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I attend a school, where it is unsafe for me to go to school. Where the principle, herself publicly, discriminates againist, gay peole. What did I ever do to her? The entire school hates and I am not lying from forms one to five, or in the American grading style (grade 6 to 11). People come up to me and insult me, so I just wanted to know what I did to them or to anyone. And what is with the bible being used as a references? How much data has left out and omitted over the years, with something with that kind of history, how can it possiblely be used as a source to make me feel like I am lower on the white line one the road, as my principle is clearly of the opinion of.

2006-07-19 17:01:58 · 34 answers · asked by tomcat2278 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

I used to be one of those "stone perverts to death" people, until I too began to question what is in the Bible, and how and what is omitted from it and how it is translated.
In one Bible it says homosexuals but in another translation by so called popular Bible scholars it says THOSE WHO ARE IMMORAL. Still in another Bible it says "sinners".I found out that a lot of other books that originally make up the Bible are not in it, and that they were purposely left out.
In my Bible it says "obey the government" but in an old bible I found it simply says submit to the higher powers. Well to me at least, that could mean submit to God.
Our government is trying to take God out of schools etc, so how can the bible mean to submit to it, and even the bible plainly says what can light have to do with darkness(i.e. what relationship can there be between good and evil).
And the Bible also says to test everything to see if it is true, and if it is accept it. Well, when you have a gay woman help you when you are hungry, and 20 so called Christians pass you by , what does that tell you? Something is not right some where and someone is lying.
I totally believe now that the Bible has been diluted to fit organized religion and government, and that the two work with each other to try and keep the people under their total submission.
This has occured with Catholics for centuries and now it is happening right here in the usa.
And when I was in college, and I studied becoming a minister, we all took information from THEOLOGIANS. Well all they are are people who use THEORY to try and detemine what the Bible says, and not necessarally(did I spell that right?) what is Bible fact.
So I'm too a little weary of Bibles. Does the Bible really say to stone homosexuals? or was it put in because some young boy made the local priest mad? Who's to say. And did you know that pedophilia is even in the bible? Read numbers 31: 17 and 18

2006-07-19 17:21:26 · answer #1 · answered by aguyinthewoods 4 · 1 0

Because they are demented by their bigoted belief that Christians are superior to everyone else. What they don't realize is they are going against the word of God by hating people who are Gay.

They use the bible to justify that hate. Oooooh, what are we going to do when we get to the Pearly Gates and discover that God might be a lesbian or a regular Adonis?

I think Gay bashers are blaspheming against God. They adamantly profess God hates Gays. What they are tacitly saying is they have a direct email line from God, and that God only communicates with them. Come on.

The rest of the tacit part of the message, though, is they are supposing they know what God would say or how He would react. Are they able to read God's mind? No.

They are saying they know what God would do. I believe that's getting real close to blaspheming. They even go so far as to put words in God's mouth. Now the way I was taught to worship God--that is hard-core blasphemy.

All aboard the express train--next stop Hell.

Hank Feral

p.s. The problem is not you. It is the faulty thinking of arrogant bigots. This is kind of like the Islamists vs the Israelis problem. The Israelis have done nothing to evoke the wrath of the Muslims. It is the Muslims who hate the Israelis for no other reason than what is said in the Koran that's causing the problem.

You don't have to do anything to the Gay-bashers. They hate you just because you are. They think they are justified in that belief by a few words in the bible, which in their craziness they are reading to enforce their bigoted beliefs.

2006-07-19 19:14:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My advise is that you have to accept it. May be you will meet some people who will be more understanding. However "contempt" is the main response which people can give

You do not have to go about declaring yourself to be a "gay" You may do things discreetly and try to be as normal as possible. There is nothing like being a gay or normal. It is just a frame of mind. May be you will come across a female with whom you can share a good sexual relation. With the advance in years and when you attain maturity things will be alright. I know a man who was a closet gay but he got tired of that. He married a girl and eventhough the beginnings were a bit difficult as he had some reservations about having sex with her but slowly things improved and they are happily married with kids. For a long time he did not take on any gay lover. But still sometimes he pursues his gay activities but discreetly. So do not bother yourself too much with these issues.

2006-07-19 17:16:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Religions need large families, so that whoever controls the religion controls the majority of people. It's a power trip.

I remember a movie I saw in my teens, in which a priest was teaching that a woman was required by God to bear as many children as her body could produce in her lifetime. I remember a large scandal in Eisenhower's administration, whether women on welfare should be given birthcontrol information, or required to have children they could not care for financially. The outcome was that the welfare cost was too high, and so women on welfare were allowed access to information on preventing pregnancies that women who could afford private doctors had had for years. And the argument is still going on about welfare women having access to abortions.

Religions need to have rules to keep their influence over peoples' hearts and minds intact, because again, majority rules. the more soldiers a religion can field, the more likely the battle will be won.

So I think all religions have to make taboo anything that does not promote the set of beliefs, and produce many innocent minds for indoctrination.

Gay people obviously are not producing the innocent minds for indoctrination by the religion. Therefore it is a sin and you are laying yourself open to a major guilt trip, if you profess to be gay.

I am sorry for the way you and others are treated. I believe that homosexuals are born, and that since God don't make no junk, homosexuals are still God's children as much as any other person is.

I do not condone gays "initiating" virgins into the lifestyle, because rape is rape whether hetero- or homo-sexual.

Who knows? Maybe God made homosexuals as a method of population control? Don't you think He thought that far ahead, that He knew that the time would come when the planet was over populated?

But if you are still in highschool, how do you really know you are gay? I read one time that about eighty-five percent of males thought they could be bisexual, according to a survey. And most of the males surveyed were living the American dream, of a wife and 2.3 children and a house in the suburbs.

I wish you the best of luck. It's hard to need the approval of your peers and society in general. But that's the way God made people, to need other people.

2006-07-19 17:43:56 · answer #4 · answered by elaine_classen 3 · 0 0

The Bible is a lot of people's road map to life... they stake their life on what it says. So, it's hard to tell anyone to step away from those beliefs and not trust what they know in their hearts. With that being said, even if people disagree with your lifestyle choices they have no right to insult you or discriminate against you. I myself, believe that a gay lifestyle is wrong... although I trust the Bible, nature tells me that two men or two women were not meant to be together in a sexual way. However, I am a teacher, and I would never allow my students to make fun of or insult another student based on their sexual preferences. All people, even your principal should learn to respect you as a person even if they do not accept your lifestyle choices.

2006-07-19 17:09:24 · answer #5 · answered by ???? 3 · 0 0

its not you, its because you are either in a religious school- or a religious area. Most of the time people dont care, I work with 6 gay guys do u think i treat them any differently? Nope. Not at all. Some people have less understanding then others and its usually those christians or catholics etc. Thats why Im jewish. I stand outside the box. Even though im straight. I do not judge based on sexual preference.

2006-07-19 17:06:25 · answer #6 · answered by cats4ever2k1 5 · 0 0

If anyone truly hates you that is wrong. The bible does not say that we are to hate you. It does say that homosexuality is wrong. But we are not to hate anyone.
Having said all that, I wonder if you have noticed that there are plenty of other people getting picked on in school. I have a kid with a disability so I know it happens all the time. School age kids are trying to establish their pecking order. that is who is the lowest to the highest. I'm not saying that it's right, just that it is part of human nature. Now I notice something unusual about your question. You don't mention that any atheist are picking on you. I find it hard to believe that every atheist is on his best behavior when in your presence. So I have to ask how much of this is truly people hating you and how much is them not agreeing with your lifestyle? Saying that homosexuality is wrong is not hateful anymore than saying "don't do drugs" . I know that part of the strategy of homosexual activist is to make themselves appear to be the victims whenever possible.

2006-07-19 17:23:48 · answer #7 · answered by unicorn 4 · 0 0

First people are scared of someone or something different. Even true Christians are hated and persecuted. The thing to remember is that hate and contention is a tool of the devil. I truly believe that to have sex with someone of your own gender is a sin. I also truly believe that there are people born with the same feelings for their own sex as I have toward the opposite sex. To them I feel very sorry. I also believe that if a person wants to change bad enough they can alter their feelings at least somewhat. No matter the way you find to resolve you problem I wish you the best of luck!

2006-07-19 17:22:27 · answer #8 · answered by saintrose 6 · 0 0

well, first in the bible it is a sin called sodomy and like any other sin a person needs to repent and stop doing it..
Second it is contrary to nature, what you are doing and many people just do not want their children around people that do those things. Like a drug addict, I would not leave my kids willingly with a known drug addict.
One of the basic precepts of society is the family unit and sodomy is directly contrary to the family. I am just writing so you will understand and not necessarily agree.
I for instance would not treat you badly, but would not invite you to my home if I had children as I do not want them to learn or accept your lifestyle. This probably offends you, but I am trying to be real and answer your question. I would not go out of my way to be bad to you or insult you, but I am sure others will..

2006-07-19 17:04:51 · answer #9 · answered by † PRAY † 7 · 0 0

Because they have been educated into rejecting what you happen to accept, they are deeply afraid of what you stand for, and use you as a release of their fears. It's a bit like, "if you knew that by killing an ant, you could avert great evil, would you not kill that ant?" Unforunately for you, you seem to have made yourself that very visible ant, and they think your world is the evil they are so afraid of. I can only say, get out of that environment, start anew elsewhere, and be smart this time. Don't be open about yourself in an environment where you won't be understood. Keep your secrets.

2006-07-19 17:12:24 · answer #10 · answered by Tahini Classic 7 · 0 0

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