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Anything, she's drinking penty but no food at all.
This is her 2nd day with the pox and she's only eaten a sausage.
Should i be worried? She's 3 and looks ok in herself and piryton medicine is making her drowsy.She's also having calpol every 5 hours.
Should i leave her without food or make her eat something?

2006-07-22 02:27:53 · 39 answers · asked by I don't have a name 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

39 answers


2006-07-22 02:29:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

give her plenty of water with glucose to give her energy and she should be fine. as for the meds as long as you don't give her any more than the recommended dose in any 24 hour period this should be fine. the meds will make her drowsy plus the fact she's not eating will mean she has little energy too. if her appetite doesn't pick up within a day or two (by which time you can reduce the calpol as she should be improving and the pox won't be as irritating or sore) then take her to see a doctor. but you are definitely doing the right thing by giving her plenty of fluids.

2006-07-22 07:13:00 · answer #2 · answered by Rainy 2 · 0 0

Well, as long as long as she's hydrated she should be fine... but just put some plain flavored items near the bed or wherever she's resting and try to get her to bite off a few pieces. I know it's different but when I was pregnant and had the sickies, it always helped when I left unsalted saltines, grapes, club crackers, or small pretzels near the bed... The same has worked for when my daughter in law used to get sick... if she starts to feel a little better and can eat a little more, offer a few cubes of cheese and a small variety of dips for her crackers or pretzels... before you know it she'll be trying a few more things and eventually regain her appetite. If, however, she can't keep any of it down call her doctor...

2006-07-22 15:45:06 · answer #3 · answered by Mexi Poff 5 · 0 0

You should not push the foods on her it is only going to upset her more. The pox are horrible and sometimes cause sores in the mouth and further down, they are not just on the outside. She will eat when she feels better. Offer her frozen yogurt and ice pops to suck on. Other than than so long as she has a teaspoonful of water every half hour she will not dehydrate. It's a shitty time but relax we only eat when we feel like it too when we are sick. She will survive honestly.

2006-07-22 11:20:27 · answer #4 · answered by i.needitall 2 · 0 0

If she has chicken pox in her mouth, then she won't eat. I had chicken pox 4 times as a kid. The last time I got them, I has them in my mouth and it hurts like hell. I couldn't eat anything. As long as she is getting cool liquids, she will be fine. The liquids are soothing to the pox. Try giving her liquid jello, this will give her some nutrition and help fill her belly up. If the jello starts to get solid, add hot water and let it cool before giving it to her.

If she stops drinking liquids, get her back to the doctor ASAP.

2006-07-23 04:14:49 · answer #5 · answered by sunflowerlizard 6 · 0 0

The Dietaries prescribed for Chicken Pox as under

Raw fruit and vegetable juices and lemon juice
To begin with, the patient should be put on a juice diet for a few days. He should be given plenty of raw fruit and vegetable juices. Lemon juice is considered to be especially beneficial.

All-fruit diet and well-balanced diet
As the condition improves, the patient can be placed on an all-fruit diet for the next few days. Thereafter, he may be allowed to gradually adopt a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables.

In view of this positionh your child's preference for liquid is in order. Only ensure that she gets lots of fruit juices and lemon water ,especially

I remeber in my childhood 80 years ago I had not taken any solid food for at least 4-5 days nor had mother insisted upon it. No ill effects.

2006-07-22 03:27:40 · answer #6 · answered by Prabhakar G 6 · 0 0

You cant force her to eat, as long as she is drinking plenty then dont worry too much. Will she drink milk? thats at least sort of nutritious. Let her have whatever she fancies. When you are ill your body shuts off your appetite so it can concentrate on killing the bugs without having to work on digesting food as well. I bet she will wake up one of these mornings with a monster appetite to make up for it! If she still isnt eating in a couple of days then take her for a check up at the docs just to be on the safe side. Its easy for me to say but dont worry,
Ive looked after children for 11 years. I hope she feels better soon xx

2006-07-22 02:37:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

shes not gonna eat alot until shes gets over this .make her brothy soups. like chicken noodle and get her to atleast eat the broth.get her to drink pedisure not ensure. it will help call your childs doctor too they can advise you better as to what she should eat. just be patient shes gonna be sick for two weeks and remember keep her away from anyone who has not had chicken pox. dont worry about your kids its too late they will have it soon enough. if the medicines your giving her arent doctor perscribed lay off of them they may be why shes not eating. give her soft foods like pudding soup, jello, italian ice ice cream broth. watch the seasoning as she might have the pox in her mouth if she does she wont eat til they heal upgood luck. make sure she drinks plenty of fluidsdont force feed her this will make it worse. watch her for fever if it gets to high get her to the hospital kids her age with this can get a condition called reye syndrome. this could kill her . just watch her and try to get her to eat.nothing really salty or acidic it could irritate the problem good luck

2006-07-22 04:08:31 · answer #8 · answered by kleighs mommy 7 · 0 0

My daughter has recently been ill and refused to eat. My doc said that it does not matter at all, plenty of fluids little and often but don't get stressed about not eating. She didn't eat for about four days but as soon as she was feeling better she got her appetite back with no problems. As long as she is drinking, I think thats the main thing.

2006-07-22 02:32:59 · answer #9 · answered by helen 1 · 0 0

When my 2 had chicken pox they also lost their appetites a bit. Just offer her little bits of her favourite foods, and don't worry too much if you want to give her treats over the next couple of days. As long as she has plenty of fluids she will be fine.

You will find as the spots improve, her appetite will return.

2006-07-22 09:05:59 · answer #10 · answered by dashabout 3 · 0 0

It's OK!! as long as she is drinking and staying hydrated she is OK.
Don't make her eat she will eat when she is hungry.. drinking and staying hydrated is the main thing right now and you say she is drinking plenty fluids.
She feels yucky right now and eating is just something she doesn't want to do right now...
Just keep her as comfortable as possible, plenty of fluids and A LOT of loving!!!!
She'll feel better in a few days...

2006-07-22 02:37:04 · answer #11 · answered by DeeDee 4 · 0 0

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