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But I love boxing too,I don't want to lose her,But I don't wanna give up my dream of being a boxer I was told I was good What should I do should i give up on something i wanted to do since i was 7yrs old or forget about it and be with my wife of 6yrs

2006-07-19 22:27:57 · 20 answers · asked by mrwaggoner2004 1 in Sports Boxing

20 answers

difficult desicion to make - but she should^'t put you in the situation to make this desicion really.
if she loves you she loves you for who you are - including the boxing...
she is probably just really scared that you are going to hurt yourself or even worse and i understand that it might upset her thinking of having a family and the father is getting seriously injured by the boxing....

2006-07-19 22:32:37 · answer #1 · answered by 42 6 · 2 1

Well... you're in late 20's, that is pretty old to become a professional boxer and a good wife is very hard to find today. So you should be really grateful that you have her. Also if she have a habit or do something you really dont like her to do such as smoking, not watch what she's eating and not excrising, go to club or bar and flirt with men, etc... Then you can try to comprise it with her by tell her if she will stop one of those thing, you will stop boxing.

On other hand if it was me, I would have told her get outta of my house! I'm a Muay Thai fighter and I have been doing it for almost four years now so I'm basically married to the sport. So if girl come along and try to convince me to stop, I would tell her "I've been doing Muay Thai before you come along. So I have no plan on giving it up"

Think about this, what will make you happier and help you sleep better at night? being a pro boxer, have a fame that last for rest of your life and after you pass away, rich, and go to bed lone or with random girl you pick at bar that you know don't love you and would leave you the moment you aren't a boxer. Or being a good husband, have kids and decent life and go to bed by your wife knowing that she will always be there to take care of you and make you happy along with your kids.

2006-07-22 07:11:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

27 years, old...? Dude, first off I think you're too old to think about starting to get your marbles knocked loose...And in reality, have far do you really think you can take it?

I appreciate that you wanna live out your dream, but this is a sport where you can get seriously injured or killed. Regarding your wife, my question would be what's her reasoning? She afraid you'll get hurt? Or is it a power thing?

Perhaps you could make a deal with her, let you have like 3 fights and if you do well, you can continue. If not, hang 'em up and be done with it.

Remember, there are ALL kinds of things that can happen in the ring from brain injury to detached retinas to broken noses. Consider what your life will be like in 10 years and decide if you REALLY wanna take such a risk...

2006-07-20 12:38:37 · answer #3 · answered by chairman_of_the_bored_04 6 · 0 0

I was involved in an accident in 2004 where I was hit by a drunk driver at almost 100 miles per hour. The accident happened on July 3rd and my first fight was to be July 12th in Maryland. I was in a coma and 13 of my teeth were knocked out, my jaw was broken, my left eye almost gone, my head was the size of a basketball, my ribs broken, my left femur broken (they put a rod in the bone - length from the knee to waist) left ankle and foot crushed) liver and kidney torn, pelvic broken and many other things that are to much to list. I only received $10,000 dollars from it. In the state of Louisiana, you cannot sue the insurance company. The gut that hit me was only 18 years old and on alcohol and meth. 80% of his body was burned and he is still living. My dream was taken away but I got a second chance at life. I see that I meet people like yourself that I can give my story too that would possibly turned it into advice. Ask yourself this question, Is going out there to try and achieve a childhood dream more important than the "Diamond" God gave you and allowing YOUR "DIAMOND" to go elsewhere if you decide to achieve your dream? Would you give up $30,000 dollars for lotto ticket? There is no guarantee that you will become a champion, but you do know one thing that you have achieved the greatest championship of all, LOVE. Don't allow your desires give it away. You can train other young people and give them what you know. Help turn them into the champion you dream about. Sometimes a dream is not for you, its for someone else that will achieve it through you. Lastly, how much do you love her to even weigh the option out? Hhhhmmmmmm!?

2006-07-20 16:45:18 · answer #4 · answered by darrenhutchinson7 2 · 0 0

Well dude.
You really should of thinked more before getting married in the first place.

Not certain.. but I've heard that boxers don't live long compared to people who don't box. Mainly because boxers get hit in their heads alot.

So your wife is probably worried sick about you.

I mean... Future or Wife...
If it was Future or a girl friend..
the answer would be very easy.
But if it's a wife...

All I can say is.. you chose to marry her.
So be a man and take care of her.

2006-07-20 05:34:02 · answer #5 · answered by Air 4 · 0 0

If you really, really, really think you can be a great professional fighter someday, then you should pursue your dream, but you also have to be ready to let your wife leave if she wants to.
Ask yourself if it's worth losing your wife over.
It gets lonely at night home alone.
But, man! It's your dream!!!!
She should at least let you try it.
If she loves you, she'll support your decision to box even if she thinks it's a bad idea. I would do that for my husband.
Good luck. Hope you get to box AND keep your wife! : )

2006-07-20 05:47:01 · answer #6 · answered by Mary* 5 · 0 0

Your wife is most likely just concerned for you. If anything happened to you while boxing..it would affect her too!! I think you need to sit down and talk it out. If what you wake up for every morning is to box...you need to explore it..but don't forget about your wife.
Remember...she doesn't want to keep you from your dreams..she just wants to protect her husband.. and to make sure she'll have he man she loves..for life..you know what I mean?

2006-07-20 05:33:49 · answer #7 · answered by Liz 1 · 0 0

No one can answer that but you. You have to evaluate your wants and desires, weigh your options, and decide what you want more. Is it worth giving up the woman you love to follow your dream?

I can understand your wife's position. I'd feel the same way if my husband wanted to take up boxing. It'd be far too hard on her.

2006-07-20 05:32:49 · answer #8 · answered by Guppy Geek 5 · 0 0

Well you what to spend the rest of your life boxing or with your wife. The best thing to do it sit down and talk about or look for help.

Good Luck

2006-07-20 05:31:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Weigh the pros and cons of each. Literally write them down. Any spouse worth staying with ought to support you in almost any endeavor you truly wish to strive for, but be sure to consider her reasons for giving the ultimatum. Once you've weighed the pros and cons and considered her reasons for not supporting your "dream", you should be in a good position to decide which is more important to you and maybe even find a way to keep your marriage together and persue your dream simultaneously. I wish you good luck in doing both! :)

2006-07-20 05:39:32 · answer #10 · answered by Sonny 2 · 0 0

forget about it, that is my opinion
i mean she wil be there for you forever, boxing won't
your wife is like one in a million and she is just thinking about you and the consequences of boxing.
she is your wife for about 6 years, having something like that is finding a screw in the pacific ocean or in the sand.
and besides, if you get retired or something boxing will never work for you already, but your wife is always there until death. i mean it in a good way by the way

2006-07-20 05:36:56 · answer #11 · answered by zowyx 3 · 0 0

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