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2006-07-19 16:55:59 · 34 answers · asked by bustin1ms 1 in Family & Relationships Family

34 answers

Well I can only come up with five that really matter. I hope they help.

1) Let a parent/carer know where you are at all times, if you change your plans you need to let them know of the changes.
2) If it feels wrong, sounds wrong, or looks wrong, it probably is wrong. Talk to a sensible grown up about it.
3) An almost-adult needs to accept almost-adult responsibility to be awarded almost-adult priveleges.
4) Arguments can only be carried out in the follwing manner:
only normal conversation sound levels are permitted
each person needs to listen for as long as they speak
5) The public areas of the house are public responsibility so it is your responsibility to tidy the lounge, wash the dishes, vacuum, sweep, mop. clean them all and any other task required.

2006-07-19 17:32:57 · answer #1 · answered by wollemi_pine_writer 6 · 0 0

1. Do not worship anything but God.
2. Do for yourself what you are able to do.
3. When you have a conflict with mom and dad, do not cuss or disrespect your parents.
4. The more trustworthy you are the more independence you will have.
5. Be home by 9:30 school nights, and 11:30 weekends, if you miss curfew, set it back 30 minutes for 3 months, then extend it out by 30 minutes for every month you meet it.
6. Clean up your area, every day. Do you own laundry. Cook one meal a week for the whole family.
7. Finish and turn in all school work. If you forget there is a financial penalty for the inconvenience of having to hold you accountable.
8. Spend 1 hour a day interacting face to face with your parents.
9. Be polite, say thank you and please.
10. When you are asked to do something you don't want to do, do it anyway, and then ask why, and be willing to sit down and listen to the full answer.

2006-07-19 17:09:26 · answer #2 · answered by Miss Mary 2 · 0 0

1.) No profanity. Adult language is for adults that know when it is appropriate. It is not appropriate to use it in the presence of those you respect (teachers, bosses, parents, etc.).

2.) No illegal substances. Not at home or outside of the house. No exceptions. Dire consequences will follow stupidity.

3.) No one is outside their bedrooms later than the parents are. If the parents go to bed at 10, so do the kids. This allows for everyone in the household to get adequate sleep. No one is productive after the parents go to bed anyway.

4.) No phone calls or instant messager during dinner or after 9pm. Unless someone is dying, it can wait. Perspective people!

5.) Everyone will spend time each week taking care of the house. The amount of time spent taking care of shared living areas should equal the fair share of work (i.e. if there are 4 people in the family, each one should spend 1.5 days taking care of the shared living spaces). Shared living areas include bathrooms, kitchen, living room, and yard.

6.) Each person's personal space shall be maintained at least once a week.

7.) Parents shall retain the responsibility of assisting their teenagers with decision making, narrowing down the choices, when needed. For example, a teen wears flip flops in the snow should have the flip flops stored for the winter so that the teen can make more appropriate choices.

8.) No recreational endeavors until homework (and college paperwork, etc) is complete.

9.) One day a week will be reserved for the entire family to do something together (a movie night, or a monopoly).

10.) Once a month, the family will participate in volunteer work together. Volunteer at a local event, a soup kitchen, fixing up the neighborhood, whatever. The point is to find the joy in doing selfless acts.

The object of all of these rules is to allow the teens to learn and practice what it takes to grow up into responsible, successful, and happy adults.

2006-07-19 17:30:04 · answer #3 · answered by Kristonia 3 · 0 0

1) Do your homework.
2)Curfew is 10:00, no exceptions
3)Keep your cell phone on at all times and answer when I call.
4)Eat three healthy meals a day.
5)Volunteer for at least 2 days a month.
6)Respect our home by helping to keep it clean and do not be destructive.
7)No going to a friends house overnight unless I know the parents and know that they will be home.
8)You must be involved in at least one extra-curricular activity.
9)You must earn your spending money. This can be done with a part time job or by doing extra household chores. If grades slip below a 3.0, you have to quit until it is back up.
10) No unsupervised computer time and I need to know each password to your email, IM etc.

2006-07-19 17:05:09 · answer #4 · answered by amoroushotmama 4 · 0 0

1 speak respectfully
2 contribute to the running of the household
3 be home at a reasonable hour (negotiated with parents)
4 schedule homework and stick to schedule (I think kids should have free time after school and be in the house in the evening but some think that homework should be done right after school and let the kids out in the evening. I feel this could lead to trouble)
5 don't touch anyone or anything when you're angry (no slapping you sister, no slamming doors etc.)
6 no illegal activities - smoking dope, drinking under age, driving without a licence etc.
7 always be where you say you are or always let me know where you are, when you are leaving, when we can expect you to get home
8 make responsible choices and let parents talk to you about responsible choices etc. (no rolling you eyes or scoffing when parents are trying to protect you from something, for example, when they say things like - i want to remind you that the roads are slippery tonight so please be extra careful when driving home from the gym.
I think that's probably enough. Remind them what consequences might be, how much you appreciate their cooperation, how proud of them you are, how much they are loved, and don't forget to hug them.

Boy, I wish I had this figured out when I was raising my kids.

2006-07-19 17:12:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good question and I wish I could answer. We raised 3 kids and I can't tell you what we did specifically. For the most part we treated them like they were intelligent and not just idiots. Some discipline was involved, but nothing drastic and mostly pre-teen. All 3 turned out great. No drugs, no alcohol, no smoking. All working or going to college.

I think for the most part we just set a good example and didn't preach to them about anything. When necessary, we didn't back down.

This might be the important part. They never felt we didn't mean what we said. We didn't get physical, we just let them know that we were serious and expected a certain level of behavior. We didn't threaten and not follow through. If we said they didn't get something if they misbehaved, they didn't get it. If you threaten and then let them get their way you have lost all credibility and control.

2006-07-19 17:07:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. If you can get to know your friends so can I.
2. Curfew.
3. Wherever you go I must know, and expect me to drop by unexpectedly from time to time.
4. I will supervise what music tv shows and video games yopu are influenced by.
5. If you cant talk to me, you are not spending enough time with me.
6. Smoking and drinking and anything else your friends ignorantly consider "fun" is a no-no.
7. No homework no telephone.
8. I will supervise your time on the computer.
9. Dont be "fun crazed" Read books too.
10. If you have to hide who you are from your friends. They are no friends of yours.

But remember its not like teenagers are monsters or terrorists, Hazrat Ali (as) said: teenagers are like the type of soil in which no matter what type of seed you sow it will grow.

This is why it is important to monitor their influences. I hope this helps. Best of luck!

2006-07-19 17:00:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. no partys, 2. keep your room clean. 3. help with chores parents arent ur maids, 4. answer the telephone when it rings, 5. do your homework and stay in school 6. help take care of any siblings when the parents need help. 7. communicate with your parents about where your going and when you will be back and phone numbers so they dont have to worrie. 8. be and act responable. 9. help around the house. 10. Be respectful.

2006-07-19 16:59:41 · answer #8 · answered by cats4ever2k1 5 · 0 0

1. Obey your parentsand all of their rules and take the consequences maturely when you don't obey.2-9 obey your parents 10. If your parents hurt you physically, mentally,emotionally or verbally, or neglect you by not having enough or no food,no warm clothes in cold weather, involve you in any activites that you know are wrong for your age, leave you alone for extended periods of time, or leave you with someone you don't trust,or lock you in a room regularly, tell your teacher, principal, grandparents, friend's parents or call 911. Get help before it gets worse.

2006-07-20 20:31:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The 10 commandments! Plus a curfew.

2006-07-19 16:58:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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