No one invented God, In terms of what God really is. The concept of "God" has been invented and reinvented time and time again by man. In order to understand what God really is, you need to have a clear definition of it. I say "it" because God does not necessarily have to be male or female. In fact, it's funny that we believe we can personify God with with a human or even a trait from a species of Earth. When you define "God" you have to ask yourself many things. I know that it is very easy to simply say God does not exist. But for sake of argument, we know that the concept or idea of God exists. God, much like love, is a concept that without a doubt exists in our language even though it is not tangible. First, we should ask is this concept we call God outside of time and space or is God an active part of our own universe?
I won't get into an insane amount of semantics here, but it is extremely important to define what God is to each of us. The heart of the debate lies in the definition.
What if you define God as nothing? Maybe this is what an Athiest does. If you define God as nothing then God is something. It's easy to brush this aside. But it's much like love... we don't really have a direct definition for it, however we say it exists. We say it exists because it has certain properties that we believe in. Love makes me happy.. what is happiness? It's a feeling.. it's endorphins being released in our brains. What are endorphins? And we keep reducing and reducing, a concept of reductionism until what? Until we get to energy.. quanta and a new human definition of particles. No matter how far we reduce, no matter how many lens we use in our minds microscope, we always find something to exist. We can not avoid existence, even through death, we believe that life goes on beyond our death here on Earth. Most of us do at least. So what is the greatest thing an Athiest can imagine.. what is it that an Athiest claims is the cause of creation? Well certainly it is not God.. so let's nix that. What is it though? What do we call what we see around us? Something is creating and morphing an evolution of what seems to be the most intelligent thing we know of existence. The universe is an active creation that continues to create. When we take our mind's lens and focus up out of the particles.. out of our cells.. out of our bodies into our world.. out into outerspace.. beyond solar systems and universes.. we see how truly tiny we are, truly how insignificant we are in the universe. see below
But uniformly there exist stars, planets, universes, black holes.. the possibility of time travel. Here on earth we have amazing phenomena most of which can be explained through evolution. Yes I know evolution contradicts many points of many religions.. but the fact is.. evolution exists! You don't need to be scientist to know this exists. You know dark skinned people are from tropical areas.. you know genetics and mutations cause many disorders like down syndrome and amazing things like idiot savants. There is SO much to our world. And yet, we know nothing! we still fight pointless wars over holy lands, oil, food, and many resources. Theres enough here for everyone and yet we are too primitive to realize this. We can create alternative fuels.. and yet, we are too greedy to do so. We think we're so special and so important but the truth is.. We are a bunch of monkeys. see below
And so, here we are.. I've gone on and on and haven't touched on any of your points. You've got some great ones too. I was wondering if there were contradictions to the Bible.. but I should know that there are. Contradictions in our world are everywhere. Oxymorons. We live in a relative world, big and small, near and far, evil and good.. you can't have one without the other. Sometimes things "seem" to conflict. For instance.. Pro-Life and Abortion. People say one is right and the other is wrong. Rarely do they consider the fact that maybe sometimes one is right and sometimes one is wrong. Things are not always black and white. It depends at what level you use your mind's lens. Reductionism remember? Let's take our lens and look through the eyes of a mother who has had 5 miscarriages. Maybe then we are Pro Life.. take a mother who has been raped and left bleeding.. then maybe we are Pro choice! Take our lens and look through the eyes of something that can see everything from a different world than ours. Maybe neither matters to them. Pro life, Pro choice.. not a matter at all. Significance is in the perspective of the observer. I think people are waiting for God.. they're waiting for someone to arrive and fix all of their problems. This will not happen, it's escaping our purpose rather than fufilling it. Who's to say we even have a purpose? Oh, but a dreadful life you'd live without one. We are always dealing with life's drama. We are a major part of it. Some of us have anger problems, some of us are defensive, some of us just don't give a damn. We all have issues deep inside that we must face. We can't feel as great as the universe when someone is yelling at us for lying to them the day before right? It's what we should do anyway, but some teachings in religious text are great. For example: Do unto others as you would have done unto you. This is an amazing teaching if you think about it. So some of these principles set out by religion are not such a bad thing. Don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, don't do your neighbor, don't kill. You know? Actually if they were do's instead of don'ts maybe we'd be more accepting of them. Do tell the truth, do be honest, do respect your neighbor, do help others. No actually government does not have to be based on religion or the 10 commandments exactly. As philospher, Thomas Hobbes would say without society we exist in a state of war of all against all. In order to counter this state we enter a contract and enforce that contract with possible punishment (police,military). The contract could have been anything but many are against killing, stealing etc.
I don't think that when you die, things become black and nothing happens. And I don't think when you die, you visit pearly gates and a saint, and then a big man in the sky with a white beard letting you into heaven. Whatever "Heaven" is... have you thought of this? What is it that happens then? Well.. whatever you believe in that is what happens. Those who believe in hell, experience hell.. but only from a distance observing themself. Those who believe they will see relatives, then they will see relatives. But in the end, you are exactly where you began.. you are once again a piece of this universe. Your body soaks into the ground.. you are one with it. You can't deny this. I know you have a problem with body and mind.. but remember, issues, not black or white.. grey. How can you deny that every cell in your body is intelligent when you know this is true. Every particle.. even quanta.. as scientists have explained are concious. OR at least affected by human observation and not governed by the laws of newtonian physics. Life feeds on life feeds on life and creates life. So physically this is where we are at.. but mentally, if you remember how great you always were in this life.. you would know that death is just an illusion and when your body dies, your mind lives on. You are as great as this universe. And just as you said.. it is faith in ones religion that gives them the motivation to think they are great, something they could have done with out faith and just believing in themselves. Well who is to say what is the difference? It is one in the same. So your believing in yourself is faith. Believe how great you can really be, and you will see how great you really are. As great as all the universes combined.. that is the key. We are seperate but equal.
Why do people put ashes on the mantle? Why not go to the grave... I'd say it's the same. My grandfather was cremated not because we thought it was best but rather because it was what was most affordable. I don't think any less of him. In fact, I feel that when he died.. he lives on through me, and all of us. I see his creative inventiveness in me, Ill never forget him. But no, I don't look at the ashes and say hey there he is!.. haha pretty funny to think though, and he would laugh he had a good sense of humor.
God made Adam and not steve.. God hates fags, as the Westboro baptist church would say. and so the war goes on and on. Why is that? Because we are not comfortable with our own sexual identities? Let's take the lens and move outward.. why do we care? How does it really affect us? Not much I think. It only affects those who are afraid. Fear, remember is that one thing that will kick back your motivation and belief in how great you are. You can be so great and powerful, we all can, its a matter of choice. So who invented God.. it wasn't us, that's for sure.. or was it... who knows. I do. You do. Look around you.. who created all this you see around you? Should we be asking "Who" or "What"? Even without a bang for our universe, exists a nothing that is still something with potential. Potential has always been here and always will be. That is what is amazing about every intelligent particle you see and don't see around you. This cycling masterpiece wasn't created overnight that's for sure! Stars giving birth to planets.. planets to life.. life to organisms.. organisms to concious organisms... and we are still evolving! There is a game coming out called spore.. where you are the creator, you can be god. Warning 35 min video:
Our potential in this life, and outside of it.. is limitless. When you see how great your potential is, and how great our potential is as humans.. and you believe that there is other life out there.. you know that together as a whole... we are part of an amazingly intelligent and all powerful force. What you call that force.. how you define that force... well that's up to you. But me.. I give it a name.. and I call it God.. and I associate all the properties that I imagine to be in a God. And hell yes I would worship it... or shall I say Heaven yes? For heaven is here and now and it's in every waking moment of your creating. Where you are right now in your life, is exactly where you should be. Everything happens for a reason. We are here, and exist as individual souls or (mental energy?) and we are part of one great big soul or (mental energy). Think about it... you are thought and you can't avoid that. It's easy to demystify all of life into intelligent particles and then say there is nothing. Rene Descartes says "I think therefore I exist". What if we're dreaming this? Well we still are thinking and still exist. I counter though, what if we are being dreamed up by an evil genius. Even though, if were were merely characters in a dream of an evil genius, we would still exist. What would we exist as? Hard to say we really exist, I think. So we even exist? Something in your mind drills at you to say YES, even though you can't confirm it. You feel physical things, but maybe your mind is making them up. Maybe it's the evil genius. Now we are lost. Yet as tiny as we are, as dreamlike as we could be, we still exist as something. So this something... do you think it will ever go away? Nothing is something. It's extremely hard to escape that. Try as much as you can.. I think you will always be here, somehow. Now with this nothing comes something.. something created this something.. you were a part of it. I'm not saying you're God.. I'm not saying I'm God.. but maybe I'm saying we are one with "it". That is the comfort that we all seek. It's not the promises of riches in heaven, it's the realization that you are a part of something so incredibly great that recreates itself eternally that is heaven. To say we are less than this, is only to give up on our potential. I know many followers of religion are strange, but we must accept them and help them realize how great they are and that there is no wrong or right. We are all one, and we will always be one. Expressing ourselves to realize just how great we really are. We are seperate for this very reason. For it's impossible for God to know itself unless it is divided up into many creations to express and then experience how great it really is.
I think you could have an Athiest wedding using a justice of the peace? But I am not 100% certain.. as with anything.
What I say is all true, unless it's not. It's up to you what you believe. Thanks for sticking around to read all this.
2006-07-20 16:23:01
answer #1
answered by phishycoding 4
Yikes! What a familiar-sounding rant! As bright as you are, I would expect some original ideas. I was spewing all this invective when you were in pampers!
Why is it so hard for you to wrap around the Alpha and Omega aspect of God? Do you obsess like this over the equations of Einstein or Fuchs? Is it possible that the concept of a Being that has no beginning or end is just a wee bit past you and I? Or are you ready to lay out the full panoply of quantum physics for our understanding?
Let's start with the basics, then. Explain, in detail, the creation of a single-celled organism. That should be a piece of cake for someone who demands an explanation from God!
Yea, I know, I used to be at the center of the universe, too. Way smarter than the unwashed herd. Now I am a complete idiot and loving it. And I can assure you, my second self-evaluation is way more accurate.
I hope you get to meet my Jesus. He made Himself known to me one day, and an entire lifetime of bad information evaporated like dust in the wind. After reading your rant, I am ready to jump up from the keyboard and praise Him for a solid hour for delivering me from all that "brilliance." Gotta go!!
2006-07-20 13:28:40
answer #2
answered by Elwood Blues 6
The magnificent human brain invented GOD along with the other inventions. Human brain can think of the unthinkable and can do anything...
Also, it was easy to take people into confidence hundreds and thousands of years ago since there was no science and not much logic. People believed in eveything be it gossip or influence. Now, in today's world its so difficult to invent a religion or convince people about a new religion because most people try to think logically and scientifically.
GOD is the creation of human brain which has invented everything from wheel to a micro chip.
2006-07-20 12:55:31
answer #3
answered by Camellias 3
Who made God? this question strains the mind of many, but if we will simply look at the evidence, it is very logical. lets think of space for a moment, does space have an end? Of course it dosent. if there was a brick wall with "the end" written on it, then the question arises what exist beyond the brick wall? thru faith, we have to belive space had no begginging and has no end. the same applies with God. The Bible says God is eternal, the earth we live in was his creation, time was his creation, so God is outside this realm and we strain our minds because we are simply adjusted to everyhitng having a begginging and an end.
The Most important part of the existence of God is the fact that when you and I die, we will stand before God and give an account of every thought word and deed. the Bible says no words preceeding from our mouths will be forgotten and no secret sexual sin or lie will be overlooked. The Ten Commandments will be Gods standard so lets look at a few to see how you will do on judgement day.
Have you ever lied (even once--fibs, white lies, etc.)? Ever stolen (anything--the value is irrelevant)? Jesus said, "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery already with her in his heart." Have you ever looked with lust? If you have said "Yes" to these three questions, by your own admission, you are a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart; and we’ve only looked at three of the Ten Commandments.
What a shock! Nothing you’ve ever done is hid from His holy eyes. Will you be innocent or guilty on the Day of Judgment? Listen to your conscience. You know that you will be guilty, and the Bible says if God Judges you according to your sin, you could end up in Hell. That’s not God’s will. He provided a way for you and I to be forgiven.
He sent His Son to take our punishment: "God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." He was bruised for our iniquities. Jesus then rose from the dead and defeated death.
Your own so-called “goodness” can’t get you into heaven any more than mine could. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. He is the "Door," the only "mediator." There is salvation in no other name, so pray something like this: "Dear God, I repent of all of my sins (confess them). This day I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Please forgive me and grant me your gift of everlasting life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen."
2006-07-20 12:59:16
answer #4
answered by WDJD 3
Well, I agree with some of the other answers that human beings created the concept of God. We created this concept to try to understand our enviroment. There is another theory of the bicameral mind which is interesting. The theory speaks of the development of out inner throught processes and how we came to acknowledge "self". The interesting part of the theory is that "God" was at first the voice we heard "ourside of ourselves" which told us what to do ie eat, sleep, reproduce. Overtime we began to become more and more aware. As we did this we came to understand that this "God" voice outside ourselves was actually "us". Another words it was our inner thinking, we just weren't aware of it at the time. So, perhaps God was created by primitive man as a means to understand the natural drives they had, and their enviroment. Just my two cents. Love the question! I wish I could remember who wrote the book on the Bicameral mind. Sorry.
2006-07-20 13:04:58
answer #5
answered by meluusinee 2
running a weblog has been around as a results of fact the late 70's whilst Bulletin Board structures (BBS) have been around and you had to dial by a telephone line to connect, specific a telephone line utilising a modem like a 28.8K or slower which in case you needed to acquire a movie or game might take 3 days (no comedian tale) which now takes like what a million minute? The hipe of the internet started in elementary terms some years in the past whilst severe velocity cyber web grew to become into further into the spot mild! you offered to undergo in innovations there have been on line message boards on bulletin board structures (BBS) courting lower back to the late 70's you may additionally play video games and chat on them too.
2016-11-02 10:37:43
answer #6
answered by pachter 4
Al Gore invented God.
2006-07-20 12:48:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
One day a woman ran into cave, screaming. A leopard had pounced on her and stolen her baby. Oog, the biggest, strongest, bravest caveman, stood up silently, picked up his club, and walked out.
Two days later he comes back, covered in cuts and brusies, and wearing a leopard skin. Now all the women are impressed; Oog won't let leopards get their babies, so all of them want to sleep with Oog.
Poog is a skinny little caveman who is very much afraid of leopards. But he wants to have sex like Oog. He thinks and he thinks, but he can't come up with anyting. Then one day, a baby just dies for no reason. Everyone's sleeping in the cave, perfectly safe, but when they wake up the baby isn't breathing.
So Poog picks up his little club, walks out of the cave, and hides in the bushes for two days. Then he rolls around in the dirt and gives himself as many bruises as he can stand. He walks back to the cave and sits down at the fire.
"Where have you been?" says Oog.
"Dealing with that leopard that killed the baby."
"What? No leopard came into the cave that night. Soog was watching all night."
"It was an invisible leopard," says Poog. "But I, with my super-keen ears, tracked it down and killed it."
Oog closes his eyes and listens closely. "I don't hear anything."
"Of course not," says Poog. "I already killed the leopard."
"I don't see any skin," says Oog.
"I already told you, it's invisible!"
"And," Poog adds, "it was ten times as big as that kitty you killed."
Now all the girls crowd around Poog. Giant invisible leopards are far more dangerous than ordinary ones, so Poog's baby protection services are vastly more valuable.
Later, Poog teaches the secret of making up - I mean, killing - giant invisible leopards to his favorite son, and the first priesthood is established.
(Originally here, I didn't write it.
2006-07-20 13:27:14
answer #8
answered by flipturn2001 2
By definition, God is the first cause. He has no beginning
and no end. He is the beginning and the end. If this is not
true then there is no God.
I Corinthians 13;8a, Love never fails!!!!!
2006-07-20 12:52:03
answer #9
answered by ? 7
God is, was, and always will be. He was not created by anyone or anything. Below are some good links to help you.
If you seek Him, you will find Him.
2006-07-20 12:56:24
answer #10
answered by RoundAbout 1
Some idiot who wanted to divide humans and create prejudice invented god.
2006-07-20 12:52:03
answer #11
answered by Katelyn 4