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THe others claim it to be profound. Christ did'nt die so people could work on the Sabbath..yet at one time God thought it important enough to declare death as the penalty...who has a rational answer?

2006-07-19 16:24:12 · 18 answers · asked by Plan 9 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

G-d states that the law is eternal over and over. So unless you think he changed his mind (something he said he does not do) then the law is very relevant and always will be.

2006-07-19 16:30:55 · answer #1 · answered by Quantrill 7 · 0 0

The varied writings in the Old Testament were never meant to be taken literally. They are part allegory, part cultural fable. In other words, folklore. Their purpose is entirely respectable, in that they were intended to teach young people and new converts about the culture and society they were born into or were joining as converts.
Every culture has its guidelines, or mores. Certain behaviors and attitudes are expected and others are not, and the texts in the Old Testament were a means of expressing the what, when, why, where and who.
In addition, the Old Testament is not a document appropriate for reading like a novel. It is not a chronological story of humankind, as some mistakenly assume, stretching from Adam and Eve to the beginning of the New Testament. What surprises many people is that Genesis is not the oldest text to be found in the Old Testament. The story of Jonah and the Whale, for instance, is much older. Other texts found in the Old Testament are also older, some by more than a thousand years, than Genesis.
Those who chose the texts that are included in today's versions of the Old Testament didn't often consult with each other, so that there are numerous instances of actual disparity within the Old Testament. That's why you can't take it as the unbroken, unchanged, inerrant, literal word of God.

2006-07-19 23:38:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Bible is a compilation of literature, from oral traditions as old as time, and contains many contradictions; it is a history of the development of human understanding of God.

There are those who profess to believe that any Bible is truly the inspired Word of God.

It is also fact that the original writings have been translated several times, from one modern language to the next, sometimes, instead of from the original scrolls to the destination modern language. You've heard of something being lost in the translation? The Bibles we have are certainly differently understood than the original scrolls, because of the translations, and one language not having an exact word meaning the same thing as the original Hebrew, or Greek. There is also the fact that any spoken language changes daily, with new words coming into use, and ordinary usage changing the meaning of some words.

One of my dear friends said to me one time, "I believe the Bible is the Word of God, but I know it was written down by a man."

So, through human interpretation of language, of culture, and also human need to control others, the Bible as we know it, has major contradictions. Not all Bibles even have the same books, because some groups have rejected the content of some of the ancient scriptures.

But the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule, and Jesus' commandment to "Love one another" are just about the best standards that the human race has come up with so far, to live together in peace and honor.

2006-07-19 23:51:30 · answer #3 · answered by elaine_classen 3 · 0 0

Please don't look at the Bible as the word of God. It says kill people because they are gay, shave the sides of their head, touch a woman in some circumstances..has talking animals, Angelic demi gods from the sky, dream with visionary power, seers, priest, animal sacrifices, and so and son. Don't use the bible as the basis for your moral code. We don't need any more people like that, there is enuff already.
Jesus is no different. Born from a virgin, descendant of god, king lineage, walks on water, raises the dead, heals the sick, dies, rises 3 days later, and apparently 40 days later flys up into a cloud, and goes to heaven.
Don't base reality on this book. Or do as others christians do anyway. Pick and choose from the bible. Just pick the rational stuff (it is there, try proverbs or Ecclesiastes).....if you must read it
You will ALWAYS find irrationality in the christian church. This wont be your only question. Keep it up, soon they will have nothing to do with you. But hold on. Keep seeking truth. And then you may live life and life abundandtly!!

2006-07-19 23:36:52 · answer #4 · answered by CJunk 4 · 0 0

That is the problem of Christianity. If the Old Testament is to be taken literally that means God was only fooling with the Jews and all ltheir suffering was for nothing because Christians not Jews who were told they they were the chosen people, will inherit heaven. If it is not to be taken literally, then how do we know that the New Testament is not just a parable and that God will not do away with it and choose another group and abandon the Christians as he did the Jews?

2006-07-19 23:36:52 · answer #5 · answered by October 7 · 0 0

Much of the Old Testament uses metaphor to deliver its message. This fact makes the document open to interpretation. Also, the texts were written to a society very different from ours and, therefore, the application of its message is often misleading. Every Christian, however, should read and study the Old Testament because it is a large part of our beliefs and our history. I would suggest finding a good Bible commentary to aid you in your study.

Also, pay attention to the type of book you are reading in the Old Testament. Different types of books have different methods of delivering their message. For example, Daniel is a biblical narrative. These narratives are not meant to deliver a generally applicable message, but to show how God is working in people's lives. Proverbs, however, is meant to deliver nuggets of wisdom with the understanding that they cannot be applied to every situation.

As for the laws of the sabbath, Jesus himself comments on these laws throughout the Gospels and makes it clear that he upholds the spirit of the Sabbath. Remember Jesus came to fulfill the law by providing the final death for our sins.

I hope this helps you in your spiritual journey.

2006-07-19 23:39:12 · answer #6 · answered by lilejeff 2 · 0 0

the old testament is relevant because it demonstrates the close relationship that God had with His followers. it also lays the foundation for the new testament as it defines the lineage of Jesus through the house of david back to adam and eve.

as for the penalty of death, that was and is, the damnation or eternal separation from God, for not following his covenants.

there are many rational answers, but God is the one with the absolute, definitive answer.


2006-07-19 23:30:52 · answer #7 · answered by eaglemyrick 4 · 0 0

Jesus quoted from it
Writers of the New Testament quoted from it
Archeolgy uses it to find old civilizations
Even Sodom and Gomorrah were found by the O.T.
Future prophesies rest in the O.T
Creationist and evolutionist debate it

Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law for us SO DON'T GET HUNG UP ON THE SABBATH, otherwise condemnation would rest on all of us.

2006-07-19 23:46:06 · answer #8 · answered by rapturefuture 7 · 0 0

The entire Old Testament of the Holy Bible points in one way or another to the Messiah. That's why it's relevant.

2006-07-19 23:30:08 · answer #9 · answered by Bimpster 4 · 0 0

The Bible as a whole was meant as a guide for man. Most of the old Testament is concerning history, prophecy, and laws. The laws, all of them were meant to show mankind that there was no way he could obey all of them to get into Heaven. In fact, the old testament was meant to be put with the new testament, to clearly show the impossible road to Heaven by obeying laws. ROMANS 3:20 says: NOW DO YOU SEE IT, no ONE CAN BE MADE RIGHT IN GOD'S SIGHT BY DOING WHAT THE LAW COMMANDS. FOR THE MORE WE KNOW GOD'S LAWS THE CLEARER IT BECOMES THAT WE ARE NOT OBEYING THEM, HIS LAWS SERVE ONLY TO MAKE US SEE THAT WE ARE SINNERS.
So the old testament serves its purpose, it along with the new testament are further proof that no one can truly obey all the laws.
Also, there's tons of prophecy in the old testament, relative to today's society.
Then there is the history. History of great men of faith and what God did for them. FAITH BUILDERS is what I call them. There are tons of stories in the old testament about men who faced great odds, and against all odds became victorious, because they put their faith in God only, and not in themselves, which is what God expects all of us to do.

2006-07-19 23:39:02 · answer #10 · answered by aguyinthewoods 4 · 0 0

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