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Today I was in the check out at Macys today with my husband in a long check out line. This pregnant lady with her stroller and whining kid is behind us. My husband and I are both holding pretty big items to be run up. The cashier moved onto to us, and the lady pushes her way in front and says " Oh I hope you don't mind me going first I am pregnant, and my son has to get home to take a nap." Excuse me? Does anyone but me think there is something wrong with this? I mean, it's not like she's in a wheelchair, or elderly, people choose to have kids, people choose to get pregnant.

2006-07-19 18:35:54 · 46 answers · asked by Rose 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

46 answers

I don't think pregnant women are entitled at all. I am pregnant, plus I have Fibromyalgia, which on top of it gives me pain. I don't think just because someone is pregnant gives them the right to be rude and disrespectful, no one has a right to be rude and disrespectful. I think you have a legitimate right to feel upset, because she does not sound like a very nice person. It upsets me some mothers that get so involved in the fact that they are mothers, or going to be mothers that they become very one minded.

It is truly her choice that she was at Macys with her child and pregnant, when she could have had her husband, her mother anyone else run that errand for her. She could have chosen a timr when her child was able to be looked after by a reletive/babysitter.

I think it's sad for people to come out and say " Well you have never had a baby so you wouldn't know." or to say " shut up and have a baby". It's really people's choice if they have children or not, I think WOULD HOPE good parent is someone who does not think one mindly, and recognize that there are other people in this world beside themselves, so hopefully they can teach each other respect.

We are all entitled to respect in this world, pregnancy is not a disability, it's not even close to a disability. There are people who are in wheelchairs and on life support, people who have crippling arthritus and so on and so forth, so for a person to say she was disabled, or that she had a right to ask to go ahead is completely out of line. Millions and billions of women are pregnant all around the world, some of them do back breaking labor in fields and in factories.

The people who should go ahead of her and her husband are an elderly person or a person in a wheel chair, not some young pregnant woman with a cry child. That is completely out of line and no one should have to conform to such a rude person.

If I were you I would have said " Sorry, M'am, but your just going to have to wait your turn, we were here first."

2006-07-20 17:45:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

I was NEVER like that while pregnant. Sometimes,if I had very little items, people would offer me to go ahead. But more often then not, if I was in line, and there was an elderly person behind me, I would let them go ahead of me. Yeah, I may have been pregnant, but I'm still young enough to wait in line. She was just a b*tch and tried to use being pregnant as an excuse. Next time it happens, just say, Yes I do mind, or I hope you don't mind, but I was here first. Because some people are like that, they think they're entitled to something for being pregnant. Hell, I was thrilled to death when the CVS made those "Stork Parking" spots, because in my last month, walking sucked! But I would only park there when walking was a bother. If I was having a good day, I enjoyed the walk from the parking spot a little further away.

2006-07-19 18:54:19 · answer #2 · answered by ★Fetal☆ ★And ☆ ★Weeping☆ 7 · 0 0

I know what you are saying and she was very rude. Although I have been pregnant and have never been like that. But I am also going to jump to the conclusion that you have never been pregnant? If you had you would know how painful it is at times to be so. You would know how tired you get standing in lines and how bad things like your feet and back hurt you all the time. Yes women choose to get pregnant but they don't choose to have symptoms of being pregnant. They also don't chose long lines at a store combined with such symptoms. We only want the outcome. The cute cuddly little baby! You just wait, someday you will get pregnant and wish someone would let you cut in line for the sake that by the time you realized you were pissing down your leg you were standing in a puddle of urine.

Also it is kind of embarrassing when you are out with your child whining. You think everyone around you is staring and want nothing more than to get rid of you. Maybe she just thought she would be doing you and everyone else a favor by going ahead?

Oh yeah, and for those complaining about those parking spaces...you try walking through a hot parking lot carrying 40 extra pounds only in front of you. Some pregnant women cannot walk 2 seconds without throwing up or getting dizzy. But life does not stop moving forward when you get pregnant, you still have to buy groceries and pay bills just like any other person. It is about time people starting noticing how hard it is being pregnant for some. You know, being pregnant used to be a wonderful respectable thing. All of you young people are so damn disrespectful it is rediculous.

My daughter is blind and we have a handicap sign for her. I guess because she can walk she doesn't need one though, right? It is fine , she can walk her 2 year old butt out into traffic.

2006-07-19 18:43:24 · answer #3 · answered by jennanna 4 · 0 0

Good lord, my wife is pregnant and if she pulled a move like that I would have gone berzerk on her right there in the store. I was in the car with her at the grocery store right after we conceived and she proceeded to park in the slot alloted for the "pregnant" women. There was no reason why she needed that spot and I started spouting right then and there.

I would have spoken up and said, "Yes, I do mind.", probably not as politely as I am saying here. Honestly though, I don't think it is just pregnant women. I think it is a bigger symptom of society today. People have such a sense of self-importantance that they don't feel that they need to show manners, wait in line, etc. The fact that the woman was pregnant was just an excuse for her to be completely and totally ignorant.

2006-07-19 18:43:11 · answer #4 · answered by Lubers25 7 · 0 0

If I had been in your shoes, I would have gritted my teeth, forced a smile and let her go. I know what it's like being pregnant (I have two sons) and I DEFINITELY know what it's like to have a cranky baby who needs his nap. What she did was wrong...I don't agree with that. She should have said excuse me and asked if she could cut in line. What she did was wrong, but not all pregnant women are like this. I would have never done this. Which would you rather have...her screaming kids in line the whole time you're waiting/checking out, or just let her pay and go and not have to listen to the screaming? If your items were large, you could have set them down.

Yes people choose to get pregnant, but many women (especially first time moms) don't understand how bad it really can be...especially if you have problems with water retention, morning (all day!) sickness, frequent urination, sore boobs...I could go on and on. I don't condone what she did, but I can understand why she did it.

2006-07-20 15:12:26 · answer #5 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 1 0

Well when i first read your title
Argh, why do pregnant women think they are so entitled? i thought..." well because they are carring an extra 40 lbs. but then I read the rest and that was so rude. If she really needed to get home she could have at least asked. I wouldn'd mind if she would have asked and she didn't have that many items. No matter how big she was though she should at least had the common cerousy to wait in line like everyone else.

2006-07-19 18:43:07 · answer #6 · answered by tracie 1 · 1 0

I think women like that are just using their pregnancy for manipulation. And women who ACTUALLY think they are entitled are sadly mistaken. The people in the checkout lane didnt get them pregnant so they cant take out their impatience on them. Dont get me wrong, pregnant women have more needs than others, but that was just frickin rude! I bet the kid didnt even want to take a nap. And it dont matter if the kid was whining hes gon whine no matter what. Hes a kid!

2006-07-19 18:42:35 · answer #7 · answered by Rocket Monkey 2 · 0 0

I completely agree with you. For example I saw this girl park into a handicapped space and she didnt even look 5 months pregnant. They just take advantage of the fact they are pregnant and want to be treated like disabled morons. Look, my mother had 4 kids, she had to work, walk a lot, etc and she acted as if she was not pregnant and didnt complain. I can understand if you are 9 months pregnant and your back might be hurting a bit....okkkkkk, let the girl get in front of you, but most pregnant women exagerate and just want attention.

2006-07-19 18:42:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

LOL stop using this one time occurance to bash all pregnant women.. she was rude and just used her pregnancy as an excuse.. its her , not her pregnancy.. But what i want to know is wheres your compassion for people.. did it really kill you to let her go first.. Im thinking if u had any compassion you would of seen that she was having a hard time as well believe it or not, pregnancy isnt a stroll in the park and it is very hard on the body.. plus u add in a crying baby and she probably was stressing out badly.. did it really just kill u inside to hold your "BIG" items for a few more moments to let someone go ahead of you? .. Ive had 3 kids and ive never cut in line like she did, but ive had people stand up and give me their seats before , did they have to no, they did it out of the kindness of their hearts..something ur obviously lacking in since your so upset about it that u felt the need to bash pregnant women on a website instead of just saying "damn that was rude of her" and dropping it.. maybe u need to take a good look in the mirror before u start casting stones at everyone else..

2006-07-19 18:44:50 · answer #9 · answered by brwneyedgrl 7 · 0 1

OH HELL NO!!!! You really should not have let her pass. She didn't even have the decency to ASK FIRST. No, no, no, just because she's pregnant she is not entitled to be rude. (although she may have been a rude person before she became pregnant) I'm 7 months preggers and I can't even imagine doing something like that. She could'nt wait for 1 more person to get checked out, JUST 1 MORE PERSON. People these days...

Pregnancy does not entitle you to anything, you may receive special treatments by other people's grace and mercy, but always wait for it to be offered or ATLEST ASK!!! OMG!!!

2006-07-20 00:53:06 · answer #10 · answered by Ambra 2 · 1 0

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