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Ok, the scientific theories on the beginning of the universe aren't perfect, IT WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSE, how could any theory on something so long ago be perfect? And just because there are flaws, how the hell does that mean it had to be your "God". Hmmm, I'm not exactly sure about something that happened trillions of years ago, instead of trying to investigate and fix flaws, let's just attribute it to a magical all powerful diety and not ever move forward in knowledge. And please, I want well thought out answers, not some simple brain dead "The Bible says God says so."

2006-07-19 17:45:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Appearently some of you missed my point. You ask me how I explain how life came from in animate matter? I don't know, I doubt anyone will before I die, but just because we don't know everything doesn't mean we'll never know more. Hey maybe there was always biological matter with the inanimate matter. I have NO idea, but guess what? That is actually no proof at all for God. Look at my question, just because my way isn't perfect doesn't mean it is definately your way without question.

2006-07-19 18:05:37 · update #1

WHOA whoa whoa. No Christian religion has been around since the beginning of time, unless you believe in a Christian religion. God didn't arrive until long (in relative terms) after humans were around. Religious artifacts are foud all over the place long before any evidence of anyone believing in one God, read a history book.

2006-07-19 18:12:03 · update #2

Anyone who says "Science said so!" should be slapped. Science didn't say so, things are researched.

2006-07-19 18:15:25 · update #3

And dinosaurs were gone before humans came around. Carbon dating screws up sometimes, relative dating has a very hard time being wrong. All the dinosaur bones were millions of years of dirt beneath the earliest human fossils. And what are the chances of carbon dating being performed by so many different people in so many different places and times all making the exact same mistake and pointing to the same thing?

2006-07-19 18:20:32 · update #4

For the answer involving buddhism, I'm actuall a buddhist myself. And I've read all of that too, I just don't like to see ignorant disregard for anything that doesn't involve God or has faults. Not everyone who believes in God is ignorant so don't jump me for that, just a little misguided I think. But thanks for the excerpts from the dharmas of buddhism, I like for people to know what it's about, too many people think we do for example worship the Buddha as a god, when he expressly asked before he died that no one did so.

2006-07-19 18:38:41 · update #5

By the way, I don't think it's biased to only accept things that have solid proof behind them, or some basis for believing it besides that a different theory didn't explain it perfectly.

2006-07-21 10:16:19 · update #6

17 answers

"The Bible says God says so" is indeed a wellthought-out answer for someone who worships hysteria.

You're not gonna get an answer. Let me give you an example of why. Creationists and other pentacostal and evangelical postmellenium hysterics think that you're "fact-based" research and thinking is Godless and, therefore, tainted.

I'm not kidding about that "fact-based" insult.

2006-07-19 17:53:59 · answer #1 · answered by urbancoyote 7 · 0 2

The science text book says it's so!

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. That is the current scientific thinking. I can only be converted.

It's called the law of conservation of matter.

That means that MATTER always was and always will be.

Doesn't that also define God?

Now, how do you live in a scientific universe where matter always existed and this is a given.

Why? Science say it is so. Don't ask qustions, just accept this as fact!

The point of science is to define the laws of the universe. To explain God's ways in such a manner that we can do things.

What we do is our choice.

Right now we choose to remove and expend all the natural resources of the Earth, pollute the air and water so we can drive to work, have electricity and watch MTV.

One day this will all end. All things must pass.

It is said the Oil will run out in 150 years, maybe 200 tops.

How we choose to live, how we choose to behave is what is important and that is the nature of Religion, to try and make up be better people.

It fails a lot, because most people just don't understand it. They think it's about Praising the Lord, Saying I beleive in Jesus so I am saved!

It can't be that simple!

I believe in JEsus, so I am saved even though I drive a car to Church, blowing Carbon Monoxide out the back, converting breathable air into poisonous gas, and I, the great Christain, cut other drivers off, get too close to bicyclists and pedestrian in the roadway who have NO reason to be there, it's for CARs!

This, if anything, is the big problem with religion.

I beat my wife up, I beat my kids up, I lie on my taxes, I get into fist fights with people who bother me, I run red lights, I go 40 in a 35 zone, I have sex with my secretary because my wife doesn't feel like it after our 5th child, but hey, I'm a christian! I beleive in Jesus so I am saved!

Is it really that simple?

That is the real problem.

Creationism has nothing to do with the creation of God or Matter.

Science has yet to put amino acids into a beaker, shake them up and produce one Amoeba! Until they can, they can't prove Darwin or the theory of evelotuion!

Until science can create life over and over with predicatble results, they are just as feeble as relgious people with their bibles!

You gotta take it all on faith!

Science and religion agree on that point!

2006-07-20 01:06:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would like to think that people wouldn't accept science as the "end all be all" answer to anything. Just as "the best we've come up with" after much empirical observation. Real science doesn't try to give answers to questions about whether or not there is a God and why we are here. It only give us the facts on what is observable, and even then in some cases it can proove itself wrong.

Religion tells us what is real and not real. What's good and what's evil. Why we're here and what the creator wants us to do. Creationists like to interpret science to make their deeply held belief appear more valid to themselves and others. Ultimately, they really... REALLY think that if they can use science to prove that there is a God, everything their religion says must be true. It's really no different than when some scientist stakes his career on a particular theory.

Religion, and beliefs, lack the elasticity of scientific thought and therefore has no business in serious scientific discussion.

2006-07-20 01:02:37 · answer #3 · answered by elephant_in_the_delta_waves 2 · 0 0

We all look at the same evidence and come to different conclusions. Creationist are willing to admit that our view is bias by our belief of God. But evolutionist are not willing to admit that their view is biased by their belief that there is no God. So even when evidence point toward a creator, that evidence is ignored. When evidence points toward evolution, it is not ignored it is taught in schools. Because of this, I believe that creationist are more able to look through the lens of evolution than are evolutionist able to look through the lens of creationism.

The biggest problem with evolution is that some people are trying to elevate it to a fact. It clearly has too many holes in it. Because of this we do not feel that it should be have a status reserved for it as the only thing our schools should teach. At the very least our schools should teach what the problems with evolution are.

2006-07-20 01:04:59 · answer #4 · answered by unicorn 4 · 0 0

Dear Dan, there are certain questions for which you will never get answer. It is due to 2 reasons one we are not able to understand the complexity or we are not ready to accept the answer. In both cases the question will remain unanswered.

I strongly believe we are rational beings. Our answers to each and everything should come from reasons. When we keep enquiring reasons, it apears and again opens hundereds of other reasons infront of us. Most of us do not want to live in that world(some say it is chaotic). Some tried to live but we called them lunatic, impractical etc. I am 35 years old. I might have started reading books and hearing elders on opinions on beginning of universe, end of it, the purpose of its continuity etc at the age of 7 and have not got any acceptable answer till last year. Then, by chance I started reading Buddhist teachings. There was a person lived 2500 years back said, in all means, you keep your enquiry on on god. but, do not forget to address the main issue of all beings which is "Suffering". Physical, mental, spiritual etc. If all of us start enquiring in that way, we may stop fighting for establishing our belief, cast creed etc but we may work towards more faster inventions of medicines, technology and of course psychological advancement and well being with a frindly envronment by loving all trees and birds and animals and creatures around. Here again Buddha was not a god. He was just a teacher who found out reasons for mental sufferings and asked to love believers and non-belivers. Culprits and convicts to start the first therapy in our own mind so that instead of getting stuck in love-hatred relation, we will work towards ending our suffering and also the suffering of all the sentient beings. Here again, I just used the word Buddha, Buddism etc just for further learning. Once the human reaches a stage there he should leave the image of Buddha and de-addict from "Buddhism".

2006-07-20 01:21:34 · answer #5 · answered by r_govardhanam 3 · 0 0

Well, how do you explain how life came from non-living material. Do we today have such a material that one day it is dead and then all of a sudden the next day it is alive.

I bet you can find no such material - life has to come from life. Life cannot come into being any other way.

That is why we quote the Bible - it is the only religion that has survived since the beginning of time.

Melissa - you calling God a liar? Bad girl! He said 7 days.
John Doe - your not helping!!!

Check out http://www.johnfourteen.com
Look at "Studies in the Bible"
many answers in life can be found there.

2006-07-20 00:53:49 · answer #6 · answered by Gladiator 5 · 0 0

Also remember that we are still improving on technology. Think back 50 years. How much has changed?

Give scientist a break. Science is a long discipline. It takes time to do the research.

We may be able to prove how the universe was created or we may not, but everyday we get closer.

2006-07-20 00:54:04 · answer #7 · answered by theFo0t 3 · 0 0

I believe in both. I believe that God created the world, but not in 7 days. A day could represent 10 million years for all I know.

2006-07-20 00:48:55 · answer #8 · answered by Melissa 7 · 0 0

You can't just say millions of years and that solves it. Carbon dating is not accurate, and evolutionists act like dinos have to be like they were in the fiction movie Jurassic Park, and that is just not true. Man and dinos were here together and the facts prove out a 7 to 10 thousand year old earth. It really is not possible to test things to millions let alone billions of years ago.

2006-07-20 00:52:58 · answer #9 · answered by † PRAY † 7 · 0 0

I have no problem reconciling science with religion. I do have a problem with ppl who forget to mention that their ideas are theories, or beliefs, or whatever. When you are dealing in abstracts there are no proofs, no absolutes, no final say-so. And when you speak of the beginning of the universe or the beginning of life on earth, there aren't any proofs. Just theories and beliefs.

2006-07-20 00:52:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anna 2 · 0 0

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