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Anyone who believes that 1 +1 = 2 can follow the mathematical steps to show that is is arround 4.6 billion years old.
Before you dismiss this with a personal opition I ask you to read and refute the information on the following link.


Also see the bit about plate techtonics.
This important.

We can measure the rate that mountains rise.
The Indian Sub Continent took quite a bit longer to crash into Asia and to form the himalayas. We find fossils of sea creatures in rocks high on mountains, where these mountains were once the sea floor.

Do you accept this.

Through archaology and geological studies, we can date events as we dig deeper and see the layers of the earth.

The depth between layers and the fossils found at such layers should give you a basic idea of time.

What do ya think christians. Can you refute this.

2006-07-22 03:51:28 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

They can not, the Creatonists are naive and unwilling to use their brains! They like to be told what to do, how to do it, where, and when. The are nothing more than two legged sheep. THey follow the stench of the sheep's butt in front of them.

Blind and ignorant leading the blind and more ignorant.

THey love to be lied, I mean led to.

2006-07-22 04:11:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 7

6,000 years is a guestimate based on the Jewish calendar, which starts at the exodus 5799 years ago and how long before that Abraham and Adam and Eve were.

Since men lived longer then, sometimes hundreds of years, it's truly hard to say how long actually.

We also don't know what God time is. When it is said the everything was created in six days some beleive this to be literal, others figurate, some relative.

If a day to God is a million or billion years then your facts can be justified and equated with Religion.

We also have to fact other scientific facts, including the conservation of matter, which state that matter always was and always well be. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Something that was for all time? Gee, ain't that also the defination of God!

Next, we have to face the fact that Scientists have never put amino acids into a bottle, shaken it up and created even one Amoeba.

Finally you have to accept as scientific rationality that a bunch of free floating hydrogen atoms congreated together, exploded, created the universe and through a random set of events Man gets created?

Finally you have to live with the fact that we don't see animal mutations occuring in great leaps and bounds. If a lower animal, such as an Ape or Chimp, suddenly produced something more human, first of all in the animal kingdom they generally kill off "defective" offspring. Secondly, you need to spawn both Male and Female "mutants" in a close enough region for them to meet and propigate. Third, you need at least a gene pool of 25 couples to produce a defect free blood line. So you need to have 25 mutated monkey-men and 25 mutated monkey-women, all livings within a few miles of each other, who find each other, mate and start producing a genetically sound spieces pool.

You also have to contend with survival of the fitest and the new money men/women species no longer have claws, large biting teeth and thick skin with fur. They are in a jungle area filled with apes, lions, tigers and bears. They have no technology. Using the shark theory, they'd get gobbled up quickly until they grew a brain, learned how to make spears, bows and arrows. Science says that took centuries! How did the fraile money-men survive for centuries in the hostile jungle. If you went to Africa with no weapons, how long would survive on your own?

Religion isn't the only beleife system full of holes and inconsistencies! Even science can't quite explain away these things.

Wow. Science has never documented such a thing beyond the world of viruses.

Virus mutation is usually adaptive. A virus changes from being passed by direct contact or fluid exchange (such as herpes and HIV) to being passed by airborne (image the day when Herpes or HIV becomes airborn!).

The virus has different traits, but it doesn't become a truly new speices.

Now, go put some amino acids into a bottle, heat it, cool it, shake it and pop out one single cell life form on a repeated basis. Do that and you'll win the Nobel Prize.

2006-07-22 04:07:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The substance of your point is, "Assuming unifromitarianism, the earth is very old." Well, duh. I respond, "Assuming catastrophism, the earth is very young."

Let's take "We can measure the rate that mountains rise" as a sample.
Yes, we certainly can. We can measure the rate that mountains are rising *today*. And what we see today, for the most part, is very low-power events. (Power in the technical sense: energy transferred per unit time) So the age estimations are based on low-power models, on the assumption that what we see today is indicative of how things have always been (uniformitarianism).
However, there are anomalies. We "know" that island formation (which, let us not forget, is a mountain rising) takes hundreds of thousands of years, and yet Surtsey appeared, and changed, with surprising rapidity. Likewise, we "know" that meter upon meter of finely laminated rock strata, and canyon systems that cut through such strata, take hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years, yet there's a wealth of both near Mt. St. Helens that weren't there at all before 1982.

As these seeming anomalies demonstrate, high-powered events can produce the effects we regularly attibute to low-powered events, and can do so very, very quickly.

So the question is, are Mt. St. Helens and Surtsey anomalies, or models of the past? Is there historical evidence of rapid change that would indicate high-power geological events at work?

As it happens, there is quite a lot of it. Polystratic fossils, for example, are very easy to explain on a catastrophic model, and nearly impossible to explain in a uniformitarian model. Some radiohalos are also impossible to explain other than by rapid events. Historical climatology furnishes its own indications of rapid events: the medieval warm period, the little ice age, the Piri Re'is map that shows the coastline of Antarctica *under the ice*.

You guys don't connect the dots on this stuff because your prior commitment to uniformitarianism keeps you from even *looking* at the evidence seriously. You might do a little research. The catastrophists know the evidence for the other side of the debate, and find it lacking. Can you say the same?

2006-07-22 05:58:09 · answer #3 · answered by Nick jr 3 · 0 0

Okay, you need to go to www.answersingenesis.org. Ken Hamm does an excellent job in answering the type of questions you are asking. The reason we have fossils of sea creatures in rocks on mountain tops is plain and simple, The flood of Noah's day. Another factor to look at is when Mt. Saint Helen's erupted in the 80's geograpical layers that scientists said take millions of billions of trillion years to create were created in a matter of 7 days. All you have to have are the right conditions present. As far as the big bang theory goes I believe it. I believe when there was nothing but an empty void out there and God said, "Let it be" there must have been something like about 30 atomic bombs going off at once. And just so you know Carbon 14 dating is seriously flawed and not a single scientist will tell you otherwise. Most of them say it works yet they don't know why. We even have documentation (from Ken Hamm's site) stating that an archeologist was digging up dinosaur bones and the famed dating said the dinosaur could only be about 1500 years old, and he said that can't be right becuase I KNOW it has to be at least 20 million years old. I mean come on, his own trusted data was telling him the "facts" and he KNEW it to be otherwise.

2006-07-22 04:07:39 · answer #4 · answered by jasonerika_conley2000 2 · 0 0

well, heres the difference. i'm a christian, but thats because i choose to live by a moral standard, and i feel the teachings in the bible are an overall good way to live. HOWEVER, i dont think everything in the bible is word for word true. as far as how old the earth is, yeah, its in the billions, theres evidence of it. end of story.

and anyone who really thinks about the bible should be able to think about this objectively. in ancient times, most people didnt learn to write unless they were very wealthy, or scholars. and the bible is a collection of stories that were only put together a few hundred years after jesus died. now, the first thing the bible teaches us is that man is flawed. so, i cant really believe that flawed humans told a bunch of stories for several hundred years without the stories changing a little, or getting messed up. if i tell you a story, and you tell someone else, well.... in a few hours theres going to be at least a few differences in it.

and just because theres not any physical proof of god existing, that doesnt prove theres not a god. the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. prove to me that a billion dollars is real. you cant. i'm never gonna have a billion dollars, and unless you put it in my hands, i dont have to believe it exists. well, that isnt proof that there isnt a billion dollars out there.

so, its all a futile discussion. if we all just tried to be cool with each other, everyone would be a lot better off.

but, yeah, the earth is way older than 6000 years. and there were dinosaurs, and we did evolve from something else.

2006-07-22 04:04:25 · answer #5 · answered by hellion210 6 · 0 0

The vast majority of Christians (like 2 billion Catholics) in the world are quite happy to go along with the idea that the earth is a few billion years old. We don't know for certain, and I'm sure a new theory will come along soon making it much older or younger.
A small group of Christians seem to think that the words of the Bible are more important than its message. They're the ones who think that God created the world 6000 years ago, then had a day off.

2006-07-22 03:58:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i am a Christian , and i say that no one knows how long the earth has been here . the Bible says that in the beginning was God , and it also says that in the BEGINNING God created the heavens and the EARTH. it also says ,that to God a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. in other words God's time is not like our time . and the sea creature fossils you spoke of , remember in the Bible about the great flood story ? i didn't go to the sites in your question , all i got was out of the Bible . i don't answer this to prove your point , i answer this to say, no one other then the Lord knows for sure how long the earth has been around . but what does it matter anyway ? because the Bible also says , it will not always be (the earth) and we are to be ready when that time comes , and that is what matters , being ready for the Lords return . so what i'm trying to says is , ok the earth is old , how old we don't know and who cares, just find and follow the Lord , get ready.

2006-07-22 04:23:34 · answer #7 · answered by Homer Jones 5 · 0 0

What's to refute. The earth was created long before Christianity came into play.
If you believe the Bible, then the earth was created in 6 days. How long a period of time between those 6 days is not mentioned.
I guess if you want to be sympathetic to the Christian's point of view, they needed a place to start.

One view has nothing to do with the other. No matter what Christians try to say is the truth about creation and Christianity. A bunch of bunk.

Science is factual. The bible and the creation of god isn't.

2006-07-22 04:00:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No christian ever said that the earth was 6000 years old there wasn't even light when day and night when God created the earth. We say that since man's sin it has been 6000 years going by the life and death of certain indivuals.
The tremendous weight of the flood waters on the earth would have provided a huge force in shaping this plates.
We never said how long the animals had been here before man.
There is no telling about that. God's creative days we don't know how long they were. A day to God is much different than it is to us. Days are used symbolic to mean time periods.
A day is with God as a thousand years says in some places.
Adam was to die in the day he ate of the fruit and lived to be close to 1000 years old.
The evil doer was told , :I tell you today you will be with me in paradise. Jesus was in the grave for 3 days. so he wasn't in paradise. Mary said Lazareus : I Know he will rise in the last day
speaking of the judgement day and resurrection.
Judgement day is thousands of years long.

2006-07-22 04:03:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do believe the earth is 6000 years old. There is not TRUE evidence to go against biblical creation or the age of the earth as outlined in the bible.

You can bring up all the websites and wiki stuff you want, it will not dispell the bible.

The layers of fossils you speak of...easily happened during the flood... And your dating system is circular...you use one item to date another, with no proof the first is the age you say it is. How do you know exactly when things died if you were not there and don't beleive God knows what He's talking about?

For those who say Christians believe it is much older than 6000 years...speak for yourselves! There are those of us who truly believe the bible, and believe it is only 6000 years old, and won't be getting much older. We do not accept evolution, all the junk that goes along with it, as we believe God knows exactly what He was talking about when He gave us the time frame He did.

2006-07-22 03:58:40 · answer #10 · answered by indiebaptist 3 · 0 1

i'm a Christian and that i've got self assurance the earth is plenty older than that. even nonetheless, i'm no longer a scientist or archaeologist so i won't have the ability to truly inform you approaches previous that that's, yet i might wager billions of years previous. I do have self assurance that guy - guy that exists now - guy that became into created in God's image - the 1st of which became into Adam - has been on the earth in straightforward terms around 6000 years (provide or take some hundred). and that i even have self assurance that there became into guy in the worldwide basically before that - I communicate with that guy as "pre-Adam" guy yet have heard others communicate with that guy as pre-historic guy or ice guy or cave guy or primitave guy (neanderthals, cro-magnon, java, etc). i do no longer think that we stepped forward from those prehistoric men. i've got self assurance we are a distinctive creation. And, sure, i've got self assurance that dinosaurs have been genuine and roamed the earth long in the previous Adam became into created.

2016-10-08 04:58:10 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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