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last evening i was driving and i must admit i was driving very fast as i had a lot of drink,,,then i knocked down a dog on the road,,,i got out of the car and the dog was breathing but i left it their,,,,do you think it will be ok????concerned....ps it was a lovely dog also...

2006-07-19 16:23:18 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

26 answers


2006-07-19 16:47:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Being a dog lover my first inclination is to hate you for doing such a horrible thing. However since you realize what a incredibly terrible thing you have done now that you are sober, I think the first thing to do is return to the scene of the accident. See if you can find the dog, or where he lived. If you can find the owner I would tell them everything you have told us and offer to pay for medical charges (if the poor puppy indeed did survive) and offer to do anything in your power to help if she didn't. Obviously you shouldn't be drinking and driving. Had this been a child you would undoubtedly be in prison. When a dog is hit by a car (especially at high speed) their body organs can explode. If that didn't happen then there will be bruising of the lungs which if it goes untreated can cause death (very painful). There's also the road rash and broken bones not to mention the trauma that comes with that kind of shock. What you should have done was take the dog with you to a vet and have them contact you in the morning. I do hope you will follow at least some of my advice. Please let me know what happens.

2006-07-19 17:55:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is a very difficult thing to have happen to you and though I don't agree with what you've done by leaving it lay there, I completely and totaly understand the fear you must have had rush through you when you realized you hit it.

It's hard to tell if it will be okay or not. I've had several dogs brought in to me that were hit by cars; most just a minor case of road rash but once their "wind" returned, they were happy, bouncy dogs again (and most learned to stay away from the road). I had one dog brought to me just absolutely tore up from having been intentionally hit by a car. He was so big and the car sat so low to the ground, witnesses actually say he was dragged 10 feet before becoming unravled from under the car, bounced against the bumper and thrown to the curb. He survived though.

There is nothing you can do about this now so please try to relax. If you have a free moment when the sun is up, consider returning to the area you think you hit the dog and search for him. You can also call the sheriff's department, police or animal control and tell them where you were at and that you think you may have hit a dog out there. They will probably drive out to the area and look (the call can be unanimous too).

Good luck!

2006-07-19 16:38:25 · answer #3 · answered by Adoption P 3 · 0 0

I think the general rule or etiquette is to see if you can help the animal. Sometimes they can be knocked unconscious. If no-one knows right away who the owner is, then take the animal to the Vet.. Find a way to get a picture of the animal. You can put the picture in the paper to try and find the owner. Go to the nearest pet store, often lost animals are posted there.
It is a complicated world we live in, and pets have taken a very special place, so do the best you can for the animal and the owners.
Thanks for asking. I would look for a more formal answer if I were you.

2006-07-19 17:00:01 · answer #4 · answered by zclifton2 6 · 0 0

I can only hope that after reading the above you feel compelled to do something to make it right. What you did was wrong....and even if that dog died, you are not off the hook. Do something for your local animal shelter (money works or volunteer) and/or find out who owned the dog and get them a new one or offer to pay the vet bill. Just find a way to make it right.....what goes around, comes around and karma has a way of getting you in the a** and she has sharp teeth....figure it out and make it right. AND NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! ps watch the drinking and driving....next time it could be a kid.

2006-07-19 16:42:01 · answer #5 · answered by miatalise12560 6 · 0 0

its a criminal offence to leave a dog its a reportable accident but you fled the area cos you were drink driving and 2 you are being an *** if you drink and drive what would you have done if it was a child i hope the dog haunts you every time you close your eyes and you get genital warts thanks for the 2 points please people dont pity this guy he was saving his own *** cos he was pissed and speeding he never thought about the dog till his guilt got the better of him. is he even sure the dog was on the road he may have been driving on the pavement or anything i dont have sympathy with drink drivers all they do is cause others misery

2006-07-19 16:40:49 · answer #6 · answered by omnigomni 3 · 0 0

put it this way....if you got hit by a car and couldn't get up and was hurt what would you want done for you ???? You should have got help either by calling the RSPCA or taken the dog to a vet. You hit the dog and it is your responsibility to make sure that the dog gets medical treatment. Thanks to you that dog may have been dying and suffering. If you are behind the wheel of a car you are responsible for that vehicle and what is on the road.

2006-07-19 16:31:24 · answer #7 · answered by Answers 1 · 0 0

You do realize that you could have killed the dog? Just because the dog was breathing doesn't mean that there weren't any internal injuries. What you should have done is take the dog immediately to an emergency vet to be examined and scanned for a microchip or ID tag.

2006-07-19 16:29:41 · answer #8 · answered by seeress_of_hell 2 · 0 0

WHY would you leave the dog there? Why couldn't you just have got out of your car and waited for someone to stop....maybe someone could have found the owner. That dog was probably someone's pet that they loved very much. Taking it to a vet would have helped. Doesn't matter if you were drinking....you had to think about what you did. And now you're worried about it? Please......

2006-07-19 16:28:46 · answer #9 · answered by trueblond195 5 · 0 0

Leaving a hurt animal behind is not a good thing. If he was really hurt you should have reversed and run over his head and put him out of his misery. Otherwise taken him to a vet. If you are trying to get rid of guilt, try finding the dog/owner and confessing.

2006-07-19 16:31:30 · answer #10 · answered by blind_chameleon 5 · 0 0

some poor child is gonna be heart broken.......just so you can have a drink..if you gonna drink call a cab....or stay where you are...don't drive..next time it could be some one you know....here a little story...grandma and mom decided to get grandson-son a car for his birthday..he took it out,to show a few friends,have a few drinks,on his way home he had a head on,he went to the hospital,the 2 people in the other car had died,but he did not know,that the other 2 people he killed..was grandma and his mom...all for a few drinks....so think before you drink and drive....

2006-07-19 16:52:58 · answer #11 · answered by bam592002 1 · 0 0

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