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The amount of cruelty in the world depresses me. If I believed in god(s), I might believe there will come a time when the world will be free of pain and suffering. I might even believe that murderers and animal abusers and wife beaters would be punished. But since I don't delude myself with such fanciful notions, I don't believe that such a world will ever exist. This makes me so depressed I just want to cease to exist. Certainly, I try to do what I can to relieve the suffering of others, but in the grand scheme of things, I think it's hopeless.

How do other atheists deal with this subject? How do you go on living? I would be especially interested to hear the viewpoint of an atheistic existentialist.

(I already have a psychiatrist and anti-depressants, so don't go there. And Bible thumpers, spare me the preaching.)

2006-07-19 21:07:42 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Wow...lots of interesting answers...it's going to be hard to pick a best one.

2006-07-21 13:23:53 · update #1

22 answers

I think this question can be asked to any one who doesn't think there is an after life, not just atheist, which it's possible for an atheist to think there is an after life BTW.

Life can be heaven or hell depending on how you live it. People who live poorer, tend to not have problems as to be depressed about the conditions of others. It's only when you have time to think about the past or watch the news, that people develop depression about the world being terrible. If you had less time to think about these things, and didn't watch or read news as often, then it is much easier to get on with your life.

The thing is, one person can't make a huge difference in the world as much as they would like to. The people with power that could do something, can't because they have a responsibility to allow people there freedom.

And you certainly can't change the past, you should only reflect upon the past to gain a lesson about it, but constantly thinking about it is unhealthy.

The other thing is, that people who are say murders, animal abusers, wife beaters, are living in there own personal hell on earth. Some one who beats there wife does so either because they themselves were or are abused, or because they are in constant insecurity and unhappiness. The same goes for someone who murders someone else, they do so because they have a deep hatred and anger or they are under some strong delusion that allows them to kill others, in either case they are still that little child they were a long time ago, except their minds are twisted by hatred, anger, jealousy. That doesn't give them a right to do the things they do, but to think they are not in some way suffering may be naive.

“He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circumstances” David Hume

Don't be like these murders and abusers by abusing your mental state, give your own mind piece. Be that excellent person who suits their temper to any circumstance.

2006-07-21 04:47:01 · answer #1 · answered by humean9 3 · 2 0

Firstly, it's important to maintain a balanced perspective on the world.

Despite the sensationalism of the news ("if it bleeds, it leads!") and the doomsday prophets (what ever happened to the world ending in 2000?), the world is actually not such a bad place overall. Murderers and criminals make up a small percent of society, and wars a small percent of foreign policy. For the majority of people on this planet, everything is more or less ok.

Secondly, I want to repeat another answerer's opinion about the murderers, animal abusers and wife beaters. Sympathy and empathy are natural human emotions -- to override them and commit those acts means that a person has really turned against themselves psychologically. Those kinds of people live in their own personal hell, be it of insecurity, fear, or something else. This doesn't excuse their actions (for sure), but don't think they aren't paying the price for it everyday. Just like you can't smoke for 30 years and expect to have healthy lungs, you can't deny your natural human empathy and expect to have a healthy psychology. The "Golden Rule" has been around since writing began with the ancient Egyptians (and maybe earlier), and reflects the fundamental human value of empathy.

Thirdly, I would take a look at Richard Carrier's "Sense & Goodness Without God." I can't recommend the book, because I haven't read enough of it yet (I just got it myself), but the online reviews are glowing.

Finally, take comfort in the fact that humans have come a looooooong way. In many countries nowadays, you can be born, live a successful working life, and die, without ever seriously being worried about having your basic needs (food, clothing, shelter...) met. The same societies that wage war are the societies that provide stability for many millions. The US spends more on social security and medicare than on the military or homeland security. (Ref: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/usbudget/fy07/pdf/budget/tables.pdf -- Table S-11 & S-12). As a whole, we are a giving, loving species.

Try to focus on that when you see the bloody headlines. Those headlines sell more , but they are not a true representation of what's going on.

2006-07-21 23:26:15 · answer #2 · answered by Michael 4 · 0 0

I just accept that there are a lot of evil people in this world (there are a lot of good ones too though!) Just do your best and live your life without worrying too much. A little worry is natural but worrying all the time about everything isn't good for you. It's great that you help others and while it may seem hopeless sometimes, I don't think it is. If you can make a single person's life better you have helped make the world a better place. It's important to help others just don't forget to help yourself also.

"This makes me so depressed I just want to cease to exist."

You sound like a very caring person, the world would be an even worse place without you.

Good luck, I hope things get better for you.

2006-07-19 21:14:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This feeling you have means that you are very alive and in close contact with your true being, your soul. That true being is not at all happy to be here. This creation is made in such a way that you can not escape without the entitled help. Not only that suicide will not help, it will make things much worse. We are creatures of eternity.
The only thing to get out of that depression is to understand the world and what and why all is going on.
The first fact is that this world is the world of duality. So there will always be suffer and pleasure, white and black, etc....
The second fact is that this duality is not perceived in the same manner for all of us. Something that is good for somebody might be a poison for the other.
Please understand that even that this world seams to be real to us it is not. It is just made in a way that we can not than believe that all is just a projection of the mind.
In a very deep way you are here because, as a perfect being, you had a need to experience this duality. This experience will show you that your true state is perfect - the ONE, unchanged, etc....
Take this pain and filing of emptiness as a gift. This means you are very much alive. Please, first help yourself. What is the point if instead of one defeated there become two.
Nothing in life is really easy. It is up to you to follow what you believe it is right or to follow what is easy. In both cases you will experience pain. It is only that in the first case you will be honest to yourself and with this you will feel much better than going against your believe.
It is not that you are an atheist. You are just angry on Him. He is there inside yourself, waiting for you.
Be brave, ask for him to reveal himself to you. Do not be afraid. You can be angry with him, he will not punish you for this, he loves you and you know and even feel this sometimes. You are just so angry.
You are beautiful being, world just needs you even if you do not know this. Do not be depressed. Be happy. You are close....

2006-07-19 21:28:26 · answer #4 · answered by PINKO P 3 · 0 0

I am not an atheist,, BUT 1) I respect everyone opinion, 2) I live like it is my last day on earth and treat every good and smile at them and anything I can to get positive energy from them... that way if I die.. then I have created more positive energy for the greater good of whatever created us.. which honest I have not idea but hey I say anything is possible.. How do I deal with it?? Not only that.. but I try to see the beauty in this place we call earth.. I got to classical music concerts, I go to the beach, I play with my cat, I go on hikes in the part, I get out as much as I can in the world and enjoy it.. as tomorrow is never given... Oh btw I do not know what you are but I take antidepressant, mood stabilizers oh and I am bipolar.. and I hate bible thumpers.. will not tell you what i do to them cause you would not be interested... Yet I grew up in the Episcopal church and I go to church just to meditate and to be around people so I see both sides.. but i do not preach yuck...People should stop judge atheist, christian or otherwise.. Anyhow I hope this help you.. Oh BTW I just consider myself and in-between if you really want to know...Later and for all you bible thumper are christian fundamentalist.. do not write me or here and judge me or here and preach to me or here cause that is just rude and against your religion..if you do not think so read job you hypocrites

2006-07-19 21:22:17 · answer #5 · answered by auniquehuman 2 · 0 0

I deal with the present. I taught myself not to bother with the past or future years ago, and if I do, to look at it with my head held high.

In al honesty, what would be the point of living in a perfect world? There will always be bad things in the world, but don't bother yourself with them. If you really feel that down about it, then put some spare change in a poor man's pocket. Everyone can help make the world a better place, regardless of the fact that our world is still short of being a wonderland.

2006-07-20 12:22:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Am not an atheist. Was attracted to your question.

Have you thought of changing your faith? Sometimes a person needs a paradigm shift in order to view the same situation in a better light.

The world is as it is... accept it. You are what you are.. so be it. Now make the most of it. You life and your attitude towards life is in your hands.

This is the Hindu philosophy. Hinduism does not talk of messengers who will come and deliver us. It only makes you responsible for your own actions. You cannot control actions of others. So put them out of your mind. Dont lose time and breath over them.

Try a paradigm shift. It is sad to see you so depressed. You have been blessed with life and it is a one time blessing. If you lose time worrying yourself over trivial issues, you will lose the greatest blessing you have ever rcvd -- life.

2006-07-19 21:17:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need not concern yourself with the worlds cruelty. You need to live your life in the here and now. Live for today and make the best of it today. Don't worry about animal abusers and wife beaters as long as YOU are not one of them. Nobody can control what goes on it the world, but you can control what goes on in YOUR world. YOU need to be a good person and YOU are not hopeless. Live your life as a good law abiding citizen and you will see that you do not need the scare tactics of a fairy tale religion. You are your own religion, the religion of YOU, you chose your plan for life and your destiny. Be strong and get your head right.

2006-07-19 21:34:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your concerns are quite natural but I’m afraid the only solution is devotion. In fact you are quite like I was just few years ago. I’m relieved from all anxieties now. Try to consider this with an open and logical mind. I don’t know what all you have already tried but I’m sure that spirituality is a science in itself.

Krishna (The Supreme Personality of Godhead) tells in Srimad Bhagwad Gita that this world is temporary and full of miseries (http://www.bhagavadgitaasitis.com/8/15/en). So, there is no purpose to lament for the miseries of this world.

Also to understand the Spirituality in a scientific way please visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SpiritualScientist.

2006-07-19 21:28:07 · answer #9 · answered by CompassionateSoul 3 · 0 0

You are quite correct, if there is no God, and how can there be with all this suffering and pain, then what is the purpose for living? But how can we blame God if he doesn't exist? And if there is no God, then how can there be a moral code, a right and wrong? Who then defines right and wrong? Right and wrong becomes anything we decide it to be. Then there is no truth, and there is no perversion. Then the only "sin" is obstinately insisting people live by a moral code which doesn't exist. Why should your moral code be mine or anybody Else's?
So why are you outraged as if there really is a moral code that is absolute?

2006-07-19 21:28:50 · answer #10 · answered by pshdsa 5 · 0 0

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