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In YOUR country.

2006-07-19 17:56:40 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

31 answers

No, I should be the one thanking them

2006-07-20 06:45:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 9

No. I want them to be arrested and hauled away. Seeing they are here illegally and breaking the law! I can't walk into another country
illegally and expect to be welcomed with open arms! Plus it is not
fair to everyone that lives here and is barely getting by because of
the high taxes and high insurance costs! I'm sick of paying for
everyone else that gets a free ride! It is also not fair to all the people
legally comeing to the US. Here they are going through the process
and stuck waiting while someone else is here illegally with a free
ride! I think the US has been pretty lax. I 'm sick of getting walked on
because of people feeling sorry for other people. Why don't we
abandon all of our laws and not punish anyone! It amazes me
how people will do anything to bend the rules when it concerns
themselves but throw the book when it's someone else. We
are all equal in the US and that is how we should be treated!

2006-07-20 01:10:46 · answer #2 · answered by sally 3 · 0 0

Why don't you talk about the 2,784 that Bush has gotten killed and the cut for Veterans services?

"Bush Budget Slashes Education, Veterans' Health Care, Law Enforcement, and Environmental Protections
The Bush administration's budget for the 2006 fiscal year will cut non-defense discretionary spending, including education, veteran's health care, law enforcement, and environmental protections. In all, President Bush's fiscal 2006 budget plan calls for elimination of or drastic cuts from 154 programs. Funding for the Iraq war, however, was recently increased. A House subcommittee approved an initial $45 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan next year, two weeks after Congress approved $82 billion for this year's costs of the conflicts. Although President Bush argues that it is too early to request money for the wars during the 2006 budget year, which starts Oct. 1, with no timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, war costs are certain and many lawmakers are reluctant to wait for his request.
Source: Washington Post, "Bush's '06 Budget Would Scrap or Reduce 154 Programs," Judy Sarasohn, February 22, 2005; Washington Post, "House Bill Would Provide $45B More for War," Liz Sidoti, May 24, 2005

Republicans need slave labor! They aren't going to do anything about them until they figure out how they can get them here and hire them part time so they can pay taxes and SS, get no benefits and loose any money the feds took out of their pay!!

You guys are the problem. Enforce the laws by going after employers! If there are jobs here so will they be here. They have businesses forging their papers!

2006-07-20 01:17:30 · answer #3 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

No, I never wanted a "personal" thank you from illegal immigrants. But respect for and gratitude towards the USA and its citizens would have gone a long way on May 1st, but what they chose to do, instead, tells me it is too late now for that. I want them ALL deported, no exceptions, and I want the borders sealed off completely so they cannot come back unless they apply to do so legally. The only immigrants I want in the USA are those who respect the USA and the citizens of the USA and who truly and honestly want to come here because they want to become American citizens and they want to contribute to the country, not TAKE from it. I don't want anyone here who only wants to come to get what they can and then run back to their home country to live off the spoils they got in the USA.

2006-07-20 03:42:57 · answer #4 · answered by Daisy 6 · 0 0

Pancha, my greatest anger and the reason we became active in this was the May 1 demonstrations. I went to one and watched 600 people with Mexican flags, chanting "ATZLAN".

I was assaulted...me a 54 year old grandmother. My 59 year old husband and I were just spectators...but I am clearly "white" I had people yell obscenities at me and told to learn Spanish. The police had to help us get to our car....

I did see a few American flags...being drug on the ground. One young mother wiped her child's nose on the edge of her American flag.

Am I angry? Absolutely. I do not want any thanks. I just want the ungrateful illegals who have been given much in my country to leave....

Do I hate Mexicans....Absolutely not. My brother-in-law is from Mexico City. He is a legal immigrant and the family loves him dearly. My nieces and nephew are half Mexican/Indian and half white. They are all drop dead gorgeous and we love and adore them.......

I am financially very well off now... But for most of my life I have lived right at the poverty level. I have worked hard, as a single mother....and not taken government handouts....My life was very hard...and when friends or family helped, I was grateful.

That is what angers me...the absolute absence of gratitude for being in this wonderful country. Either be all American or take your loyalty back to Mexico....

2006-07-20 01:14:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sure! Because it's about people like us who make this country so great- that people from elsewhere are willing to endure walking across burning deserts, cleaning our filthy toilets, paying social security taxes they'll never get back- and reminding me how LUCKY I am to have been born an American!!! :) Thank God you're not in their shoes & it's YOUR feet they kiss!

2006-07-20 01:11:50 · answer #6 · answered by Joseph, II 7 · 0 0

Nope just want them to go back to their own countries.....

what are you talking about these lands were stolen from Mexico???!!?? My history books tell me we kicked Mexico's butt and then we actually paid them for the southwest....pretty generous seeing as how we kicked their tails all the way back to Mexico City.......try reading some history...
what you want to turn the states into another Mexico?? Drug cartels running the government....poverty everywhere (supposedly) ,
the army and police corrupt as all get....is that what you want????

2006-07-20 01:06:52 · answer #7 · answered by Hold em Rox 6 · 0 0

I want them to stop murdering, raping, robbing, selling drugs and bankrupting the welfare, health care, criminal justice and educational systems. Since this describes about 90% of the illegals, it basically means the only way to stop it is to get rid of them.

2006-07-20 01:02:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Would you want a rapist to thank you for a good time?

Would you want a car-jacker to thank you for the lift?

Would you want a mugger to thank you for the loan?

What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand? I do not hate people who are here illegally, I just want them to leave and come back legally.

2006-07-20 17:24:43 · answer #9 · answered by Saint Christopher Walken 7 · 0 0

No, I don't want anything from them. But I don't want them taking anything from me or my country or the government. Follow the laws of this country.

2006-07-20 01:10:22 · answer #10 · answered by Mona 4 · 0 0

No, they should just leave ASAP before any fireworks really start flying from both sides.

Judging from einstein - we don't owe you a damn thing bud- there will another war with Mexico. Don't even go there with the hate and fear - save it it won't work.

2006-07-20 17:21:43 · answer #11 · answered by yars232c 6 · 0 0

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