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14 answers

quite a bit actually --- same with the mormon episode....

2006-07-19 17:14:27 · answer #1 · answered by theevilfez 4 · 1 2

Having studied and applied Scientology for the past 35 years
(obviously I am a Scientologist) I can only say that getting your
information about a religion from "South Park" (!) and various bogus websites will not give you an accurate concept of what it is about.

Just for the record , here is a pretty good description of what the religion of Scientology is about :

Scientology is an applied religious philosophy. When I say "applied" I mean you actually use it in your life to change or improve existing conditions. This is different from a religious practice. All religions if you learn about them have a basic philosphy, but they also have certain dogma, rituals and observances, and a certain faith or belief is required. There is nothing wrong with this, but Scientology is not that kind of religion. It does not intrude on anyones faiths of beliefs particularly in the area of God , the Supreme Being, or the Infinite. This area is left totally up to the indivdual, which is why you can be a practicing Jew,for example and still use and apply the priniciples of Scientology in your life. It does not conflict. If anything it will enhance your understanding of your chosen religious practice.
You can have no specific religious beliefs and still benefit from using it.
And it is only true for you according to your own observation and experience with it.
It is a non denominational religion . The dictionary definition that applies:
Religion: The spiritual or emotional attitude of one who recognises the existence of superhuman power or powers.

The most basic principle of Scientology is that YOU are your own immortal soul, that this is not a "thing" you HAVE but what YOU actually are.
The whole purpose of Scientology is to increase an individual's understanding and awareness of himself. And thereby his native abilities .
When you do this the sphere and zone of his positive influence increases and moves outward into his life, his family ,his friends, his groups and mankind which he is part of.

How this result is achieved is the "technology" of Scientology, which was developed by L.Ron Hubbard after his extensive research and the discoveries he made, about the human spirit. The basic religious philosophy and knowledge of Scientology is very old, going back 10,000 years at least to the Veda or Vedic Hymns from the East. The developement of the technology is new.
He completed his research before his death in 1986 and left all of his results and copyrights
to the Church of Scientology along with most of his considerable estate., when he died.

He published a book in 1951 to communicate the basic principles he discovered called: " Scientology The Fundementals of Thought"
There are currently over 8 million Scientologists in more that 150 countries world wide. However we are a new religion, only 55 years old.
The true story of Scientology as a religion goes like this:
1. A philosopher developes a philosophy about life and death.
2. People find it interesting.
3. People find it works.
4. People pass it along to others.
5. It grows.

Note the absense of any "belief" in aliens....
Honestly, you need to be more aware that there can often be a "hidden agenda" when you are using a broad communication line like the media, internet websites or TV as your ONLY source of data. You also need to actually take a look for yourself to really know about something for yourself.
Otherwise all you will have is an opinion, which may or may not be based on any facts.

By the way a "Story" can also be true or ficticious.
For example, The Bible is full of stories.

2006-07-20 02:15:29 · answer #2 · answered by thetaalways 6 · 0 0

Pretty much all of it. All the facts presented about scientology are true (Xenu, the airplane spaceships, e-readers, etc.) Whether it is a scam or not is debated by Scientologists but anyone taking an objective view of L. Ron Hubbard's life and the Church's actions will probably agree with that assesment.

2006-07-19 17:19:33 · answer #3 · answered by Terry G 2 · 0 1

This is what the Super Adventure Club actually believes!

2006-07-19 17:15:48 · answer #4 · answered by korngoddess1027 5 · 0 0

All of scientology is a lie led by satan

2006-07-19 17:14:19 · answer #5 · answered by Carol M 5 · 1 1

Go look it up on wikipedia, it's pretty crazy crap, I almost fell over laughing at some of this stuff.

2006-07-19 17:16:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yeah most of it... This information has been released through court cases where scientology confirmed this was the real OT III.

See it here:

What is Scientology?

“Scientology is a system of beliefs and practices created by American pulp fiction[1][2] and science fiction [3] author L. Ron Hubbard in 1952 as a self-help philosophy.”

See here for a critic’s view:

See here for scientology’s own view:

Scientology is considered a religion in some countries, a profitable organisation in others, and in some it is considered a cult whose practises have been banned. For example, the US gives Scientology tax exempt status, whereas Germany and Belgium have called it a “totalitarian cult” and a “commercial enterprise”. France in 1995 classified it as a dangerous cult. The UK refused charitable status in 1999. Russia has a pending court trial over their refusal to register scientology as a religion.

I personally believe scientology to be a dangerous cult that lies to and tricks adherents into believing they are improving themselves and the world around them, while they are for the most part doing the exact opposite. It is made up of good people with good intentions that have been unfortunately deceived just because they do want to help others and themselves live better lives. It appeals to a person’s good intentions, and therein lies the trap.

It seems to have been set up to make money, and indeed they have been very successful at it – although the money is all at the top and not with the actual people delivering the services. Indeed Hubbard is quoted as saying "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion"

What do they believe?

Scientologists’ beliefs differ depending on how long they have been in the church, as the higher levels are considered secret and even dangerous to the initiated or unprepared. This is part of why I believe it to be a cult, it hides its true teachings from new members in order to gain & keep adherents.

Scientologists believe that L Ron Hubbard came up with the only workable technology/practises/teachings to help and unlock mankind’s potential. It is believed that by taking part in scientology auditing and learning all the various ‘tech’ a person will become more capable, becoming firstly a ‘Clear’ and then an ‘OT’. Various spurious claims have been made about the state of a ‘clear’ and ‘OT’ amongst which are immunity to illness, removal of physical ailments, perfect memory, increased IQ, increased health & fitness (and thus longevity), and then moving on to the more strange such as being able to exteriorse at will (out of body experiences) and control of MEST (ability to change matter, energy, space and time at will). Needless to say scientology has never successfully demonstrated any of the claims they make about their ‘tech’.

Scientologists believe:
- Man has an immortal soul called a thetan.
- You have a primitive reactive mind which is the source of much of man's problems, which collects "engrams" from traumatic times or when you are unconscious.
- A lot of physical illnesses/problems are psychosomatic caused by "Engrams".
- You can 'audit' engrams out and this will solve your issues and clear up your health. They also believe it makes you a more intelligent, aware and reasoned individual.
- Reincarnation and the ability to know these past lives and get to more engrams this way.
- Paying lots of money to scientology for there tech, courses, and auditing.
- Getting more people into scientology so they too can become ‘clear’ and thus save the world…

If they have got to OTIII, then the belief changes slightly.
- The universe is quadrillions years old.
- Xenu the Intergalactic Space Lord ruled a confederation of overpopulated planets.
- Xenu took a load of these aliens from each planet and brought them to earth.
- They were then exploded in volcanoes 75 million yrs ago.
- Their souls were then caught on ribbons and taken to implant stations, where Xenu brainwashed & confused them so they wouldn't leave the planet. This includes implanting all the world religions.
- These Alien souls called Body Thetans have attached to humans, and are infact the real cause of your problems and why you get and retain engrams...
- You audit these body thetans out by auditing there engrams and taking them back to the Xenu incidents I & II.
- People have jaw aches from when they were a clam in human evolution....hence the name of the main critical site Operation Clambake.

How are they different to other religions?

The church often claims it is unjustly persecuted, and to show such files normally countless of libels every year and other such court cases to silence criticism; no other religion hounds and harasses its critics. I believe that scientology is different from other religions, the main one being that potential members are lied to when they start. See below, under ‘Why it is often described as a cult’ for all the reasons.

Why are they often described as a cult?

They lie to members to gain and keep them.
Try to find the story of Xenu at the scientology site for example.

They say it has been thoroughly researched using the scientific method when it hasn’t.

They hound and harass critics:

They use mind control techniques: http://www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/groups/documents/scientology/pignotti

They limit outside information via censoring, condemning it the work of criminals, as well as via disconnection with family.

More on similar stuff here:

For some in-depth research I recommend reading some books written by ex-members.

"Scientology is both immoral and socially obnoxious...It is corrupt sinister and dangerous. It is corrupt because it is based on lies and deceit and has its real objective money and power for Mr. Hubbard... It is sinister because it indulges in infamous practices both to its adherents who do not toe the line unquestionably and to those who criticize it or oppose it. It is dangerous because it is out to capture people and to indoctrinate and brainwash them so they become the unquestioning captives and tools of the cult, withdrawn from ordinary thought, living, and relationships with others."
Justice Latey, ruling in the High Court of London:

Here you can see scientologists in action:


2006-07-19 22:48:14 · answer #7 · answered by Xenu.net 5 · 0 1

If you wish to find out..... look at the source. It's pretty bad.

2006-07-19 17:20:11 · answer #8 · answered by calibeach777 2 · 0 0

Its south park... cmon.

2006-07-19 17:16:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All of it!!! Religious people are crazy!!! Run for the hills!!!

2006-07-19 17:14:58 · answer #10 · answered by mike s 1 · 0 0

read up about it,knowledge is true power

2006-07-19 17:15:56 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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