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21 answers

good old fashioned tough love give him or her a swift kick in the ***.....

2006-07-20 12:43:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You beat his/her 8 year old azz. That's how. The child is 8 years old, probably going into the 3rd grade and knows better. Unfortunately, for you..you have allowed/tolerated this behavior for so long he/she is getting older, it will only get worst if you don't get a control on the situation.
For your good, and especially the child's well being..You need to nip this away immediately. Or else he/she will be throwing you around next..
Take favorite games away, no friends, NOTHING! In fact make the child scrub the walls clean..You have to have a balance..Beat his/her azz and combine the others in as well....

Please don't listen to the excuses of what a member posted something sh*it about ADD/ADHD that's just an excuse. He/She just needs a b-e-l-t..That's what's wrong with the kids. Everyone wants to give behavior problems a diagnosis and a reason for the child to do what they want to do. He/she just needs to be diagnosis with an azz whipping..That's all Please don't walk away nor ignore him. He's not 1 years old..he's 8 years old!!!

2006-07-20 12:51:55 · answer #2 · answered by WhatEVER27 4 · 0 0

My husband said that when he was around that age and threw a fit, his father recorded it with a video camera. He said he FLIPPED out, and kept screaming for him to turn it off. Afterwards his dad made him sit down and watch together as a family. Let him see his own behavior, he was really embarrassed I thought that was a pretty good idea. However with my own son, I believe in spanking as a last resort, if he acted like that he got his butt spanked for sure. It is unacceptable behavior. You need to get a handle on it. Also never ever threaten anything you don't plan to back up. If you say it, be prepared to FOLLOW THROUGH. It may be hard at first, but that's the only way to get them to trust that your word is law. Otherwise, they are like whatever. Good luck......

2006-07-20 13:21:46 · answer #3 · answered by Sunshine 4 · 0 0

take your child to a time out area, mine is the laundry room, and make the child stay for 8 mins and tell the child that when they feel like being grown up then they can come and live life. If they stay in the timeout nicely then say it . This is a tried and tested methos I have used on my son who is 6. He goes for 6 mins due to age, and I have seen him throw some whoppers. Your child needs to know who rules the roost and it shouldent be them. You are the boss in the house and yo need to let the child firmly know.

2006-07-20 13:35:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Once I was at a grocery store and my 4yr. old daughter threw herself on the floor making a huge scene. At the time I wanted to crawl under a rock. All the people were staring at me as if I'd beat her. So I put my game face on and whispered to her " if you don't her your little hinny off that floor this instant, I'm gonna leave you hear" and I walked off. I made sure to walk off into an isle were I can still see her, but she couldn't see me. That girl got up so fast, I swear it was like an ambulance had come yelling " I'm sorry mommy don't go,don't go." I think as long as you don't give in and stand your ground you can get anything you want out of a child. I don't think it's a good idea to yell at your child or spank your child, especially in front of people that just humiliates them and makes them feel degraded, not to mention, makes them even more mad and rebellious against you. Take them to the restroom and talk to them. Kids deserve to be respected too, as their parents we have to practice what we teach. I'm proud to say my daughter is now 7yrs. old and got a citizenship award at school this past year.

2006-07-20 13:17:18 · answer #5 · answered by Summer 2 · 0 0

seriously temper tantrums are a way for them to get attention, u need to COMPLETLY ignore it every time he does it, i mean ignore it and walk away, and if he or she does it in public only warn them ONCE that if they dont stop u will be leaving and do just that and go home and allow them not to play with any toys or television until they apologize,trust me on the ignoring thing its the absolute best way to conquer a temper tantrum if u need any more advice u can reach me at rachelrenee87@yahoo.com
good luck

2006-07-20 12:46:01 · answer #6 · answered by Rachel V 2 · 0 0

I would recommend getting a copy of and reading The Five Love Languages of Children as quickly as you can and then make a practice of following its advice. It has made an amazing difference in our family.

2006-07-20 12:49:34 · answer #7 · answered by blowry007 3 · 0 0

The best way I have found is to send them to their room , if they do not go and they are out of control do not bribe them physically pick them up and carry them then shut the door and tell them u love them but you will not put up with that type of behavior, They are pushing your limits and you need to be strong and do not give in....

2006-07-20 12:47:11 · answer #8 · answered by stantonshoemaker 3 · 0 0

pour a pitcher of water on him or wet him with a water gun while he's having the tantrum. It's the shock factor that will make him quit and he won't get hurt. Don't tell him what you are going to do either or it won't work.

2006-07-20 12:45:34 · answer #9 · answered by Sharon C 1 · 0 0

Whoop his A***. Don't beat the baby just pop him and then explain why you did it. Be compassionate. If that doesn't work then that means you started discipline too too late. Now you need to take him to a psyic Dr

2006-07-20 13:12:34 · answer #10 · answered by beautifulniloo 1 · 0 0

He is throwing the temper tantrum for your attention. Ignore him.

2006-07-21 05:03:55 · answer #11 · answered by dee_knight2 2 · 0 0

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