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Was just wondering how it is that you can belive so wholeheartedly in the bible and claim that it's unfablible? Are you not aware that it is the result of copied and translated writtings? there is an example Malachi 1:3 states: "And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness." and in another version of the bible it's changed from dragon to owl. I have been told the reason for this is that it is translated for the particular time period or that it's the 'best' way to translate it. and we all know that there are words in various languages that have no translateion, words unique in meaning. so just from that it has become falible. I do not mean this to be in any way insulting, just curious on peoples beliefs and if you are aware of this or belive it's hogwash and it is infalible.

2006-07-19 22:16:08 · 13 answers · asked by jallygood 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

I am a christian but I don't believe everything in the bible is literal. The bible was written by men and what is in the bible is his interpretation of events. You can look at different books in the bible and they describe different events a little different than the others. If you were able to read Judas' lost gospel their would be a different account of what happened all together. Most of the books in the bible were written some 30 to 40 years after Jesus' death. I think maybe some things were forgotten or changed to sound better in that time.Some Christians believe that only one version of the bible is correct and others are wrong. They also believe that the bible is word for word what was said and done.

2006-07-19 22:28:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a pretty new Christian, so I may not be the best person to answer this, since I have asked this question myself (not on here). My boyfriend is a minister and has worked hard to bring me on over to the Christian side. It has taken almost 6 years, but he did it. I asked a whole lotta questions along the way too. Basically, what he has told me, and after some studying I can see his point...is there are a lot of WRONG translations of the bible out there. Now I cannot read in any other language besides English. So going back to the orginal scriptures is not possible for me. The first english translation is the King James version, it is pretty much intact, but hard to read due to the thous and th's that are added to everything. So he started me off on the New King James version, basically like the King James, but it takes away all the old english words.

A lot of translations out there though, are politically guided. An example that he gave me was the holy trinity. A lot of churches are struggling with this concept and it has caused a lot of debates and fights in the church...so a lot of translations now leave out the section that mentions the holy trinity. Pretty sad. If you could real the orginals, it is there, it is also in the King James version. So I do not hold much faith in Bible translations today, humans make too many mistakes, it is possible the very people who wrote the first scriptures made mistakes from the get go...but I put my faith in GOD, that he will make sure the right message will get across somehow, even if some people don't want it to get across.

2006-07-20 05:31:31 · answer #2 · answered by jillkmilk 3 · 0 0

Gods word is infallible. Man on the other hand messes things up.Man is the one who try's to translate and define Gods word.If you will study the original Hebrew text you will find it has not changed in thousands of years. Sadly some people will believe any thing because they are told it is fact. Take for example of a human error .Easter a day the Christian world chases after with zeal. This word is not found in the original scriptures. It was put there by the translators of the King James Bible because they hated the Jews so much and they just had to have a holiday that was not Called Passover. which is the proper word usage.

2006-07-20 06:03:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Translations differ from age to age. Read the KJV, which is very authentic. Moreover, what difference does it make in the current context of whether its an owl or a dragon. The Bible is an infallible Word of God. If you don't trust it, then there is no hope for you.

2006-07-20 05:26:14 · answer #4 · answered by sunilbernard 4 · 0 0

I'm no expert on the subject, but a lot of things symbolize something more than it really being something. I don't know about owls and dragons, but I know that snakes and scorpions symbolize demons. So if someone talks about a snake, then the Jews might re-tell the story and use the word scorpion. If you lived in that time you would understand a lot of these versus better.

We are lucky to live in a time when you easily search up these answers and so in rich yourself with it's true meaning. Gaining deeper understanding of what was meant at that time.

for instance (if you use wikepedia you can actually track that alto of things Jesus said was linked to Herod, who was king in that time....and how Jesus rose above him in authority without even trying. Really cool. Fascinating stuff.

The fact that you asked these questions are great. You can really be enriched by your questions...so long as your willing to really look for the answers. Don't just leave it at questions!!!!

2006-07-20 05:38:07 · answer #5 · answered by lallie 2 · 0 0

Ye, i think some times the translations can look wrong but i think its the way people interpreted it at the time, people think differently over time, like the message bible has some stuff that look different to the king james version, but it would probably be interpreted in a similar way when the King james version was modern

2006-07-20 05:21:53 · answer #6 · answered by Andrew S 1 · 0 0

I believe that God is infallible, not that man or his interpretation is. It is my belief that the Bible is meant to be a tool to lead people to ask questions as well as to encourage faith and teach us. God gave us the minds to question, to disagree, to make choices, and to learn and experience as we live. Faith itself is an ability to believe in something that we cannot see. I can't see God but I have faith that he exists because of my own experiences and all that there is around me. I do believe the Bible has been written and re written by many people. I do believe that they tell the stories differently and use different words to describe the same events. I also believe that no matter how you describe "evil."..bombs dropping on innocent children; Mothers murdering their own children; Women being raped or sold into slavery, it is still evil. And no matter how you describe "good"...Providing shelter and food for those with no place to go; Staying faithful to a spouse; Providing for your family; Treating people with respect; Telling people we love them; being truthful and kind, it is still good. Interpretation after interpretation, the underlying gist is still the same. We as humans can change words but we can also let our "faith" guide us towards what God has in mind. You said it very well when you said, "open minded Christians". You really have to be open minded when you believe in something that can't be seen and trust in something that is such a riddle. This is a great question, by the way.

2006-07-21 23:57:05 · answer #7 · answered by Rhodes35 2 · 1 0

I believe in the bible because I choose to believe it. I cannot prove it, I cannot say anything to convince anyone of it. I believe it because it is the only thing that helps me in this life to survive, and give meaning to my life. I love Jesus and He is so real to me. Maybe you won't remember anything of this conversation but please remember this that He is waiting for you and wants to know you because He loves you. When you have tried all the drugs, and the sex , and all the other junk this world would tell you will make you happy. Why don't you just give Jesus a try? Read His word and just try Jesus. What do you have to loose? You can always go back if you don't find that you like it.

2006-07-20 05:29:15 · answer #8 · answered by Godb4me 5 · 0 0

Wholeheartedly,what makes you an expert on me or what I know.There are a lot of the scriptures that are just full of man's ideas.
The Holy Spirit is given to us to guide and direct into the truth,and anyone with a sincere dedication to knowing the truth is going to be revealed what IS and what IS NOT of GOD.
People like you just love to inform and be made known to who ever that you are just so smart.
Well,we are all going to stand before God one day,and it isn't going to matter what,who,where,or why,God is either going to say depart or enter in.Also my faith is not based on what is in the bible,it is based on a true relationship with the Father,Son and Holy Spirit.
Oh and I don't mean this to be any way insulting.

2006-07-20 06:11:16 · answer #9 · answered by jackiedj8952 5 · 0 0

1. Whenever I study/read the Word of God, I think it wise to pray for Him to give us the meaning it was intended to have....especially if it's an important issue.
2. When I study/read the Bible I believe it is also good to have the original language it was written in as a reference to double check for meanings.

2006-07-20 05:22:48 · answer #10 · answered by gracefully_saved 5 · 0 0

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