I'm not against them in the least. They are my best employees. I'd give ANYTHING for all these lazy, white, redneck, drunk, trailer trash morons to head for Mexico and make room for people who WANT TO WORK and not live off the government (i.e. you and me).
2006-07-20 16:33:21
answer #1
answered by Who cares 5
Hey Pinoy, just wanted to say it's not about disliking the "Mexican people", it's ILLEGAL aliens that us Americans are fed up with, we are tired of our open borders, our taxes going up (because of the illegals) we are tired of all the crimes that happen due to illegals (yes I know, American citizens do crimes also) BUT you think of the victims that are raped or killed because of an illegal....if our borders were secure guess what that crime would NOT have happened (that's a cold, hard TRUTH) ILLEGALS are a drain on our nation, whether or not you or anyone else thinks/says differently....socially, economically and ecologically.....environmentally speaking we are reeking havoc on our nation by letting this problem continue....in the long run we will be screwed if we allow the 11-20 million illegals stay. We have immigration laws for a reason.. we need to know who you are, health wise (diseases) , where you come from, just documentation in general..
You speak of arrogance,,,,,and I speak of common sense. Is it arrogant to ask people to come here the proper way?? I don't think so, but hey what do I know...I'm just an arrogant full of self worth American....screw the laws of my country right?? Could I come to the Philippines unchecked and undocumented and live there?? NO I can't and I know I can't ..... I'm sure your family did it the right way when they came from the Philippines (I hope)
2006-07-20 18:21:20
answer #2
answered by Hold em Rox 6
When you think of someone doing somthing illegal what do you usually think of? In my mind its a murderer, a rapist, or a thief. When i think of someone commiting a crime the first image that comes to mind is not a person that is looking for a better future for themselves and their families in the land of oppourunity.
Some people that responded to this question related illegal immigrants to other criminals such as rapists. Needless to say that is incredibly stupid. How can you possibly relate the two? One is a disgusting violent crime the other is nothing of the sort.
temporary workers help the united states because they provide a large workforce that does their job and are incredibly efficient in doing so, they also do their job for under minimum wage helping their employers gain a larger profit. In response to those of you who say that they take american jobs that is simply not the case. They cannot take the job you did not apply for, and employers need people to run their buissnesses and farms so that they can continue to make profits. If you are employed how can you complain that you didnt get that job an immigrant didnt just steal from you?
In adressing this problem you must look at it with compassion rather then spite. Dont think of them as being mexican or illegal, those are both unimportant, what is important is that they are HUMANS and deserve to be treated like them. What you have to realize is desperate the situation in Mexico really is. These people struggle to feed their families and hope for a better future for their kids. By coming to America they are able to do that, we should be flattered instead of angry.
Peace. Love. Unity. Tim D
2006-07-20 17:23:18
answer #3
answered by Tim D 2
I do not hate Mexicans. And it irks me to no end when I hear people dissing ANY nationality.
However, the immigration issue is NOT really about whether people hate other nationalities or not....granted, there's a few white supremies out there who are gonna take any ball and roll with it.
The Constitution and Declaration of Independence were written and put together by and for U.S. CITIZENS. It was for all those who came from other lands to find refuge here...BUT finding refuge here meant becoming LEGAL citizens.
I have MANY friends here in Texas who are originally from Mexico, who have taken the long, painstakingly slow process of becoming naturalized citizens. Now they are TAX PAYING LEGAL citizens.
That's all most of us ask...that the ILLEGALS go through the process of becoming LEGAL. It's not fair to the rest of us to have to support EVERY family that decides to take refuge here if they are not going to become LEGAL residents of this nation.
2006-07-20 16:43:21
answer #4
answered by scruffycat 7
I believe that was written for "American" citizens. I don't have anything against anyone of a different race than my own, however I "do" have a problem with ILLEGAL human beings in MY country acting like we owe them something, wanting to change our "National Anthem" and refusing to speak the English language. They have no loyalty to this country and they have proven it by marching down "OUR" streets carrying the flags of their home countries. If they can't come over here LEGALLY and learn the language (seriously do you think that if I moved to Mexico they would all learn English just because I said so? I don't think so, and I have enough common sense to know that I would have to learn the Language to become a productive member of their society), then I say GO HOME!!! PS it's not just Mexicans it's anyone who is here ILLEGALLY!!!
2006-07-20 17:00:31
answer #5
answered by chulita 5
Pursuit of hate? ROTF. Mexico needs to maybe write their OWN constituion, eh?
If you're in the United States illegally, I could care less where you're from. But, since Mexico represents the point of origin for the overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants, why not start with Mexico?
Let's be honest: Mexico knows a cash cow when they see one.
People know that there's lots of bleeding-heart liberals in america, easy marks for easy money, why not just game the United States for every penny you can get, right? At the end of the day, if there were no jobs and welfare programs, and special-this, and special-that for immigrants, they wouldn't be here, they'd be working to fix their own countries. And, that's long-overdue, especially where Mexico's concerned. You can yell 'hate' all day long, I'm not going to kiss up to mexicans just because you think it's the politically correct way for me to act.
I, for one, see a problem with all of this social engineering.
I believe that folding Mexico into our country is not the Right Answer, and that the politicians who've dreamed all of this up
long ago disconnected themselves from any sense of duty or responsibility toward the actual existing citizens of our country.
Mexicans etc. work cheap. This isn't about the declaration of independence, this is about MONEY, so don't lie.
I, for one, would like to see immigration enforcement be carried out. We either have laws, or we don't, and if we don't, well, what kind of country do you think you'd be building, exactly?
I think that illegal immigration and its' supporters have visited a HUGE problem on the american public, and they're laughing all the way to the bank about it. They don't give a damn if YOUR neighborhood goes to hell, or if crime in YOUR area rises,
or anything like that. They just want development rights.
It's ALLLL about money, not the declaration etc. The 'now' is the bottom line, the moola, the benjamins. Why? Because money talks, and BS walks. Rich people are less guilty in america. If that wasn't true, O.J. would be behind bars today.
Fraud and corruption have put our country on the road to hell,
and a great place for people to start on the path to reform from that would be simple stuff, rake your own leaves, carry out your own trash, don't encourage a servant class in america of 'lesser citizens'. Do your own dirty work, and solve your own problems.
THAT is what america's really about, the 'independence' in the Declaration, as in 'screw off, we don't want/need your 'help'.
Mexico should be working on their own reforms, cleaning up their own government, solving their own problems. Sometimes it's better to walk alone than be in bad company...
2006-07-20 16:43:53
answer #6
answered by gokart121 6
I grew up in California and now live in Arkansas because the majority of Mexicans act like Mexicans. The rest of those folks are really neat people but I'm not taking all the bad just for a little good.
2006-07-22 13:13:56
answer #7
answered by tripledigit67 3
Well hell, why don't we just let everyone out of prison, just open the gates and let 'em roam since we're depriving them of their liberty. It's not about dislike of Mexicans. It's about the "all men are created equal" part. They broke the law. Why should they be any more exempt from facing the consequences of their actions then anybody else? Because they are Mexican? Are they mentally disabled in some way that they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions? That doesn't seem very equal now does it?
What about illegal Chinese? Or African and European? Why isn't anybody trying to champion them? Because this isn't about equality, it's about giving special treatment to one group of people, illegal Mexican aliens. It's about inequality, giving one group of people special treatment.That just plain isn't fair, in my book. And i'll argue against it to my last breath. I do not condone racism in ANY of it's forms. Even the form of making illegal Mexican aliens exempt from the law.
2006-07-20 16:41:25
answer #8
answered by Mr. Bojangles 5
We have immigration LAWS. These people are BREAKING THE LAW. Should a rapist have the same rights as a good citizen? NO. Therefore why should we grant equal rights to people who, the first thing they do, is BREAK THE LAW and come here illegaly? So then we have these LAW BREAKERS who all the bleeding hearts wants to make American citizens. In two generations, they will be the majority in this country and it will be one big fiasco... can you say Siesta Thursdays? If Mexico is so bad, wouldn't they be better served staying there and making it better? I hear all this raza stuff and it drives me nuts. You're raza is in Mexico, but you left them behind.
2006-07-20 16:35:11
answer #9
answered by 1Edge3 4
Nice little speech.. but you forgot one thing.. we don't hate ALL Mexicans.. we might not even "hate" any of them.. what we are AGAINST is people.. from ANY other country.. who sneaks into this country illegally.. like the common criminal that very act makes them.. and takes and takes and takes.. and does not give back anything .. they work?? sure they work.. where does that cash go?? back home.. they get a stubbed toe?? they go to OUR hospitals for FREE health care.. heaven forbid they should pull their own weight like those of us who are LEGAL [I personally was born here.. have worked since I was 15 years old.. and have recently been DENIED a position for which I was highly qualified.. why?? because I do not speak spanish]. You want to come to America and make a better life for yourself and your family?? Fine.. come legally and I will be the first one to welcome you. But come here illegally.. like a thieving snake... and I will be at the front of the pack to get you out.
2006-07-20 16:59:49
answer #10
answered by Nancy 5
As an American and an immigrant, I came to this country in accordance with its laws. People in America do not hate Mexicans. People in America have enough trouble providing for their own. The passage you have stated above pertains to law abiding immigrants. Best cure for the immigration problem is to get the Mexican government and their elite mestizo millionaires to provide decent jobs and a safe way of living for its citizens so that it won't be necessary for them to go north.
2006-07-20 16:42:08
answer #11
answered by Don S 5