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to continue a pregnancy when you know that the child will be severely disabled, and if so where do you draw the line. If we sentenced a criminal to spend the rest of his life with Downs Syndrome we'd be seen as inhumane

2006-07-22 03:13:06 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

18 answers

The body is disabled...not the soul. Who are we to decide if that soul is worthy or not to be born onto this planet. Downs Syndrome children are very loving but because some of us view them as faulty or incomplete we destroy them. We all have lessons to learn on this planet perhaps it is that souls destiny to be born disabled so that it may learn e.g.patience, empathy etc. I believe it God's will yet we interfere by aborting the child.

2006-07-22 03:52:24 · answer #1 · answered by aliviel27 3 · 2 0

Well, You know, once you find out that it is a down's baby or some other defect detectable with testing, you are already well into your second trimester. YOu have to weigh those things out. --and worry about false positives which happen more frequently than anyone is willing to admit.

Most abortions in the second trimester consist of basically ripping it apart,--or a D&E, going in with a tool and tearing it apart where ever the "doctor" could grasp at and the baby just bleeds to death until it's all over-- a big bloody pile of baby pieces on the side table of the operating room. Or they can do an intact D&C, aka D&X which is also known as partial birth abortion, they birth the baby until just it's head is stuck in the birth canal, then they use a pair of scissors to stab it in the back of the neck and shove a high powered suction tube into the opening to suck out the brains ( people witnessing this have seen the baby's moving around and reaction to being stabbed and dying).
Then of course they can just start artificial labor, make you go through a labor and give birth, it might already be dead from the trauma, it might not and someone will have to hold your baby --if you won't, like a nurse and rock it until it dies.--which is not that bad I guess.
They had to pass an Infants Born Alive Protection Act just a couple of years back because doctors would just induce labor and leave the baby alive outside without even a blanket to die cold and alone in a bucket or on a side table.
I mean, How f$@king cruel can you get right?
Doing that to a defenseless animal-baby-living "thing"- !whatever!-, is like the most outrageous act of selfishness and cruelty...
dontcha think?

I recommend a book to you written by abortionists called "Abortion Procedure" by Dr. Haskell.

2006-07-22 11:42:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My son has Down syndrome and I would not say he is severely disabled. He is happy and bright and I cannot imagine life without him. Seems to me, "selfishness" occurs when you think you can't cope with a child who is born with a disability. You don't want the responsibility or the stigma...it's all about appearances, not the child. I know a lot of families with children who are disabled, some with Down syndrome, some without. They are happy and healthy, and to have terminated them would have been an abomination.

I suppose, using your theory, that if you have a perfectly "normal" child, and he/she has an accident and bumps their head and becomes developmentally challenged, but otherwise healthy, that the child should be killed because it's more humane??? That kind of thinking is skewed and clearly you aren't basing this on personal experience. If you knew a family with a disabled child and, I mean really knew them, you could never come to the comclusion that they should have been "less selfish" and terminated that child's life.

2006-07-22 12:33:32 · answer #3 · answered by Smom 4 · 0 0

Are you speaking of a child that will have Down's Syndrome? Please, down's Syndrome individuals are awesomely wonderful and really truly grace this planet. I think that it is selfish to terminate a pregnancy because a parent does not want to "deal" with the complications of an illness or deformity. An expecting mother who aborts a fetus because there is a disability detected is cruel. Especially if she turns around and tries for another.

2006-07-22 11:18:31 · answer #4 · answered by -- 5 · 0 0

Selfishness is aborting a child with downs because he has downs. I am a father of son with downs. As any child they are work and the easy route would be to terminate there life. That of corse is not the loving route. I would NEVER think about it and I think it is murder if you do it just because they have downs. Maybe you have to be close to them to understand. 80% are sadly aborted in my area, mostly by professionals like drs ect because they don’t have the time for a special needs child. Very sad and selfish. YES they do the statistics.

2006-07-25 16:52:34 · answer #5 · answered by Tequila Gypsy 3 · 0 0

I dont agree with abortion, I think you may have opened up a hornets nest with this question!!

I believe that its down to personal choice, I dont personally approve, but would support a friend through it if that was her choice. Different people cope with things better than others. I think if you ask the parent of a severely disabled child, or people who look after these children for a living, you would get some very strong opinions indeed!

What I absolutely dont approve of is abortion as a form of contraception. killing babies to stop them inconveniencing your life is just wrong.

2006-07-22 10:27:01 · answer #6 · answered by lozzielaws 6 · 0 0

Oh my goodness I'm horrified at some of the narrowmindedness here!

There are loads of people with Downs Syndrome who live happy, healthy and productive lives. Ditto for other genetic conditions.

Having said that, abortion is NOT murder, it is a painful decision that no woman would take lightly.

Therefore, it is up to every woman who is faced with this awful dilemma to make her own mind up and not to be faced with insults from ignorant people who still live in the dark ages.

2006-07-22 16:32:46 · answer #7 · answered by Jude 7 · 0 0

not to sound all will youngish but who am i? or more to the point
who are you to say whether something it completely wrong
i believe that everything happens for a reason thats all i know,
but at the end of the day isnt it good that we as a person get to decide what we want to do with the being growing inside of us
some might think it vile to kill something so precious though i can see where your coming from its cruel that some people are born this way but a life none the less.

2006-07-25 06:09:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if a foetus is too severely disabled/malformed you wouldn't need to abort it, nature would do it itself..it would be born stillborn or would miscarry the human race has been not giving birth to live babies as long as it has been giving birth to live ones, if it's healthy enough to survive it will.. and as for criminals remember the scene in one flew over the cuckoos nest when RP Mac Murphy comes back from being lobotomised, we can do worse than give criminals downs syndrome if we chose to and in my personal view in the case of some criminals perhaps should.....

2006-07-25 06:06:02 · answer #9 · answered by mini prophet of fubar 5 · 0 0

b/c abortion is murder no matter what. every life is a gift. If you aborted every child that "possibly" had any defects then what kind of world would we be. a bunch of perfect idiots running around!!!! How do you know for sure that the child will be severly disabled YOU DON"T!!! only God knows what he has in store for this child. He could be perfectly normal or have a small hanicap. you never know.

2006-07-22 10:24:15 · answer #10 · answered by sherry_baby 1 · 0 0

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