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I have been experiencing alot of social anxiety lately and just plain anxiety. And last night i have a very bad panic attack. and halousination. and i think i also have some ocd. is all of this usually similiar or something? please give me some info about this.

2006-07-20 11:35:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

2 answers

yes these two things are related. i understand what you are feeling and going through. unfortunately its apart of life that many people have to go through. when you start to feel that a panic attack is coming on try to go your room or somewhere where you can be alone so that this attack doesn't seem so bad to you. just tell yourself that your not alone.. many people have this.. and that your going to make it through this..
look up some websites that can give you some info on these things...
here are a few..




2006-07-20 11:49:42 · answer #1 · answered by If u were wondering, It's me 5 · 0 0

Have you tried journaling or writing poetry for yourself? I'll keep you in my prayers, hun! So sorry for you as I know what anxiety can feel like. For instance, me and driving inside a major city does not mix! I swear I feel like I'm on the verge of a heart attack behind the wheel then. There was a time some years ago when I had a panic attack, I felt like someone with a seizure because I had a hard time with breathing and how my body would shake on the ground. I have had not had it to that extreme for some time now. (((HUGS))) It will get better! I'm here if you want to talk!

2016-03-16 02:31:21 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Ugggh. I am totally with you on this. It is horrible. You really need to go talk to your doctor or OB/GYN about getting some meds. I have the same problem you do, and know how horrible it feels. Meds have been the only thing that has helped take the edge off of the anxiety.

2006-07-20 11:39:21 · answer #3 · answered by tsopolly 6 · 0 0

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