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what are the healthiest foods? Tofu, sushi, yata yata

2006-07-20 09:53:18 · 9 answers · asked by mk 2 in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

9 answers

Healthiest? Any lo-fat meat grilled, where the fat drips off onto a rack. i.e. skinless chicken breast. very lean beef. turkey.

All fresh fruit and vegetables.

Whole grains pastas, breads,

watch your sodium (salt) low is better.

Avoid carbonated drinks.,Sodas or pop.

Watch your sugar, no candy, donuts, cookies, etc...

2006-07-20 10:23:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The healthiest foods are fresh, raw, organic fruits and vegeatables - particularly dark, leafy greens. Sprouts are pretty healthy too.

2006-07-20 10:04:12 · answer #2 · answered by sharbysyd 3 · 0 0

A Double-Quarter Pounder and Large Frys from McDonalds! It is food for thy SOUL!

2006-07-20 09:59:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A veggie is a plant or part of a flower used as food

2017-03-11 22:08:45 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Both are good for you, each fruit/vegetable has different vitamins. Thus as more variety, as better. Vegetables have generally less sugar than fruits.

2017-02-18 10:17:53 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Plain yogurt, organic vegetables and fruits, salmon, whole grains,beans, Tofu, almonds.

2006-07-20 12:13:55 · answer #6 · answered by Bazinga 7 · 0 0

whole grains/oatmeal
lean meats like chicken
fresh fish

2006-07-20 09:56:41 · answer #7 · answered by Sharp Marble 6 · 0 0

all organic foods, greens: such as brocolli, collards, salads, any foods with low calories and carbs!!
Meats: tuna and salmon, lean steak, turkey breast.

2006-07-20 09:56:03 · answer #8 · answered by The King 6 · 0 0

What is the definition of "Healthy" when used on a food label?

A: A "healthy" food must be low in fat and saturated fat and contain limited amounts of cholesterol and sodium. In addition, if it's a single-item food, it must provide at least 10 percent of one or more of vitamins A or C, iron, calcium, protein, or fiber. Exempt from this "10-percent" rule are certain raw, canned and frozen fruits and vegetables and certain cereal-grain products. These foods can be labeled "healthy," if they do not contain ingredients that change the nutritional profile, and, in the case of enriched grain products, conform to standards of identity, which call for certain required ingredients. If it's a meal-type product, such as frozen entrees and multi-course frozen dinners, it must provide 10 percent of two or three of these vitamins or minerals or of protein or fiber, in addition to meeting the other criteria. The sodium content cannot exceed 360 mg per serving for individual foods and 480 mg per serving for meal-type products.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
A Food Labeling Guide
September 1994 (Editorial revisions June 1999)

A Food Labeling Guide
Food Labeling CFR References
(see update at end of document)
Chapter VI--Claims
Questions 26 - 45

Questions Answers
26. When is a formulated food considered to be specially processed and permitted to bear a "low" or "free" claim? If a similar food would normally be expected to contain a nutrient, such as sodium in canned peas, and the labeled food is made in such a manner that it has little or none of the nutrient, then the food is considered specially processed and may bear a "free" or a "low" claim.

21 CFR 101.13(e)(1)
27. If a product is made that does not have a regular version, such as a spice mix, and salt is not included in it, may the product be labeled "sodium free"? Yes. FDA would consider that the food was formulated so as not to include the nutrient in the food and therefore it would be eligible to bear a "sodium free" claim if the product otherwise meets the criteria for the term "sodium free".
28. May a "Fat Free" claim be made even though the product is essentially 100% fat, for example, a cooking oil spray that has a very small serving size? Although the food has less than 0.5 grams of fat per reference amount and technically qualifies to make a "fat free" claim, such a claim on a product that is essentially 100% fat would be misleading. Under section 403(a)(1) and 201(n) of the act, the label would have to disclose that the product is 100% fat.

However, the terms "fat free" and "100% fat" or "all fat" are contradictory and would likely confuse consumers. FDA believes a claim such as "for fat free cooking" is more appropriate, so long as it was not made in a misleading manner and the words "fat free" were not highlighted, printed in a more prominent type, or otherwise set off from the rest of the statement.
29. May a "Less" or "Fewer" claim be made that compares ready-to-eat cereals to other breakfast options such as sausages or Danish pastries? The agency would not object to such a claim if it were properly framed in the context of an eating occasion such as "Try a change for breakfast. A serving of this cereal has __% less fat than a serving of Danish pastry".

21 CFR 101.13(j)(1)(i)(A)
30. What is an appropriate reference food for a food bearing a "Light" claim? The reference food must be a food or group of foods that are representative of the same type as the food bearing the claim. For example, a chocolate ice cream would use as its reference food other chocolate ice creams

21 CFR 101.13(j)(1)(i)(B).

The nutrient value for fat or calories in a reference food that is used as a basis for a "light" claim may be determined in several ways. It may be a value in a representative valid data base, an average value determined from the top three national (or regional) brands of the food, a market basket norm, or where its nutrient value is representative of the food type, an individual food like a market leader

21 CFR 101.13(j)(1)(ii)(A).

The nutrient value used as a basis for a 'light' claim should be similar to that calculated by averaging the nutrient values of many of the foods of the type. It should not be the value of a single food or group of foods at the high end of the range of nutrient values for the food. When compared to an appropriate reference food, a "light" food should be a food that the consumer would generally recognize as a food that is improved in its nutrient value compared to other average products of its type

21 CFR 101.13(j)(1)(ii)(A).
31. What is considered to be an "average nutrient value"? It might be a value in a data base that is appropriate for the food, or an average of nutrient levels in several of the leading brands of that type of food. It might also be a market basket norm. In determining an average nutrient value for a particular type of food, a manufacturer should take into account the nutrient variability of the product--21 CFR 101.13(j)(1)(ii)(A).

Some types of products are fairly uniform; others, such as chocolate chip cookies, are not. Obviously, in products in which there is wide variability among different versions of the same food type, more products should be considered in arriving at an accurate nutrient level.
32. How will anyone know what the reference food is and how it was derived? The type of food used as a reference food must be identified on the label as part of the accompanying information. In addition, the regulation requires that manufacturers using calculated nutrient values (averages, norms, etc.) as the basis for a claim be able to provide specific information on how the nutrient values were derived. This information must be available on request to consumers and to appropriate regulatory officials.

21 CFR 101.13(j)(2)(i) & 101.13(j)(1)(ii)(A)
33. How would a label state the identity of a reference food when the nutrient value used as a reference for the claim was from a data base or was an average of several foods? The label might state "50% less fat than regular Italian salad dressing" (on a light Italian dressing) or "half the fat of the average creamy Italian salad dressing" (on a light creamy Italian salad dressing). The label is not required to state that the reference value came from a data base.

21 CFR 101.13(j)(2)(i).
34. What is the appropriate reference food for a nutrient content claim on a product that substitutes for a food and bears a name that is significantly different from that food? Examples are vegetable oil spreads that substitute for margarine or butter, and mayonnaise spreads that substitute for mayonnaise. To bear a claim, the labeled food, for example, vegetable oil spread, must be "not nutritionally inferior" to the food that it resembles and for which it substitutes (e.g., margarine). The reference food on which the claim is based should be the food that it resembles and for which it substitutes (e.g., margarine).

Definition of "substitute food"-21 CFR 101.13(d), 101.13(j)(1)(i)(A)-(B)
35. Is there any information that must be placed on the label when making a "Light" claim? When making "light" claims, as with other relative claims such as "reduced," "less," "fewer," "more," or "added," the label must state each of the following (these are called "accompanying information"):

* The percentage or fraction by which the food has been modified,
* The reference food, and
* The amount of nutrient (that is the subject of the claim) that is in the labeled food and in the reference food.

1/3 fewer calories and 50% less fat than our regular cheese cake. Lite cheese cake--200 calories, 4g fat; Regular cheese cake--300 calories, 8g fat per serving

21 CFR 101.56(b)(3)(i)-(ii), 101.13(j)(1) & (2)
36. Where must the accompanying information be placed? The percentage or fraction by which the food is modified and the identity of the reference food must be immediately adjacent to the most prominent claim on the label--21 CFR 101.56(b)(3)(i), 101.13(j)(2)(ii).

The actual amount of the nutrient in the labeled food and the reference food may be adjacent to the most prominent claim or on the same panel as the nutrition label--21 CFR 101.56(b)(3)(ii), 101.13(j)(2)(iv)(B).
37. What is the most prominent claim? In order, the most prominent claims are:

(1) A claim on the principal display panel as a part of or adjacent to the statement of identity;
(2) A claim elsewhere on the principal display panel;
(3) A claim on the information panel; and,
(4) A claim elsewhere on the label or in labeling.

21 CFR 101.13(j)(2)(iii)
38. How large must the accompanying information be? Generally the type size must be at least 1/16 of an inch in height. However, there are certain exemptions from this type size requirement for packaged foods that meet certain size requirements. Generally, the minimum type size is 1/32 inch for products with a total surface area available to bear labeling of less than 12 square inches.

21 CFR 101.2(c), 101.2(c)(3)(iii)
39. What does "Fresh" mean? When used in a manner which suggests that a food is unprocessed, the term "fresh" means that the food is in a raw state and has not been frozen or subjected to any form of thermal processing or preservation, except:

* Waxing raw fruits or vegetables with a wax approved by FDA as a food additive
* Use of approved pesticides before or after harvest
* Pasteurization of milk
* Treatment of raw foods with ionizing radiation in accordance with 21 CFR 179.26 (not exceeding 1 kiloGray when this booklet was prepared)
* Treatment with mild chlorine wash or mild acid wash on produce
* Refrigeration is also permitted

21 CFR 101.95(c)
40. What do the terms "Fresh Frozen" and "Quickly Frozen" mean? FDA's regulation specifies that "fresh frozen" or "frozen fresh" means the food has been quickly frozen while still fresh (i.e., recently harvested when frozen). Appropriate blanching before freezing is permitted. "Quickly frozen" means freezing using a system such as blast-freezing (i.e., sub-zero Fahrenheit temperature with high-speed forced air directed at the food) for a sufficient length of time to freeze quickly to the center of the food with virtually no deterioration.

21 CFR 101.95(b)
41. What health claims are permitted on food labels? If a claim is provided for in a FDA regulation, then it may be used in accordance with that regulation. A firm may also submit a health claim based on an authoritative statement by a U.S. government scientific body under section 403(r)(3)(c) of the FD&C Act. The qulifications necesary to use health claims provided for by FDA are summarized in Appendix C.

21 CFR 101.9(k)(1), 101.14(c)-(d) & 101.70
42. If health symbols (hearts, etc.) are used on food labels, are special statements needed? The requirements are the same for labels with health symbols and for written health claims. For each, the health claim must be permitted under a regulation in 21 CFR Subpart E, and the food must meet the criteria for health claims for total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium content. In addition to the symbol, the label must include the same complete health claim information (such as, including the appropriate model claim information next to the health symbol).

21 CFR 101.14(a)(1), 101.14(a)(5) and 101.14(d)(2)(iv)
43. What are the requirements to use the word "Healthy"?

To be labeled as "Healthy," a food must meet the definition of "low" for fat and saturated fat, and neither cholesterol nor sodium may be present at a level exceeding the disclosure levels in 21 CFR 101.13(h). In addition, the food must comply with definitions and declaration requirements for any specific nutrient content claims. (See updated information)

21 CFR 101.65(d)(2)-(4)

Individual Food

Seafood/Game Meat

Meals/Main Dish
low fat TOTAL FAT
< 5 g fat/RA & 100g low fat
low sat fat SATURATED FAT
< 2 g sat fat/RA & 100g low sat fat
≤ 480 mg/RA, /l.s. and
/50 g if small RA SODIUM
Before 1/2003 (See updated information)
≤ 480 mg/RA & l.s. and
/50 g if small RA ≤ 600 mg/l.s.

≤ 360 mg/RA, /l.s. and
/50 g if small RA SODIUM (See updated information)
After 1/2003
≤ 360 mg/RA & l.s. and
/50 if small RA ≤ 480 mg/l.s.

≤ disclosure CHOLESTEROL
< 95 mg/RA & 100 g ≤ 90 mg/l.s.
Contains at least 10% of DV/RA for vitamins A, C, calcium, iron, protein, or fiber. Except raw fruits and vegs.; frozen or canned single ingredient fruits and vegs., except that ingredients whose addition does not change the nutrient profile of the fruit or veg. may be added; enriched cereal-grain products that conform to a standard of identity in 21 CFR 136, 137, or 139. Contains 10% DV/l.s. of 2 nutrients (vit. A, C, calcium, iron, protein, or fiber) for main dish, 3 nutrients for meal
Per 21 CFR 104.20 Per 21 CFR 104.20
Food complies with established definition and declaration requirements for any specified nutrient content claim.
NOTE: l.s. = label serving RA = Reference Amount
RA small = 30 g or less, or 2 tablespoons or less

Chapter VI: Questions 1 - 25

Appendix A Definitions of Nutrient Claims

Appendix B Relative (or Comparative) Claims

Appendix C Health Claims

Updated Information:
September 29, 2005: Final Rule: Food Labeling, Nutrient Content Claims Definition of Sodium Levels for The Term "Healthy".

Food Labeling Guide | Additional Information on Food Labeling


2006-07-20 10:02:04 · answer #9 · answered by Carla S 5 · 0 0

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