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why do u care bout the illegals?!?! have any of u realized that we're gonna die n we should be more concerned bout our lives?!?!?! theres more serious things to worry bout like the world getting invaded or the sun blowing up!!!!!!! wat will it take to get that in ur think lil heads?!?!!!? all this immigrant talk is a waste of time!!!!! none of u listen!!!! WELL START LISTENIN!!!!!!!!

2006-07-22 03:43:42 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration


2006-07-22 03:51:15 · update #1


2006-07-22 04:02:11 · update #2

36 answers

so why are you wasting your time with all of that if this is a waste of time? Let us waste our time and you can go look at a porn site. See ya! LOL

2006-07-22 05:11:02 · answer #1 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 2

US citizens believe in equality, equal rights and equal opportunity in the US, all you have to do is be a US citizen and respect the laws. Immigration laws were written so every year a certain number of people could immigrate and the country/resources/ economy etc. could support growth and provide equal opportunity. What if we told everyone on the waiting list, "Sorry, 4 million illegals jumped in this year, so everyone has to wait another year, then another. Now the illegals are coming at such a rate, we can't create enough jobs, having kids at such a rate the schools have no room, insufficient resources and teachers can't give the same level of education/attention to a class of 50 that they could if the class had 25. Every year test scores drop, every year it's more difficult for the country to provide students an education, much less a good education.
We want people here who believe in equality. We don't want people living here that don't respect laws and are content putting themselves into a 2nd class status. This is because some people in this and every other country, will take advantage of those in desperate situations, and there won't always be someone around who'll save you. Historically throughout the world, but more recently in the US, people weren't all equal. More frightening it didn't matter if they liked it or not, they weren't allowed to leave.

Listen and Listen good, there wouldn't be a problem if people came here legally. The solution is that simple.

Leave now, apply legally and wait your turn. This option could expire at anytime. If history were to repeat, it might not unfold the same way.

2006-07-22 06:12:46 · answer #2 · answered by askthetoughquestions 3 · 0 0

Sir, Sir, please calm down. Your son thought it would be funny to replace your viagra with acid and now you are higher than Bob Marley at a rasta convention. Once the hallucinations wear off and the aliens turn back into the furniture they actually are, you will realize that without the illegal immigrants, the economy of the southwest would collapse. That, and we're not gettign the greatest reputation in the world for arbitrarily throwing out any Mexis who sneak in, but saying nothing about the stuff that comes over from Canada. Those people are just trying to get a better life for themselves, and America is the land of opportunity. Granted what they are doing is illegal, but we should make it much easier for these people to immigrate legally.

By the way, those people who say that the immigrants are taking their jobs must scrub toilets or work at fast food places and be migrant farm workers or something, because they are definitely NOT coming over here to be lawyers and people who sit around in their corner offices telling people to ignore the illegals and fight off the space aliens who are going to eat the moon.

2006-07-22 03:51:23 · answer #3 · answered by punkkarrit182 3 · 0 0

I don't care so much about the illegals. Do you think they care about how the force me to work for less money per hour because they are here and will work for frickin taco money? Do you think they care that I pay for the education and health care and housing and emergency services that they and their kids need because they don't pay for it themselves? I watched as thousands of illegals marched through the streets caring a foreign flag not my country's flag. Nope .........I don't care.

And to the dipshit punkkarrit182 who believes the economy of the Southwest would collapse without illegals. Listen boy I live here in the SW and we sure has hell dont need these people. WE pay out of our taxes every stinkin day more than to help this damned people who shouldn't be here in the first place and in thanks what we get is a job market that pays half what the rest of the country pays! You dont have any idea what your talking about.

2006-07-22 03:59:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because our country allows illegal citizens to obtain welfare, free health care, food stamps, jobs, and college educations for free. We have enough trouble trying to fix the troubles of our own legal citizens without having to help those that are here illegally. If you really want to stay here, try taking the citizenship exam. Become a citizen so you don't have to hide and take things away from the people that should have them rightfully.

2006-07-22 03:48:49 · answer #5 · answered by Mary J 4 · 0 0

And who are you to tell me not to worry about immigration. It impacts all our lives. Worrying about immigration does not mean I'm not concerned about the unrest in the world and the effects of global warming. I think you need to realize that not everyone's priorities are the same as yours. I might also ask you what are you doing to make the world a better place? How are you addressing the problems?

2006-07-22 03:47:41 · answer #6 · answered by clarity 7 · 0 0

dyboy34, We are all gonna die. Nobody gets out alive.
While I am alive, I will decide what is important to me. The immigration issue is important to me. I will not simply give MY country up to the hordes of criminal invaders without a fight, so far this is one of the front lines that enable me to possibly reach my enemy. Perhaps I can persuade some that what they believe is false.
This is a bloodless battleground, yet it has had casualties already.
Do you believe that words are weapons? The old ones tell us to prepare for death, but be prepared to live also. accept the one, & embrace the other.

2006-07-22 06:19:35 · answer #7 · answered by renegadesho_ban 3 · 0 0

If things were in reverse would you gladly move out of your home because the amount of illegal immigrants is so high you cannot afford it any more.

You could do this ...

Health care is almost unaffordable because of the load being carried by patients who do not live here but use our services and squander our benefits.

You could do this ...

Why can't you help us fix your country so it is as good as you think ours is.

Money comes out of our checks and should be going to people who have contributed to these funds ... not strangers who do not and cannot contribute because they are illegal and do not pay taxes.

What part of "You have your hand in my pocket do you NOT understand?"

You would let me have as much of your (hardly) earned money I wanted whenever I wanted it?

Would you?

(If you said yes, few would believe you!)

2006-07-22 04:00:00 · answer #8 · answered by KnowSean 3 · 0 0

The Fuhrer Bush and all the Nazis in the White house and Congress are busy raping the world for oil and profit and still people find time to whine about the Illegals.I can see where you might be a little upset.

2006-07-22 03:54:06 · answer #9 · answered by theforce51 3 · 0 0

If you don't want to talk about illegal immigration get off this site go to another subject. At this time with all the terrorists, we need to no who is in out country, if you legalize every illegal you might be legalizing terrorists. We should all be concerned.

2006-07-22 03:49:51 · answer #10 · answered by hexa 6 · 0 0

HAAAA! illegal people arent just mexicans, they are just people who either snuck into this country or never went back to their country after their visa expired... they should be kicked out but i wouldnt agree that they steal our jobs. they work jobs that nobody wants to work. Like agriculture or sanitation or construction... while you all are working in the office somebody has to pick the cotton in your versace suit and who will do it but illegal people. so before you start a temper tantrum again you should realize what they being here affects our lives. they dont pay taxes and they make us pay more because they dont... they have kids and alot of them and thats gonna populate schools and even though they want the american dream.. they are taking ours away..

2006-07-22 05:24:42 · answer #11 · answered by mariusz360 3 · 0 0

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