You can't visually tell the age on a older Tiel, but telling the sex is easy. Locate where the pelvic bone is at on the bird, at the base of the tail. If the 2 bones can fit between the tip ofyour finger it is a female if it can't you have a male. This test can only be accurate on a Teil that is over the age of 9 months. If you need to determin the age you would need to get a blood test done.
Certified Avian Specialist
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2006-07-22 01:38:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Cockatiels are one of the easier parrot species to sex, though it depends on what mutation (color) you have.
The wild coloration is a Grey bird with white wing bands. Males have a solid color tail and a yellow face. They'll sing a cute warble and strut and bang their beaks to try to find a mate. Females have much more Grey on them and have a yellow and Grey barred tail.
This coloration rule works for most colors including Grey, white face (has a white face rather than yellow), cinnamon (brown), lutino (white and yellow. The females' barring is yellow on her tail) and sometimes pearl. If you have a pearl (spotted) bird and it's over 9 months of age, it's almost certainly a female as males lose the spotting as they mature.
The only colors you can't tell the birds' sex by coloration are in the Albino and sometimes the silver mutations. If you want to be 100% that you hav a boy or girl, you should DNA sex your bird. That requires you to pull 2 or three feathers from your birds' chest and send the feathers to a lab. Sometimes you can clip your birds' one nail too short and collect the blood on a special card. It's pretty cheap to get tested - about $25 dollars, depending on what part of the world you're living in.
2006-07-21 21:36:22
answer #2
answered by white_ravens_white_crows 5
You're already referring to it as a male... you're going to confuse the poor bird!!!!! Female cockatiels have horizontal bands on their under tail coverts (on the feathers under the tail.) Males lose these bands after their first molt, so that's really the easiest way to tell. As for age, if it is an adult (the eyes have changed color) it is hard to tell. Sometimes you can tell by looking at their feet- large knobby joints can somtimes indicate older birds (arthritis setting in, y'know)
2006-07-21 17:47:43
answer #3
answered by ziz 4
I have seen a pretty good website with lots of info. on these great birds; it is: They stated if the bird is sick that it will sit at bottom of cage with eyes closed, and fluffed up feathers. It has a loss of appetite. Checkout this website and there are probably many more on the internet.
2006-07-21 18:00:47
answer #4
answered by Geez Louise 4
well this is true for most cockatiels. They male sings more than the female. The female mostly squaks only. You can also tell by if it has bands under its tail feathers
2006-07-23 10:55:11
answer #5
answered by Carran33 2
older tiels have grey feet younger have pink
2006-07-22 07:47:26
answer #6
answered by Alex M 2