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well, when my brother lived here, he somewhat brought something in the household i'm living in, and when he moved out, he left it here. and whatever it is, is trying to get to me, so at night times, if i dont get to sleep before a certain time period, then i see things, like weird awkward things, and hear things, and stuff of the such..
and once i see or hear it, it keeps me awake [not as in im scared to go back asleep, but whenever i see these things..its almost as if, its MAKING me stay awake....]

what should I do?

2006-07-19 19:03:53 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

the "thing" as some were saying, i didn't specify, is like a somewhat "spirit" or demon type thing, for religious people.

2006-07-19 19:13:02 · update #1

i've somewhat tried to convince my mom about this stuff, and she won't always believe me. she believes about me seeing things..but i've tried to ask her to bring me to see someone, like a doctor, but she says they wont help...

any advice?

2006-07-19 19:34:47 · update #2

25 answers

Talk to it and see what happens. Not comfortable, but scaringly interesting! Oh, and about the "in Jesus'" name thing, that only works if you TRULY believe it will. You cannot doubt. "If you are lukewarm, I shall spit you out." God said that. But it's ok, talk to it. Even if you think I'm crazy, it can't hurt, but if I'm right, you'll thank me later. So try it. And DO NOT listen to these uppity "see a phsychiatrist" or "it's all in your mind" people. Unless it's a naked leprechaun asking for money dancing on your bed. You know what you saw and what you feel. You'll be OK, just let it know it's YOUR house. But be polite. Treat it like your grandma. Who knows? It just might be! (and for the people who think you're "smoking" or drinking? That actually helps to stop it.)

2006-07-19 19:06:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I know this is going to sound scarcastic, but you really ought to calll a responsible paranormal investigative outfit like TAPS to take a look around. I suspect the possibility exists that something in your home, NOT something "netherworldly" is causing these events. And groups like TAPS can really get to the bottom of just what is making such things happen.

It could be something simple like exposure to unshielded high voltage electrical lines within walls.....or something as evasive as mixed household chemical items near basement vent areas.

I'm not ruling out the paranormal here, either. If an investigation shows paranormal entitie(s) are prevalent in your home, then a trained demonologist can exorcise the spirt(s) out of your home.

2006-07-19 19:34:33 · answer #2 · answered by Mr. Wizard 7 · 0 0

Hi Taylor, I wish I knew how old you are and what your brother brought in the house! But since I don't, I will let you know what I did for someone close to me when the same thing happened! I took her to see the Dr. and made sure that the Dr. knew EVERYTHING that was going on, that's the only way the Dr. can help you. You have to be very honest with them. You need to know that what you are hearing and seeing isn't real. In your brain it seems real, but keep remembering that its not and if you can you can even go up to the hospital tonight and they will help you! Good Luck! Jenny M.

2006-07-19 19:22:08 · answer #3 · answered by Jenny M 1 · 0 0

You might be coming down with anxiety.

What's the Difference Between Fear and Anxiety?

Fear is a reaction to an actual danger signal - it involves physical and mental tension that helps you spring into action to protect yourself from something that is happening. The body suddenly gears up into fight or flight mode when, for example, the car in front of you swerves and you just miss it. Once you know the danger has passed, the fear goes away (though your knees may feel shaky for a few minutes).

The physical and mental tension of anxiety is very similar to fear but with one important difference. With anxiety, there isn't usually anything actually happening right then and there to trigger the feeling. The feeling is coming from the anticipation of future danger or something bad that could happen - there is no danger happening now.

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. It can be mild or intense or somewhere in between. A little anxiety helps us to stay on our toes and motivates us to do our best. For example, some anxiety about the possibility of doing poorly on a test can motivate you to study a little harder. A moderate amount of anxiety helps the body and mind get prepared to cope with something stressful or frightening.

Sometimes anxiety can get out of proportion and become too intense or too lasting, and it can interfere with a person's ability to do well. Teens who have a pattern of experiencing too much anxiety may be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. There are several types of anxiety disorders a teen might experience - each type is named for the symptoms a teen might have or the particular way that anxiety affects him. Many teens with anxiety problems have symptoms that overlap into more than one category.

2006-07-19 19:14:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your mind believes what it want's to believe.

If you believe something is in your house... your mind will eventually see what you fear even more. The best thing to do is acknowledge that you are in control of what your mind thinks about... not the other way around.

Imagine if you're in a bus with a crowd of people. Someone looks at your for a split second. You can either believe that that person is thinking something bad about you or you can just take it for what it was... he had nowhere else to look but where you were sitting at that instance.

Your mind can play games with you at night... specially if you let it do that. If you watch or listen to scary things at night you'll notice that your level of fear in the dark increases dramatically... also, if you don't watch scary things or if you don't think about things that scare you by controlling your own mind... are you not likely to think about things that are just nonsense.

Take control of your mind the same way you control your fingers to type. ;)

2006-07-19 19:13:09 · answer #5 · answered by Carlos 2 · 0 0

I like to meet ghosts...I had 4 weird things hapen this week, and if its annoying you/keeping you awake, maybe you and "it" can make some arangements. Spirits are awsome when it comes to take over what you are seeing. So, yeah, just talk to it. You might want to get a microphone that disasembles megnetic (something) mybe someone else can explain this to you in a more informative manner...

2006-07-19 19:10:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do you know anything about that stuff? Have you seen it as to what is it?
If it is a living thing, you can do whatever you want with it.
If it is not a living thing & is scaring you, get rid of it by some means.
I am feeling something weird in your question.

2006-07-19 19:15:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

each now and then I take outing for a J.J. Rousseau Day and it feels so sturdy! i'm having one immediately. No stress. Crossword 0.5 performed. Dishes interior the sink unwashed.... could desire to initiate portray my room if the inclination takes me... different days are so compelled and rushed with human beings impinging on my offered on the different 2nd. J.J.R days have this style of wonderful unstructured high quality , they are to be precious even because of the fact the time is squandered!

2016-11-02 09:39:08 · answer #8 · answered by basinger 4 · 0 0

well maybe u are guilty about something with ur brother. if so it can be solved as simply as clearing ur concience (is that how u spell that?)
And if that is not it is someone expecting to have a baby? i've heard people see things when somebody they know is expecting. Or do what i do, make ur self laugh about it. tell ur self that if something was living there u would charge it rent.

2006-07-19 19:12:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You didnot specify what kind of things they are but if you start to feel uncomfortable in your house as a result. It's only natural to tell your brother to come and get them or let him know you will be putting them out of your house.

2006-07-19 19:09:51 · answer #10 · answered by Lady Mandeville 6 · 0 0

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