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it works, except i never sleep. then i feel like total **** the next day. my eyes burn so much, my head throbs, and my skin is dry as heck. why do i do this to myself n how can i stop?

( a lot of people at my high school take lotsa adderrall too, i think its a generation problem)

2006-07-19 19:38:27 · 17 answers · asked by little lost one 1 in Health Mental Health

17 answers

You know, I really don't want to sound hateful, but this is what causes so many problems for people who actually use adderall or xanax or any number of other medications for their intended purpose. I take adderall because I have God awful ADHD, and because I spent 23 years trying to function without any medicine and finally realized that I needed some kind of help to be "normal." But it takes a freakin' Act of Congress to get a prescription filled because of all of the stupid teenagers who don't comprehend that they're taking something that is highly addicitive and can cause a lot of longterm problems without the supervision of a doctor. Yes, I take it, and I also check my blood pressure regularly and see my physician every 3 months so that I can be sure that it isn't having a negative impact. In addition to making things difficult for people who legitimately need the medication, you're screwing yourself up, not only with the immediate side effects of the medicine but also the long term effects of lack of sleep, addicition, high blood pressure, and damaged heart functions - especially since you're obviously taking high doses, probably much higher than what is actually prescribed for medical purposes.

Seriously, grow up and figure it out - you're screwing yourself up, and you can call it a generational thing if you want, but the bottom line is that the only person you can make a decision for is yourself, so take some personal responsibility and just stop taking the stuff, before you get to a point where you really can't. Geesh.

2006-07-19 19:51:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

High-five to everyone who has responded so far...I read as far as mathcore (no high five to you! grrrr). Although I've never heard of this 'new to me' drug, I know that the peer pressure really gets to people in school. "But, my friends all use it, why shouldn't I??" Just because your friends use it, doesn't make it right. It's completely affecting EVERY aspect of your life! It's affecting the way you look (dry skin), it's affecting your sleep, you have headaches...how on earth are you able to study???? Is it affecting your school work also?? It's NOT good to just stop a drug like that cold turkey. Just drop down your doses every couple days so your body won't notice the loss of the drug. and the last week, just take one (I don't know how many you take a day right now) or at least have your doses cut down my 75%. If you just stop the drug cold turkey, it could actually have harmful effects on your little body. I'll tell you (and the rest of the world who reads this lol) I'm 37 years old, 5'4-5'5 and weigh 150. I don't look like I weigh that much because I have so much muscle. But, I do get compliments on how I look, even with being this big (and I'm sure you're not THAT big!) Just do what's healthy. Stay away from the fast food, try to work out a little (jump rope, jog, walk, swim, yoga, pilates, etc), don't deplete your body of the vitamins it needs. Lots of veggies and protein are a good way to lose weight naturally. I wish you luck!!!! Just do what you feel is right...you and your body know this just isn't working for ya...so try something new. :)

2006-07-19 20:10:47 · answer #2 · answered by Kendra Leigh 2 · 0 0

First Janelle, I did lots of drug back in the day, so anything I'm going to say comes out of compassion with absolutely NO judgement. I know how important being thin is to a 17 year old (hell, for a 35 year old, who am I kidding!), which is a huge problem in itself, because in the big picture? It's not important at all, and even at 17 I think you know that character,intellect, a sense of humor, compassion and empathy are far more important. It's just really hard to get out of that trap when you have Gisele being the rolemodel for womenkind. So that kind of answers your why. How to stop is harder; Obviously the best way would be to go to a Dr. and have them wean you off it. If you go to a Doc they can't tell your parents if that's a concern of yours. If you can't get to a Dr. and you can't tell your parents is there another adult who can help you? (Older sibling, or a friends parents?) When you say you take "Lots" I would be concerned that if you tried to quit "cold" your body would freak and it would be very uncomfortable for you. I'm not a Dr but generally for amphetimines you should dose down until you can stop. Accept the fact that when you stop, you're going to eat more, and let your body get what it's craving. You've been depriving your body of what it needs and wants, just indulge yourself for a while. It's good that you're looking at stopping during summer, in the school year it would be way too hard and you'd be setting yourself up for failure. Please write me if you need any help. It will be hard to stop; to stop anything that makes you feel good sucks, but look at the flip side: no more burning eyes, throbbing head, dry skin etc. And whether you realize it or not, you are disassociating with family and friends,you can get your relationships back...I'm very proud of you for realizing you have a problem with this and asking for help...

2006-07-19 20:07:58 · answer #3 · answered by Sidoney 5 · 0 0

I'm with Lilly, what is it?

This is a add on: Wow Janelle you've gotten some really good answers here(with the exception of a few). After reading the intelligent ones I now understand what adderrall is. Take their advice. They sound like they know what they're talking about and good luck.

2006-07-19 19:46:08 · answer #4 · answered by irish_yankee51 4 · 0 0

Just stop. Why can't you just stop? If you think its hard...maybe this will help. Nicotine is the most addictive substance on earth. I smoked for 8 years and I just stopped. Its because I got sick of coughing up flem, smelling like smoke, having to go outside to smoke, the increased risks of lung cancer, heart disease and all other sorts of crap didn't sound too appealing either.

You obviously don't like losing sleep and feeling like crap...burning eyes, heart throbs (THIS IS A RED FLAG BY THE WAY) and dry skin. So just stop. I highly doubt you need to lose weight anyhow.

2006-07-19 19:46:55 · answer #5 · answered by shakia27 4 · 0 0

Truthfully I think you do this because your selfcontious of your body//or you want to fit in. I too am uncomfortable with myy body and I hate it but I still try to be content. You might be able to stop if you maybe get involved in a sport (natural exercise will make you lose weight) or an activity to get your mind off fads and what everyone else is doing.
I hope I helped...
And I hope your okay.

2006-07-19 19:48:16 · answer #6 · answered by Danyel. 1 · 0 0

Whoooaaaa!!! Stopppp!! Screechhhhh!!

What the heck are you doing to yourself? That is sooo wrong girl! Stop and take a breather for a minute. Ask yourself why do you want to be "skinny"? To please a guy? Puleezzz!! That is so wrong! First off, guys don't like skinny, and if they do, toss em! You have to think of YOU first. Be healthy and get in shape. Those pills are going to cause you alot of problems in the end. Think about your future. Your body is obviously trying to "tell" you something! It's NOT happy with what you are doing. So, if you want to be healthy (not skinny!) go to a nutritionist and join a gym to get results. Believe me, guys love girls with muscles and are in shape than to have some skinny, anorexic girl! Think of your health and yourself! I will pray for you!

2006-07-19 19:46:20 · answer #7 · answered by Xena 3 · 0 0

Life is too short. Instead of being happy, taking yourself as you are, loving yourself, you are KILLING yourself. EVERYBODY in your highschool doing that, including you, is brainless! Sorry, but it's the truth. You want to lose weight? Have you ever heard of eating organic healthy AND working out???? It's actually fun too. Do it with good friends. Don't kill your body, LOVE it, take care of it. All those pills, are chemical ****. You just said it yourself what they do to you. DON'T you get it?

Please, just take a moment and think. I understand you are young, and young people do dumb things sometimes, just STOP it. It;s in your head if you think you can't. You are stronger than that!

good luck, you can do it.

2006-07-19 19:45:31 · answer #8 · answered by KAT 2 · 0 0

Well considering things like this usually can't just be stopped by a person saying, "K, time to stop!" I'd say, in your current situation, the only thing is to go to a doctor. And if you don't want to do that then find another drug to abuse and stop abusing that one!

2006-07-19 19:56:28 · answer #9 · answered by mathcore321x 2 · 0 0

Lower the dosage and take it early in the morning.Exercise.On Friday,Dont got to sleep until bedtime!This will regulate your sleeping problem over the weekend.Drink lots of water.

2006-07-19 19:43:59 · answer #10 · answered by Direktor 5 · 0 0

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