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Why do churches push so hard for you to give money to "God"? What's he going to do with it?

2006-07-22 03:20:54 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

54 answers

he doesn't. its a scam. as i said it before and i say it again. churches are a religious organization. and religion is a man made god. spiritualty is god given. and will always out wiegh mad made effects. spirituality needs no money, only your heart

2006-07-22 03:23:46 · answer #1 · answered by Jody SweetG 5 · 2 2

From looking at your last couple of questions, I have to ask, are you trying to make a decision about God and church? When you "give money to God" you are not actually giving Him a check and saying here, go spend it. The money is used to help send missionaries to different places to speak and teach about God. It is used to help buy things needed for the churches ministries and for several other things. A lot of churches have food banks and other resources that the money is used for. Church is a great place to make new friends. Try it if you don't already go to one. I did not go for about 3 years and now that I am going again, I feel like a different person.

2006-07-22 03:29:00 · answer #2 · answered by mommy of 2 2 · 0 0

God doesn't need our money, but the Church does. That is how that pay the mortgage, heat, lights, and all the other operating costs. If your church tithes it should also be able to feed the homeless, help members who have fallen on hard times or experienced something like a fire. It should be able to offer classes and many other things, so you aren't paying God, you are paying for the lights to be on and the AC to work in the summer so that you can see and sit comfortably in church. It also helps spread the gospel by purchasing Bibles for prisoners or people in other countries. It funds missionaries and more.

2006-07-22 03:26:23 · answer #3 · answered by free2praise76 3 · 0 0

God Himself needs nothing. But to maintain an organized church with full time staff does require money. However, too often His "servants" think that they should be treated like royalty. Servants are not entitled to a life of luxury when they serve a Master like God. This is the problem with most of the TV brand of religion. They are not serving God, but they are serving themselves. When a church pushes too hard for money, I am firmly convinced it is because they are trying to do things God could care less about. He is NOT impressed by a huge building, or by the Rolex on a pastor's wrist.

2006-07-22 03:27:12 · answer #4 · answered by Don H 3 · 0 0

God does not need the money---he owns all of it. Churches are business like any other---they have bills to pay, and if they cannot pay them, then they must shut the doors. The Bible charges people to tithe to God, and the church is the vehicle for tithing. I will agree that some pastors push too hard on this subject, but most have to give their congregations a shove,otherwise people will not give to support the church they attend. We would not think of going o the grocery store and asking for free food, but we go to church and ask for God's favors without supporting his church.

2006-07-22 03:26:21 · answer #5 · answered by Preacher 6 · 0 0

Some churches are greedy, they stick it in their pocket, they do wrong.

God doesn't need your money, but if you want more money, you have to prove that you can give it away. He doesn't like greedy people.

Of course if the church is greedy, he will deal with them.

A good church needs money to stay a church, to help homeless people, to send missionaries to spread the word, to help anyone that needs help. If they don't, then they aren't doing what they should be doing.

Remember, God said, if you give with your hand, he will give you back more than you can carry with your arms.

You will get it back pressed down and overflowing.

But you get back what you give, If you are a millionaire and give $10, you won't get back as much as someone who gave $10 and all they had was $20 in their pocket.

Sacrifice is what makes God give you more.

2006-07-22 03:27:45 · answer #6 · answered by You may be right 7 · 0 0

If there is such a thing as the Christian God then it has nothing to do with God. It is the humans that "run" the church. They say that greed is evil but they certainly do not allow a single meeting go by without asking for another handout.

Talk about greed, look at the TV screechers, they live very well begging day in and day out.

2006-07-22 03:35:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well the problem is that alot of churches changed everything and they focus on material things rather than on the SOULS of the people.

The money that we give to GOD is not yours or mine. Everything you have, your home, family, friends, clothes, shoes, everything is because OF GOD, you have life beccause of GOD. The word of GOD said: Malachi 3:8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me.
"But you ask, 'How do we rob you?'
"In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse—the whole nation of you—because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. 12 "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the LORD Almighty

If the people do that believing in the heart then they will be bless.

2006-07-22 03:30:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can only answer from the perspective of a christian. Statistically it has been shown that only 2.2% of professing christians actually remain committed to tithing the full 10% of their income. The bible has alot to say about finances but it really all boils down to whose money is it really? You might ask those to whom you give your money outside of the church why it is they are pushing for your money as well. Why do advertisers all spend so much money advertising in order to get your money? It would seem as if EVERYBODY wants your money right? God does not neccessarily want your money however. What God wants is your heart. Perhaps if we would hold our hearts as close to God as we do to our money we would realize that all that we have we owe to God's providence in our lives. To give a measley 10% of our income begrudgingly is not what I would call being a cheerful giver, which the bible says God loves. Stewardship with a tight fisted grip everytime the pastor brings up the finacial needs of the church is an insult to the claim of trusting God to see us through financially. Its hard for me to see that God would bless our finances if we fail to see that all we have belongs to Him anyway. We should worship God with the totality of our being, mind, body and soul and I dare say that our seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness would include the meager suggestion that we at least spend as much advancing His Kingdom as we do on soda pop, cable TV, Internet service, and other things we could do without and discover the blessings of simplicity that Jesus demonstrated for us. Do you believe God will keep you in the affluent lifestyle you are accustomed to or is the lack of self-centered gratification too much to endure for the Kingdom. If it is maybe you (and the rest of us) should re-examine our hearts. When the Lord returns will He find faith on earth?

2006-07-22 05:03:20 · answer #9 · answered by perplexed 4 · 0 0

It must be a wrong church. Moved on.

My church don't preach on that. We all just love God and follow the bible.

God don't need. By the way, I have heard of the seeding money some American preachers like to talk about. Nonsense.

Go back tot he bible if in doubt. don't let those great speakers confused us.

Move on.

2006-07-22 03:28:42 · answer #10 · answered by Melvin C 5 · 0 0

God doesn't need the money (ever hear the joke "Whatever he wants, he keeps?"), however to continue doing His work on earth, the church needs the money from its members to build the houses of worship, to help the less fortunate, to send assistance to those who need it, to keep the lights on, etc.

Is God spending the money? No. But His works are supposed to be done through His people, and THEY are supposed to be spending the money in ways that will honor Him. (Note the use of the words "supposed to" in there - unfortunately it seems like some people have forgotten what the money is supposed to be used for...)

2006-07-22 03:27:04 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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