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They are the first demonstration that America's disregard for international law and cowboy style military intervention is contagious. Only a matter of time before some country tries genocide on the basis of "The American Excuse" for hunting down terrorists.

2006-07-20 11:18:55 · 39 answers · asked by Eudaimonia 1 in Politics & Government Military

39 answers

okay lets send missiles into your country and see how you like it.

are people really as stupid as you?

2006-07-20 11:20:48 · answer #1 · answered by sean_mchugh6 3 · 4 0

Wow, you are a serious Liberal. First of all, the USA doesn't support Israels action, the Liberals (esp. Hillary Clinton) do. Secondly, Israel is getting some remarks from the UN.
Third, notice how I said remarks. To me the UN has no power whatsoever. All they do is talk the problem through and come to a diplomatic solution. However they try to avoid using force for as long as possible. However, until they use force, the problem rarely gets solved. So lets say Israel goes to the UN before they go to Lebannon.
Right now, Hezbollah terrorists would still be camping on the Lebanesse border and firing Katushya rockets into Tel Aviv. Meanwhile, Israeli diplomats are begging the UN to let them take action. BUT WAIT!! Lebannon doesn't want Israel to go in. (Obviously who would?) and so the UN goes into further debate.
I'll give you another example. North Korea. I'm sure you've heard about North Korea's nuclear weapons testing. And so the UN warns North Korea to stop. They don't. So the UN warns them again. North Korea remains stubborn. And now what's happening. The UN is staying on the south side of the DMZ giving Kim Jong- Il mean looks.

2006-07-20 11:31:19 · answer #2 · answered by mattiebouge 3 · 0 0

First this poor guy has a point. America's policy of invading country's on the basis of harbouring terrorists has given leave for the likes of Israel to be aggressive towards its neighbours which in turn led to this conflict we presently see. It has also led to Russia's Chechen conflict being vindicated which it shouldn't.
Second, those who call him a retard and dumb ***-the guy has a REAL question so actually answer it and stop showing your ignorance by insulting him.
Third, to her who said-USA haven't done the likes of this (ie kidnap soldiers etc) What the hell do you think Abu Graib and Guantanamo are. In every regional and international court so far the USA has been found guilty of war crimes. But they vindicate it by saying its for the greater good and self defence. Sorry Yanks but that excuse went out the window when yous Napalmed peasants in Vietnam on the offchance they just might be the enemy, no go back-when you targeted Hiroshima and Nagasaki as "military strategic points", no go back, when you pretty much destroyed the native Americans (and for those who say-uh what country are you from, bet yours has done the same-NO, i'm from Ireland and we've NEVER had a genocide, never invaded, never used napalm in our history)
So-without a UN mandate Israel is just following America's example that its ok to do this. This type of sheep mentality from a country with the brains of a sheep will lead us into serious trouble.
So-YES i agree with you eudaimonia!
Dam Americans!
(not all-just you biggots)

2006-07-20 11:41:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do not agree. A nation has the right to self-defense, and doesn't need anyone's permission to excercise that right.

This does not mean that acquiring UN support is a bad idea, or that an international response isn't the best solution. Just that it is not necessary for an invasion to be legitimate.

I would liken it to a scenario where someone is being threatened by a rapist. In general, the best way to deal with crime is to use the police and legal system. But in certain situations, a person should be able to defend themselves without going through that process.

2006-07-20 11:25:21 · answer #4 · answered by timm1776 5 · 0 0

I agree. You also cannot invade and BOMB a WHOLE country because it harbors terrorists. How many innocent CHRISTIAN/Muslim Lebanese lives have been disrupted? I would find it hard to believe that Christian Lebanese are aiding and abetting Hezbollah. The country was finally stabilizing from its civil war in the 80s.

I think it's hilarious that all these people above me think that Lebanon the COUNTRY kidnapped Israeli soldiers and attacked Israel. It was Hezbollah, a terrorist group that is near impossible to uproot and is located inside Lebanon. Lebanon is 40% CHRISTIAN. Why would Christians support Islamic Fundamentalism? It wasn't the Lebanese army that committed these acts. And they call YOU the idiot. IDIOTS are people who don't even bother to READ THE NEWS and then think they know everything about a situation. That's stupidity at its finest. READ A BOOK for god sakes.

Basically all of you are saying that if your brother beats up some kid, then it's okay for that kid's family to come beat up your whole family instead of just your brother. Doesn't really make sense, does it?

2006-07-20 11:22:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, Israel invaded Lebanon in the early 80's. This invasion is not unprecedented They are not the first demonstration that America's disregard for international law is contagious. I'm strongly opposed to Israel's action, and in fact I consider myself quite liberal, however I also object to your flawed historical assesment. The Soviets also did this sort of un-sanctioned stuff in Eastern Europe and Afganistan. It doesn't make it right, but when you assert that Israel is "Little USA," and tht they're taking America's lead, it just makes you sound like a dumbass.

2006-07-20 11:26:34 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Anonymous 3 · 0 0

Dude.. who gives a CRAP about the UN? They're an organization of countries. We're not a nation-state under the UN... Otherwise it could be said that he who is in charge of the UN is king of the world. The UN is a nice idea, but a country that's being bombed cannot sit around waiting for Big Brother to say it's ok to fight back.

God Bless the Freaking USA. More people SHOULD take after them.

2006-07-20 11:23:50 · answer #7 · answered by Nuwanda 3 · 1 0

I agree with that, they started the conflict and so they ought to be punished by the UN. If they don't back out someone (one of the big powers: Russia or China) should give'em a real scare by sending some troops to Lebanon.

It's wrong to abuse one's military superiority and the inconditional support from the one-sided US to weaken a country that can barely defend itself.

And to Michael: who ever said that Hezbollah entered Israel and kidnapped soldiers? They were in Lebanon!

2006-07-20 11:29:16 · answer #8 · answered by davidangelrt 2 · 0 0

First of all, I am proud of all who answered this question. You all spoke your minds without fear from an outside source. WE ARE AMERICANS. Dont forget why we all have this right. It isnt free, and the fight for it continues daily. This fight isnt for the weak at heart. Israel is a proud Nation who loves Her people and admires them for their efforts. She has every right to defend herself at any time she sees fit. I am behind Her all the way. When the towers were hit on 9/11 I watched as other nations danced in the streets. I saw Her weeping. She, (the Israelis) weeped that day.I will never forget Her kindness that day to a Nation that was hit by cowards. Israel was one of the first to offer aid. Lets not forget that in the future. Terrorist have no rights, no morals, and follow no rules. Why we dont just call them what they are escapes me. They are murderers in the lowest form. God Bless Israel . God Bless the USA!

2006-07-20 13:12:08 · answer #9 · answered by Brandi C 1 · 0 0

What a dumb question!
'Little Iran' Hezbollah cannot just strut into Israel, under a barrage of missiles , kill and kidnap.
Only dumb terrorists would think they had a 'right' to do this and not expect retaliation.
It's only a matter of time before the West gets another terrorist attack in the name of Islam.

2006-07-20 13:44:39 · answer #10 · answered by jonnnboy 4 · 0 0

As the nations that you are speaking about are sovereign, no they don't need a UN mandate to take action to defend themselves from outside foreign aggression such as terrorists, supported by nation states, enter the country and kidnap their soldiers.
Get a grip and look at both sides of the issue.

2006-07-20 11:27:53 · answer #11 · answered by Michael A 3 · 0 0

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