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The existense of God can be proven by human reason alone.
Answer me these questions: Why does matter exist at all? Where does it come from?
Remember it is a scientific FACT that nothing can cause its own existence. there needs to be a cause for something to exist. nothing just "pops" itself into existence.

2006-07-19 17:40:01 · 19 answers · asked by enigma21 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Many believe the big bang created the universe. Who set off the big bang? the big bang needs a first cause, especially considering that if it was a fraction off in time and speed, the universe wouldn't exist.

2006-07-19 17:42:48 · update #1

God is the first cause. God always existed. He alone is the first cause . The one on which all other causes depend.

2006-07-19 17:46:25 · update #2

We can't have an infinitely tall building without a bottom floor. eventually we come to the independent thing on which all other things depend. Everything depends on the first cause, but the first cause doesn't depend on anything. the FIRST CAUSE IS GOD.

2006-07-19 17:50:23 · update #3

richman: matter still needs a cause to explain its existence. if matter were eternal, there would have to be a co-eternal infinite power that caused matter into existence. it wouldn't be prior in time, but it would be prior in casuality since it gave matter its eternal existence.

2006-07-19 17:55:22 · update #4

Many scientists have said that an intelligent designer is the first cause and started the big bang. many astrophysicists are saying God sarted the big bang.

2006-07-19 18:03:56 · update #5

lilith: God is not floating in space. He is OUTSIDE of the universe and time. We can't see god because we live in the material world of matter and he is a spirit. He came to Earth in the form of Jesus Christ so we can know him and he can save us.

2006-07-19 18:10:51 · update #6

lilith: God is present everywhere through his power and knowledge, however he is ouside the universe because he is spirit and the universe is matter. the universe is not infinite, only God is infinite. God would not be spiritual and unchainging because the material world constantly changes. For God to be God, he has to transcend the material world. He is "hanging" outside until yhe end of time comes and the material world no longer exists.

2006-07-19 18:38:04 · update #7

19 answers

You didn't use much of human reason for someone who claims that god can be proven by human reason alone. If we take for a moment that your argument is true, that'd give us an undefined proposition, that is to say, an infinite set of something causing something, even if you "imagined" a god, that god would need to be caused by something. If you proposed for a bit that god is uncaused, then your initial argument is false. If you wanted to take the infinite of god as an axiom, then it wouldn't work since it ain't self proving, heck, not even god has been proven. Now, if we assumed for a bit that your original proposition is true, How does that prove "god" was the initial cause? Can't it be an infinite set of other unprovable beings or events? You ain't giving much an argument for god's existence, but arguments for the singularity theory.

Later you propose god as the first cause so your argument that tries to prove god holds together, you propose as an argument exactly that what you are trying to prove. Do you know what it is to beg the question? I doubt you do. Hint, in formal logic, you can't implicitly or explicitly assume in one of your premises that your proposition is true or it's automatically a fallacy.

In conclusion, your proposition is false.

Can you come with something more original or plausible? Boy, you need some lessons in formal logic, that would help you a lot.

You started this question with the "reason" argument. Can you explain the "reasons" behind the following?

"God is not floating in space. He is OUTSIDE of the universe and time"
Provide evidence that something can be outside the universe and time. You haven't even proved "god" yet.

"We can't see god because we live in the material world of matter and he is a spirit."
Provide evidence that the god that you haven't proved yet is spirit. Provide evidence that spirits do exist.

"Many scientists have said that an intelligent designer is the first cause and started the big bang. many astrophysicists are saying God sarted the big bang."
Provide names of scientists in the physical cosmology field that propose a "god" as a solution to any cosmogony theory. I'd glady read what they propose.

"God is present everywhere through his power and knowledge, however he is ouside the universe because he is spirit and the universe is matter."
Provide evidence that god exists and that he is outside of the universe.

"the universe is not infinite, only God is infinite."
Provide evidence of the asseveration. You haven't even yet proved god's existence.

It seems to me that you don’t know where reason ends and faith starts.

2006-07-19 17:51:56 · answer #1 · answered by Oedipus Schmoedipus 6 · 1 0

Here is my theory on the big bang thingy. If I remember correctly, matter cannot disapear magically right? So if all this matter was in a ball, and there was a bunch of energy pent up and it caused this explosion, everything drifts apart, gazillions of years pass by, space spores create life on various places in our universe, life thrives people believe whatever the heck they want so that they can feel secure, gazillions of more years pass, (were in the future here now folks) the universe is drifting back together and the stars are all turning into black holes, and then everthing becomes a big ball again, and then bam the stars are back and planets are back, with new life teaming on them from some space spores, possibly with your dna,and the superior species on those planets will say the same thing.

The existense of God can be proven by human reason aloneAnswer me these questions: Why does matter exist at all? Where does it come from?

2006-07-20 02:24:24 · answer #2 · answered by Andy M 1 · 0 0

Following your logically agrument how did God pop into existence. It could just well be that the univerise is and has been always there.

Following the big bang it is said that there will be a big crunch there all the mass in the univerise becomes one again to cause another big bang and hence the univerise goes around in a cycle.

Maybe your wrong maybe the univerise is the first cause and has been and will be and always has been.

2006-07-20 00:43:57 · answer #3 · answered by Mr Hex Vision 7 · 0 0

A scientist properly answers this question with "I don't know," which most scientists do. There is no such thing as a default answer, which you imply. It is just as probable that we are just some unintended consequence of an uncontrolled act, as we are the result of a contrived explosion. But science connects our development through a probable confluence of interactions by connecting a chain of theories to empirical data and scientific laws past that explosion. They demonstrate that there is no hand of the creator in those interactions.

2006-07-20 00:57:51 · answer #4 · answered by One & only bob 4 · 0 0

what you are having trouble getting your brain around is the concept of infinity. matter has simply always existed. it changes in form, and it moves around, but it had no beginning, and, unlike us, will have no end. because you have trouble conceiving of the infinite, you grasp for god to help you explain the world. think of this: if everything has to have a beginning, how did god begin? you will say, he had no beginning, which is the same thing i just told you, except you put it in terms a child could grasp. so, your god is a crutch for minds that are childlike. great.

2006-07-20 00:47:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Matter = God yo believe

Where did God come from, why do you believe that he exists ??

See the relevance ??

So what is the cause ? You say God. Atheist says Big Bang - Matter was there.

2006-07-20 00:46:40 · answer #6 · answered by R G 5 · 0 0

Well, then how did god pop, "himself" into existence ?

I'll take the space rock theory any day, at least it makes since.

Hmm, an all powerful being fully formed floating around in space or gas, & rocks.
(At least I've seen those, I know without a doubt they exist).

If your gods so great, why does he hide ?

Is it so ppl won't believe, so he can burn em' in hell?

Isn't that a little sick?

2006-07-20 00:43:52 · answer #7 · answered by lilith 7 · 0 0

God can no more be proven than disproven; in the end we will all learn the truth, but a loving God such as Christians profess to will accept all of those who lived a good life.

IMHO God will be far more impressed by those who do good works simply because it is the right thing to do than those such as Bush and his followers who kill thousands in the name of their "Prince of Peace".

2006-07-20 00:52:43 · answer #8 · answered by Ed M 4 · 0 0

funny thing is, we all are in a dilemma here. im no atheist and i apologize for answering this question... but aren't we all just spinning around in circles? if god did exist, then who place him there? as common atheist claim.... if you're for the big bang theory, then who created the bang? combusted by itself? who place it there? as christians would ask....

we dont have to argue if there is or there isn't, for nobody is sure... but in the end, and this is definite, when we are in "that great beyond", our queries would be answered... so just enjoy what we are in right now, never have doubts nor questions. for all will be revealed to you... in time.

2006-07-20 01:02:57 · answer #9 · answered by VeRDuGo 5 · 0 0

Maybe it's always been. Expansion/contraction of the universe.

I personally believe in God, but what kind of Diety S/He is I really don't know, and it really doesn't affect my being or conscience or morals. We'll all figure it out when we get there.

2006-07-20 00:44:29 · answer #10 · answered by Songbird 5 · 0 0

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