A temporary internet file is a file located on a user's hard disk in which a browser stores the Web site data for every Web page or URL address that a user visits. When the Web server sends the Web page files to the browser, they are stored in a file so that the next time the user visits the same Web site the browser takes the data from the temporary Internet file. With this method, the page quickly displays in the browser instead of having to wait for response from the Web site's server all over again. Basically, the browser is opening the Web page from the user’s hard drive instead of downloading the files from the Internet.
A buildup of data in the temporary Internet file will eventually slow a processor down as it takes up valuable resource space. Browsers that use a temporary Internet file also have methods for deleting the file.
While a firewall is A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria.
Hope it helps!!!
2006-07-20 15:23:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A temporary Internet file is one that is stored on your computer when you surf the Net and open this or that site. Frequently, cookies are also stored on your computer to identify you when you return to the site, whichever it may be. Click on Tools next Help at the top of the browser, then click on Internet options and next click on the General tab of the window that appears if the General tab isn't in the front of the window. In the middle section of the window you'll see three buttons. Delete Cookies and Delete Files are two of them. The temporary files section is connected by a hyperlink to the Delete Files button. they can be deleted to keep others from finding out your movements on the Net as well as being able to delete the Cookies.
A firewall is a program which, when activated and working properly, can keep unwanted intrusions out of your computer. Essentially, it is meant to keep other people from getting into your computer via the Net and rooting out info or files from your computer, or even causing damage.
2006-07-20 22:30:01
answer #2
answered by quietwalker 5
temporary file (internet file or not)
anytime your machine opens a webpage (pictures inside the webpage), or say open microsoft word, or any other program of any sort, your machine needs to create a file to store it in its own memory, these files are logged and have a specific version at any one time.
so if you visit the www.yahoo.com homepage, every single link, picture etc will have its open temporary (internet file) assigned to it with a version number embedded inside it, if 10 mins later you type www.yahoo.com the first thing your computer will ask yahoo.com for is the version of the page, if you already have that version stored in your memory, it will simply load that page from your temporary files on your machine, rather than redownloading the entire page again (which is why once you have been somewhere before and it hasnt changed, it loads quicker)
with a normal temporary file say for microsoft word, it will store anything you type into it, to the temporary file, when you shut your machine down normally, it 'should' remove these temporary files from your machine but if there has been a problem of any sort, it cant, this is why you are left with loads of *.tmp files scattered on your drive (do a search for *.tmp you can delete them all)
a firewall is simply a program that monitors your internet (or any network connection) for virus's/hacking attempts....its virus definitions data is on the look out for any 'known' file signatures that are common with a virus, and if it detects anything, will try and block it access to your system, and normally flash a message at you informing you of what it has encountered
hope that clears it up for you a bit, sorry for the big chunks of text
2006-07-20 22:31:42
answer #3
answered by paul_heilbron 3
A firewall is when you install the software of norton anti virus, that protect your computer from bad email, file, picture, etc
2006-07-20 22:23:37
answer #4
answered by tuindia66 1