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1st ...there's probably no hell... but if there is .....cause nothing in 100% sure in life.... nobody knows how hell is or if it's bad...nobody has ever been there.... or have you???

2006-07-19 18:37:02 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Look this up in theology books.
Hell, translated, is 'Sheol' or 'Hades', which simply means the common grave of mankind.
They only incorporated the idea of 'fiery hell' to scare people into staying with the church.
Yep, they've been lieing for years. The 'hell' most Christendom has referred to for years DOES NOT EXIST.
Funny, even the Catholics are beginning to admit that and recently admitted to their parishoners that purgatory doesn't exist either.
Besides, the Bible teaches us that Satan will eventually be destroyed, sooooo, how can he torture us forever in 'Hell' if he's going to be annihilated?

2006-07-19 18:44:31 · answer #1 · answered by krazykritik 5 · 0 1

Revelation 20;14 closely relates death and 'Hades', which is the Greek word for 'Hell'. It says that it will be hurled into the 'lake of fire'. This implies that it, hell, is being destroyed. So it cannot be a permanent place of torture or torment for people. The 'lake of fire' is taken from the burning pit outside the walls of Jerusalem where the bodies of dead animals and even executed criminal were burnt. Also sulphur was added. It did actually prevent the spread of disease, as no flies could survive. Most livestock farmers have a similar pit. The Bible terms it " Gehenna".
When the term is used, it signifies total destruction. Even Satan the Devil . It is easy to see where the confusion of mixing Hell with the descriptions of Gehenna/ the lake of fire and especially so when sulphur is mentioned.


A yellow nonmetallic element occurring free or combined with other elements in sulfide and sulfate compounds. Its melting point is unusually low, 113° C. (235° F.). It readily burns with a pale blue flame, at the same time forming sulfur dioxide, which has a pungent odor.

The first historical reference to sulfur tells how destruction rained down on the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the form of fire and sulfur. (Ge 19:24; Lu 17:29) On the basis of geologic evidence, some suggest that this catastrophic execution from Jehovah was possibly in the form of a volcanic eruption in the southern region of the Dead Sea, accounting for the prevalence of sulfur in that area today.

It is believed that a high-temperature incinerator or crematory for the ancient city of Jerusalem was developed by adding sulfur to the constantly burning fires in the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna) just outside the walls.

Ever since the fiery judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah in 1919 B.C.E., the highly flammable nature of sulfur has been referred to in the Scriptures. (Isa 30:33; 34:9; Re 9:17, 18) It is a symbol of total desolation. (De 29:22, 23; Job 18:15) “Fire and sulphur” are associated together when utter destruction is depicted. (Ps 11:6; Eze 38:22; Re 14:9-11) We are told that the Devil will be “hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur,” a fitting description of complete annihilation, “the second death.”—Re 19:20; 20:10; 21:8.

2006-07-19 19:40:29 · answer #2 · answered by pugjw9896 7 · 0 0

Spending eternity with God is the ultimate fulfillment that any human being could hope for.

Those who "make it" to heaven will exist in perfect happiness and peace, sharing everything that God is and has.

Those who choose to spend eternity with someone other than God will also get their wish.

We know that the only other eternal "kingdom" available other than heaven, is what we call hell. The actual name matters little.

Satan is the ruler of that kingdom, and his model for civilization is based on slavery. We also know that Satan, the adversary of God, was a murderer from the beginning, and is the father of all lies.

Since the next state of existence will be eternal, even the most ardent Satan worshipper or God hater, will have plenty of time to realize that they made an error in their selection process, and that they really should have opted for heaven.

But by then, it will be too late.

They will be stranded in hell for eternity, along with all the murderers, child molesters, rapists, thieves, and other perverts, and will have no choice but to live in slavery, under an evil master, forever.

This is where the burning torment sets in.

It hurts right now, just thinking about it!

And yes, we have received messages from hell and about hell, from those who claim to have experienced it or seen it.

But why take the chance? Christ offers salvation through his church, for all.

Don't gamble with your eternal security.

The smart money is on Jesus!

2006-07-19 19:36:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hell is bad so that the masses will continue to do what religious leaders ask of them in this life so that they won't go to hell in the afterlife. That's an older answer - but that's about how it started.

Control - political - economic concept - VERY EFFECTIVE for the religious leaders back in the day and even some today.

Ultimately probably the downfall of Humanity if we can't shake our fears and ignorance. We need to embrace truth by seeking the testable repeatable environment (scientific method) and this would appear to be the best way to move forward.

Spread the word.

2006-07-19 18:46:20 · answer #4 · answered by jjttkbford 4 · 1 0

Imagine this. You're in a crowded auditorium. There are 4 exit doors. The concert is over and everyone is leaving. You see that everyone going out the 2 side doors just falls off a cliff into nothingness, but no one else can see that until they approach. Would you warn anyone? Would you want to be warned?

Anyway, I know hell exists because Jesus (among others) said it does. I've never been there. My faith is based on the overwhelming evidence (historical and biblical) of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. He returned from the dead, so I trust what He says about what is to come. He DOES know what hell is like, how bad it is, etc. It is a place of complete separation from God, which means from all that is good; all friendship, all joy, all kindness, "where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth". You do not want to go there. You don't need to go there.

2006-07-19 18:44:24 · answer #5 · answered by Emily C 2 · 0 1

the soul was made to be in communion with God. The soul becomes in a state of sin we have after we die because we have not accepted the forgiveness of God. The soul will go towards God, however, impurity cannot come into the presence of God and must be forever kept away. You know that you need God, but you cannot be near Him.
Also, the Catholics do not say that purgatory doesnt exist. John Paull II said that Heaven, Hell and purgatory are not places in the way we think of place, but are a type of state of being. We view them as places because are minds can comprehend the idea of physical places than a state of being. Our minds can only take so much, like trying to explain quantum mechanics to an 8 year old, they may get somewhat of an idea, but that idea would be based on their own experience. They may relate it to the toys they play with to try and understand. Similar to why we use allegories, allusions, and metaphors to explain things.
do excuse me for me grammar and any other mistakes i might have made. hope this helps

2006-07-19 18:57:20 · answer #6 · answered by ddjerin 2 · 0 0

The reason that Hell is so bad is because you have become aware of God at your judgement -- you know know God is real and exists. Hell is knowing this and knowing you are forever seperated from God, forever without His presence, forever forlorn and lost. Are you ready for that?

If not make a choice and choose God -- the way is though Christ Jesus. Jesus is the Bridge that allows you to cross the chasm that seperates you from God. For Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

If your are ready to choose life then choose Jesus and pray this prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for my sins. I want to turn from my sins. I now invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Now you know God. Now you will never personally experience Hell, but you will also understand why Hell is so bad.

2006-07-19 19:02:03 · answer #7 · answered by Wishin' I was 2 · 0 0

Did you ever read about lasardus and the rich man, where the rich man was in torment and wanted just a drop of water from the finger of lasardus to cool his tongue, I hope you donot find out the hard way, cause there no coming back once you are there.

2006-07-19 18:44:43 · answer #8 · answered by wizard 2 · 0 0

"Hell" is a spiritual existence, post mortem. If you accept the sacrifice Jesus made for you and receive it then your life will show it and you will spend eternity with Him. If you reject Him while you still have breath, then when you cease to breath you will receive what you decided before, eternal seperation from God or "Hell". It's not complicated, you either do or you dont, it's that easy.

2006-07-19 18:49:42 · answer #9 · answered by foxray43 4 · 0 0

If you dont accept Jesus as your savior, you'll find out first hand for youself. Are you willing to take that chance? Are you a gamgling man and are you willing to gamble with your life? You think you talk a good argument, but why dont you put your life on it. If I'm wrong, you have lost nothing. If your wrong, you have lost everything.
John 3:16-18
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God

2006-07-19 18:44:59 · answer #10 · answered by Carol M 5 · 0 1

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