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I just received tooth colored fillings.. but my brother was harping on me b/cause his dentist says that metal/gold last longer . He ALSO said that tooth colored fillings only last a couple of years.. Is is true????

2006-07-19 17:22:47 · 18 answers · asked by LJ 2 in Health Dental

18 answers

There has been much scientific research to show that metallic fillings are much stronger than composite fillings (the usual material white fillings are made from).

I think it would be an undisputed fact that amalgam and gold have superior physical properties when it comes to compressional force.

White fillings when done properly can last for a very long time, but good case selection is required. A large white filling in a high load bearing area may fail because of the forces that it has to withstand. in this case a crown or onlay/inlay (can be made of many materials) may be better than a white filling. Crowns and onlays/inlays tend to be better than fillings of any sort.

The main disadvantage of metallic ones is that they don't match your tooth colour very well. but they tend to withstand the forces applied where white fillings would fail (in cases where a crown may be required but a filling is placed instead)

There are many peer reviewed scientific articles in reputable dental journals which have long term studies on a large number of cases which have shown that amalgam fillings tend to last alot longer and have less incidence of decay later.

Summary, white fillings are a good long term option if maintained and done with alot of care. But they need to be placed appropriately. Metallic fillings can be more forgiving in larger sized fillings in high load bearing areas. If white fillings are to be used in these situations, crowning with porcelain or zircon may be the permanent answer to this deficiency.

2006-07-19 21:13:14 · answer #1 · answered by BouncingMolar 5 · 0 0

I made the transition (in my mind anyway) to using white fillings in back teeth about 20 years ago. It was at that point that every physical property that mattered was at least as good in the white fillings. HOWEVER - you must be meticulous when placing white fillings. A poorly placed white filling will have new decay under it within a matter of weeks or months - not years. If I can not get a good (dry) environment for placing a white filling, I sigh a little bit and go ahead and use a silver filling. If you do a search on the safety of silver amalgam fillings, you will find time and time again that the ADA, AMA and anyone else that matters says that they are safe. No legitimate study has been done to show that they are dangerous. There are days that go by that I don't use any silver at all, but then there are days when I place 2 or 3 silver fillings and I'm glad that I still have that option.

As far as gold fillings, they have the potential to last a lifetime. I personally have a few that my father did over 30 years ago and I saw many that he did in other patients that lasted over fifty years. The only reason I cut the longevity off at 50 years is that, after that long, most of those patients died. They, too, must be done to near perfection, though. The thing about gold is that it is still the most compatible with the wear rate of natural teeth. That is, they do not wear down the opposing tooth like white fillings or porcelain crowns do and they do not wear down faster than natural tooth structure the way that silver fillings do. Granted, the differential in wear between tooth structure and the other materials is not that tremendous, but if you are looking for a life of 30 years or more out of a filling, it adds up.

As far as asking how long tooth-colored fillings last, let me say this. I have been putting white fillings in some back teeth for about 25 years, way before the material was really designed for this application. Many of those fillings are still there, because I was very cautious about where I did them. I'd say I was really on the bandwagon by about 1985-1990 and practically every while filling I've done (to my knowledge) is still serving. That's "only" 15-20 years for the oldest ones, but I have only just begun to see some that need replacement because of wear and those that I am replacing are around 20 years old or more.

2006-07-20 01:04:58 · answer #2 · answered by Picture Taker 7 · 0 0

metal/gold amalgam fillings are stronger than the white composite fillings..

if this is used at the molars occlusal surface.. if it is done properly they can last 50 years or more. and also if you take good care of your teeth and your diet..

metal silver fillings do have mercury in it but if mix with other material like alloy and tin they became a totally different sort of metal.. if mix in the right proportion mercury should not leak out of it.. that's why its hard as a rock. small amount cannot kill you.. fish has mercury for heavens sakes..

if you do lost a lot of tooth and the teeth is mostly filling then a gold crown or porcelain crown should be use.. amalgam silver filling would not be good any longer because they don't bond to the teeth as good as the white fillings.. they also chip or crack on the side if you bite on them awkwardly.. but yes they do last longer than the white fillings... if used on back molars occusal surface..

the white fillings last for a while too but they tend to flex and leak if they are used on molar teeth..the white filling that is put on a tooth that is very deep it tends to be sensitive.. most white filling is used in the front teeth for appearance sakes, silver one are mostly at the back molars.. the white fillings also get stains if your a tea or coffee drinker..they tend to get a litte yellowish or change to a darker shade.. ..

but if you dont like the metal looking ones you can always ask for crowns.. on the molar teeth...crown do cost more than the normal white fillings..but they are as strong as the metal ones too.. just hope the cement they used to bond it is very strong and would last you to your grave..

as my dentist said if its not broken dont fix it..

ps.. implants has only been introduce 20 years or less .. no one really knows how long they last too... few of the patients weve seen complaints of a little sensation on there gums...

pps.. white fillings do look good.. but do you want a filling that looks good or last longer? your choice really you can always ask your dentist what you want..they mostly do what is good for you...most, not some most of them..its a trust thing.. if you dont trust your dentist then look for another dentist that you trust ..

2006-07-20 07:09:23 · answer #3 · answered by yen12rs 3 · 0 0

White fillings are not as strong as either amalgam or gold. However, they will last 10 years and up. When they are as strong as the metals then we will all be using them for posterior teeth. What kind of use and abuse they are subjected to is critical. Kelloggdental

2006-07-20 00:34:54 · answer #4 · answered by kelloggdental 3 · 0 0

I heard metal fillings leach something into your body - mercury or something. I read an article about a woman who was very sick for years and all her doctors told her it was all in her head. It turned out to really be in her head - more specifically, her fillings! She had them replaced and she is symptom free now.

I've had a white filling for over 10 years. Maybe your brother's dentist wanted to get rid of his metal inventory.

2006-07-20 00:29:17 · answer #5 · answered by Kate 3 · 0 0

in my experience, it's total bulls hit. if a white filling is done correctly, it will last indefinitely. i've had one for 15 years. what's more important is that silver filings contain mercury, which is toxic. get the white fillings, always, and stop pretending you're going to live forever. your teeth will be dug up by archaeologists one thousand years from know, and they will comment on the quality of your white epoxy dental work.

2006-07-20 00:28:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would rather see white, at least its normal looking. Gold and silver look cheap (I know its gold, but it a freaking FILLING so it looks like someone didn't care for their teeth). At least with white you can obscure that fact.

I do realize that some teeth are chalky and will have problems no matter how well you take care of them, sorry.

2006-07-20 00:27:46 · answer #7 · answered by AdamKadmon 7 · 0 0

They do last longer the white clear ones do, any dentist will tell you that. The metal/gold are dangerous.

2006-07-20 00:26:03 · answer #8 · answered by Tracy L 1 · 1 0

I think Dentist have a conspiracy against us. my Dentist said the white fillings last 30 years because they bond to teeth better.

2006-07-20 00:25:56 · answer #9 · answered by guitarvocals 2 · 1 0

no ..not necessary ..it depends ho u take care of them .. white filling is basically white cement ,, it is ok but in my view silver or goild might be better but it doed not look good when u smile , where as white blends with the tooth colour ...

take good care and ur filling will last long !!

2006-07-20 00:30:52 · answer #10 · answered by Elmo 2 · 0 0

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