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When i was a bit younger I smoked for numerous years.
I was addicted and I was ignorant to the fact that social
pressure contributed to it.

My first attempt was weak at best. I quit for a few days
or a week, I cant remember and went right back to it.
It was pretty pathetic how weak willed i was.

However I told myself NO, you are not going
to be a sissy about this. And you know what?
Second attempt I DID it. It was no Miracle
no, cause for celebration. It was simple.
Stop making excuses.Yes i was addicted,
withdrawls suck really bad...so what?? The flu sucks
bad too but we all get over it.

People who try and try and fail over and
over again dont really want to in all honestly.
I have several friends who are ex smokers
and we all share the same story. Once
we decided to be serious we did it.

And you know how my "smoker" Friends
greeted me with this? They ridiculed me!
Made fun of me! Tried to get me to smoke!
So i said goodbye to them. They didnt
respect me and my choice.


2006-07-19 21:20:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Other - Health

12 answers

I quit the same way! Smoked for 17 plus years and tried to quit a couple of times, then finally just did it cold turkey.
You're right, a couple of weeks of withdrawal symptoms that get easier with time, but it sure is worth it, isn't it?
What a POWERFUL feeling, too, to know you did it without the aid of gums and patches and all that crap that only serve to prolong the anguish.
CONGRATULATIONS TO US BOTH, and anyone else who did it the right way! HOORAY!!!

and hey, we EARNED our bragging rights! Quitting WAS hard, but it didn't last forever...as far as I know, no one has ever died from a cigarette craving, right?

2006-07-19 21:38:52 · answer #1 · answered by Evil Wordmonger, LTD LOL 6 · 0 0

A couple of comments to your comments....if i may. Smoking or not smoking is like politics, religion as well as any addictions....it all adds up to personal decision/choice. Someone who is obese or is an alcoholic or uses prescription drugs or is anorexic or uses street drugs or spends too much money or gambles or ...or...or...we all are guilty of something...unless of course we are perfect. The idea of being "pefect" is an addiction...an emotional disease in itself. So....when someone decides that because they can make a decision to stop an action and then preaches to those around them that they should stop an action...welllllll that becomes what is ridiculed. It is a wonderful thing that you stoppped smoking...but you did so when you were ready to do so. This is how it is and should be and YOU need to respect that in other people. If someone is over weight....they do NOT need to be told they are overweight....they know it! If and when that person makes a personal decision to lose weight....they will work at losing the weight. So, don't hang around with smokers when they are smoking....you don't need the second hand smoke......but if someone has lit up...don't sit next to them and make a deal of it......

Mark Twain said something like "It is easy to quit smoking, I have done it a thousand times". An alcoholic who stops drinking is still an alcoholic...the addiction is there years after they no longer drink. It is the same with smoking. I've known too many smokers who "stopped" smoking for 10...15...20 years and then one day...started all over again. There is an old cliche that says "never say never". So...finally to answer your question.....what others can do or choose to do or not to do is none of your business unless or until you are perfect. You made a good choice for yourself and THAT is all you need to be concerned with......

2006-07-19 21:55:46 · answer #2 · answered by lee1946 4 · 0 0

It is because they are addicted. Nicotine responds to receptors in the brain so psychical addiction at the level of the brain. Just like herion addicts, alcoholics smokers are addicted. The ugly face of addiction is what you had problems with, weakness? Well non smoker or ex-smoker's can see it that way, it's actually a very strong physical\psychological addiction seriously compare it to a herion addict, next fix or smoke how the ciggerettes control their lives and they can't see it, (symptom of addiction) Education and the true desire to quit are needed. It takes the average smoker 10 times to quit, it's a road to health. Relapses happen quite frequently 5 years is a good marker to know you are free of the addiction. A new ex-smoker should be very careful of being around smokers because the addiction and cravings can rear there ugly heads, also remember when you were a smoker and all the people that told you what a dirty habit it was? Be careful about being a higher than thou ex-smoker your self rightousness isn't attractive just liked someone lighting up. Smoker's have a monkey on there back it's sad and only they can decide to quit no one can tell them to. Congradulations on quiting

2006-07-19 21:34:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

People have to be ready-really ready, like you were. Many are weak and don't want to deal with all the stress it causes. It's something they plan to do "some day." Some would rather die with cancer. My mom and brother both did(die with cancer that is). As far as the ridicule and trying to get you to smoke with them, it's because you make them feel guilty and/or weak. It somehow makes you seem better than them and we humans don't like that. That's the same reason why we put down people. We want to look better. Anyway, I also am an x smoker . I went from that to over eating. I finally got serious about that too. Am hoping I don't get something else to replace the eating...lol well, I guess I have. When I'm bored I anwer questions on yahoo instead of looking for a snack. Guess that's better than getting fatter.

2006-07-19 21:35:24 · answer #4 · answered by Debra W 2 · 1 0

I been smoking since I was 15 now Im 22 and I just recently quit 4 weeks ago. I just woke up and thought about it and bam I was done but I have jealous people at work who thinks I still be smoking at home truthfully I never smoke at the house because I feel ashame if my mother saw me with a cigarette in my mouth. I think that they are jealous and also weak you just gotta want something really bad

2006-07-19 21:25:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i am a smoker myself...so don't call us weak, man! Good that u quit smoking, but there is no need for u to start showng off in front of everybody. It doesnt make u any better than us.
Cheers, and congrats!

2006-07-19 21:25:31 · answer #6 · answered by SpaceCowboy 2 · 0 1

Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Its the case with a lot of people who have addictions.
You need a downer.

2006-07-19 22:14:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, you're weak if you can't quit smoking. But you're even weaker for picking up the first cigarrete.

2006-07-19 21:29:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

!!!!!congrats!!!This was good for me to hear...my mother in law smokes in her house. Only by the kitchen fan but it bugs me like crazy when I'm there with my baby!!

2014-10-17 04:32:54 · answer #9 · answered by im fur u bebe 1 · 0 0

heartly congratulations for stop smoking. its great to know that someones health is geting better. those who cant stop smoking means that they dont have the willpower for that. they dont want to stop that's the reason.

2006-07-19 21:33:37 · answer #10 · answered by paul 1 · 1 0

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