant to be it will happen. dont grow up too fast or limit your options. Good luck.

2006-07-22 11:06:36 · answer #6 · answered by turtles 2 · 0 0

you can make a good couple now! And only you can tell if it is really love!

2006-07-22 11:03:05 · answer #7 · answered by Teri 3 · 0 0

if your really that dedicated to eachother and u both want to make it work.
it takes 2 people to make a relationship, but only 1 to break it

2006-07-22 10:59:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Puppy Love. You have no chance. Life is a long process.

2006-07-22 10:59:34 · answer #9 · answered by lhm1968 3 · 0 0

Certainly. Two things, though:
(1) He has to meet your parents.
(2) No sex until your 18th birthday. You don't want him in jail, right?

2006-07-22 11:01:54 · answer #10 · answered by wmp55 6 · 0 0

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