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ok I know the cross is suppose to symbolize Jesus dying for our sins and its the symbol of Christianity...well the only thing I see when I look at a cross is pain and suffering...if Jesus died to save us from sin then why is it that we are in so many wars right now and he isn’t doing a damn thing, the KKK used the cross to strike fear into the hearts of every black person in America, Jesus died a painful bloody death on that same cross you love and worship, when I hear the word Christianity I think tyranny, why? because think about it...in the middle ages if you didn’t believe in the Christian way you were killed, the Christians have murdered many many people to spread the word that god forgives and harming another being is wrong...lmao, and even in today’s world people are still feeling the pain of being in different religious groups…take the Jews, who makes fun of them more than the Christians? Nobody… I do believe in god and jesus but I still don’t get the cross…don’t answer if you are gonna be rude and unjust, please

2006-07-19 17:55:48 · 29 answers · asked by me 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Several groups in the Christian faith agree with you (at least on the Cross thing) and don't have a cross in their church. Baptists come to mind, also many "bible" churches, "community" churches, and several other independent-types.

You say that Christians make fun of Jews more than anyone else? I've been a Christian for many, many years and I cannot even think of a Christian who has ever made fun of a Jew.

I also don't believe you when you say that Jesus isn't doing anything about the wars going on--I believe that He's in the thick of it, and so do a lot of people that are right there...

2006-07-19 18:28:17 · answer #1 · answered by Paul McDonald 6 · 0 0

I consider my self a child of God and a believer of Jesus Christ .
I also think of pain and suffering when I see the cross.It reminds me of the true sacrifice that was made for us , that came from pure love .
We do not worship the cross,it is nothing more then a reminder for us .
God gave us free will. It is not up to him to step in and stop these countries from
fighting each other ,they must work for a common understanding.Yes he could do it and if he did he would probably wipe them from the earth .
Christian is a word to often used , many call them selves Christian but few are chosen .
Making fun of the Jewish has never interred my mind ,I wounder where you formed your opinion. Some do believe in Jesus .
The Christens were killed in the old days they could not meet except in secret.
When there was to be a meeting they would draw a fish in the sand or dirt to let every one know . I hope this helps you .

2006-07-19 18:33:55 · answer #2 · answered by Elaine814 5 · 0 0

The cross is just another of many symbols that have been absorbed by the christian faith over the past two thousand years. Before Christianity, the cross was an anchor that Dionysus was hung upon. There's many different versions of the crucified savior that its hard to pin point which one was the original story that spawned Christianity's parables.Horus was born of a virgin and was hid in reeds. He died and rose again in 3 days. Even his teachings and those of Osiris sound remarkably like those of Christ's. Even Odin was hung on a tree for three days.

2006-07-19 18:03:38 · answer #3 · answered by white_ravens_white_crows 5 · 0 0

The bypass has a large style of non secular symbolism tied into it. It symbolized life and salvation to the historic Egyptians. It represents the international-axis, the macrocosm, and the microcosm. It represents 4-fold branch of the heavens, the 4 Evangelists, and the 4 Seraphim surrounding the throne of God. It represents self-sacrifice, atonement, and union with God. interior the fashion of an "X" it represents St. Andrew. The bypass superimposed with the letter "P" represents the first 2 letters of Christos (Christ), as well as Chrestus (a time period for divinity in historic Rome), and reflects the area of the fingers even as blessing someone interior the call of Christ. The bypass with out the make certain of Christ represents resurrection and (by skill of extension) rebirth. The Maltese bypass represents the penetrating ability of reality. The sq. bypass represents the earth. The Celtic bypass represents the circle of heaven superimposed on the sq. of earth. Christians make the most of the bypass as an emblem because it conveys all of those meanings and more suitable. Plus it really is a elementary, instantly foward image it somewhat is actual recognizable, and that speaks to precise psychological archtypes that are recent in each human being. {convinced, at the same time with rage.}

2016-12-10 12:15:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

At the height of the Roman Empire you were killed for being a Christian too. Why would God intervene at every step of life? You would never learn any lessons if someone always coddled you and told you that everything would be alright. No it's not right what people do to each other, but that is there fault for choosing those paths, not God's. He has given his truth to us, if we choose not to believe, it is our own fault. People like the KKK tried to use the Bible and the cross to intimidate people. They hate Jews too, but the Bible clearly states that the Jews are God's chosen people. The KKK obviously have something mixed up. Do your own soul searching and let all the ignorant people make their own stupid decisions.

2006-07-19 18:03:20 · answer #5 · answered by Blunt Honesty 7 · 0 0

Most Catholic representations of the crucifix include the image of Christ's suffering. Most protestants prefer to use the empty cross, emphasizing the resurrection, therefore the cross is unoccupied. The KKK and other extremists, equal to Islamic or any other extremist groups that terrorize others in the name of their god, are all the same. Terrorism is terrorism, forget the religion they claim to represent. And as far as "Christians" killing those who wouldn't convert, consider some muslims in the world.

2006-07-19 18:04:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The beautiful thing about the cross is that it's empty. Jesus is not still hanging on it. He died, was buried and then resurrected. He overcame death. While it is true that many were killed in the name of "Christianity" I would argue that they were either not acting as God willed or were in response to being attacked (as in the case of the crusades between the Christians defending themselves against the invasion of the muslims)

2006-07-19 18:12:39 · answer #7 · answered by Crystal 2 · 0 0

It's to serve as a reminder of his horrible death that he died for us and our sins, then, now and forever, but also the resurrection that came after. It's good that you're uncomfortable, everytime I look at mine it reminds me of what he did for me and I strive to try to make myself worthy of him.

The past for most religions has been brutal and bloody. We can hope and pray that those times are far from us and those that are fanatics, lunatics and terrorists will learn that it is not the way to God.

If you're uncomfortable with the cross, there are other symbols of Christianity, like the ichthus (Jesus fish) if you wanted something as a reminder, but perhaps a more gentle one.

Each of us has challenges with being Christian, the best way to cope with them is to speak to Jesus and pray, ask for guidance and help. He will do this for you.

God bless you.

2006-07-19 18:12:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Cross is the commonest symbol used in the church.

The Cross means the Saviour died on a cross, and ever since that time the cross has been used as the symbol of the Christian religion and of their faith in Christ. It is the emblem of suffering and self-sacrifice.

2006-07-19 18:09:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The cross is a symbol with pagan roots, Jesus died on a stake or pole, Bible even says tree. Both arms raised overhead so as to even make breathing more difficult.

2006-07-19 18:01:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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